Coconut Oil results?



  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member
    I use it on my hair and skin more than I eat it. In fact, I don't use commercially produced facial cleansers anymore. I just mix equal parts coconut oil and baking soda and wash my face with it. I also use it as a leave in conditioner. My hair and skin have never been better.
  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member
    Options is a pretty great blog if you want some real world advice about fats in your diet. :smile:
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
  • pennydreadful270
    pennydreadful270 Posts: 266 Member
    What I've seen about suggests it should increase your HDL. If it doesn't, and you are replacing olive oil for it, that's worrying. :/
  • ccadroz93
    ccadroz93 Posts: 136 Member
    Is this safe to use with latex??!

    Yes. It is. That is what we use it for. :-)
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member

    There are many major studies and experts that refute the fat insanity that we've all been led to believe. It's out there and so is lots of research that says the opposite. It's easy to only look for research that support one's existing views; it's a mistake that many of us make, including scientists. Since I work in the science field, I am able to read scientific reports on all kinds of issues and deduce how the study was influenced, funded, what the agenda was and whether the research is valid. Researching food and nutrition is difficult due to the impossibility of isolating all factors. We are human, we do lots of different things, we eat lots of different things. Much of my dietary research involves history and anthropology too which a lot of researchers have neglected to consider. I have strong opinions that are mostly based on observing my Inuit neighbours and through experimenting on myself. How my health reacts to a diet is ALWAYS going to mean more to me than someone else's research and peer-reviewed paper. Remember, our peers are subject to all the misinformation that we are too.

    If you experienced problems with coconut oil and you were able to isolate it to just the one factor; great, I accept that and you shouldn't eat it. However, I still think your information is wrong overall considering what I have researched for the last number of years, and especially in light of my own health improvements from consuming a high fat (including saturated) diet. There are many people who share my views, including some here on MFP.
    Can you please show me some actual studies on this? Not articles, but studies. Thank you!
    Also a recent analysis also showed that 75% of admitted heart attach victims in North America has LDL in the 100 range and almost 20% under 70.......It's a little more complicated than LDL. This site is for Dr's that study lipids and the comment section is interesting.
  • clareymsmith
    clareymsmith Posts: 1 Member
    I bought a jar of Extra virgin Coconut Oil from Holland & £16 I was a little shocked at the price. However, I have been taking 1 tblsp dissolved in a little hot water, every morning and in the evening for over 2 weeks and I have to usually very bloated stomach is significantly flatter!!!! and I have lost 3lb, after weeks of struggling to lose anything! I have tried plenty of 'the latest crazes' water and lemon, blueberries etc and never seem to have any results, but I have to say the coconut oil is working for me!
    I think everyone needs to make sure they are using the solid Extra Virgin oil and not the liquid form which you can buy in supermarkets...maybe this is why some people are not seeing any positive results.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    The 'results' I've had from coconut oil is some very moist tasty chicken etc. it's also helped my crows feet, dry skin on my arms and smoothed my hair. (I have a separate tub for kitchen and bathroom btw).

    It's not a weight loss supplement just a nice cooking oil (with higher burn point than olive oil) with the added benefit of being good for skin and hair.