how about the venus index?

Has anyone used it? It looks like a straightforward heavy-lifting plan focused on strength building. And it sounds like an awesome program- but I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with it.


  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I've seen a handful of spam-ish posts about it. So you shouldn't have too much trouble finding info on it. try searching.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Overpriced (600 bucks for the full system) reinvention of the wheel. Don't bother. If you want to get into lifting, below is a ton of free info along with a book that is 30 bucks hard copy or 10 bucks on kindle.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Overpriced (600 bucks for the full system) reinvention of the wheel. Don't bother. If you want to get into lifting, below is a ton of free info along with a book that is 30 bucks hard copy or 10 bucks on kindle.

    holy hell. I didn't know the program was that expensive.

    NO PROGRAM will cost you more than 50 or so dollars for an ebook unless it's a complete scam.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Overpriced (600 bucks for the full system) reinvention of the wheel. Don't bother. If you want to get into lifting, below is a ton of free info along with a book that is 30 bucks hard copy or 10 bucks on kindle.

    holy hell. I didn't know the program was that expensive.

    NO PROGRAM will cost you more than 50 or so dollars for an ebook unless it's a complete scam.

  • It's about $40 for a 12 week program, and since I'm a total newb, I thought having that specific direction (a good gameplan, if you will) would be beneficial.
  • I just started this plan. I didn't check out Phase 2 or 3, but the Phase 1 was about $50. I didn't think that was too unreasonable. I'll let you know how it goes, lol. My first lifting day was yesterday. I'm sore, but that's to be expected. I won't be paying $600 for the full system, that's for sure. I'm hoping that the first phase will allow me to make good habits and get started. I'll see where I am at the end of 12 weeks.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    It's about $40 for a 12 week program, and since I'm a total newb, I thought having that specific direction (a good gameplan, if you will) would be beneficial.
    Try New Rules of Lifting for Women. It's a 6-month program, costs about $15 for the book or you can get it from the library.
  • @rmf626- That's exactly what I was hoping to do-- I just need a good place to start, and it looks like people got good results in the 3-months time! If I look like a goddess by the end of the first round, heck, I'd probably pay anything to keep going. It's worth it to me. :) I'm going to friend you so you can tell me how it goes!
  • If you want to try a good FREE lifting program. Check out Jamie Easons LiveFit on
    You get a step by step on how to do each move, nutrition guide line, really good recipes, and little motivation videos from Jamie via emial. It's a pretty good program for free.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Ask this lady on here...I believe she is a coach for it...I know she can give you ALL of the info that you need and she looks Awesome!!!

    Hope this helps!! :)

    Here is a link where I found out about this: (page 2)
  • thanks for the tip, almc170! :)
  • thanks! having something for free sounds awesome!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Overpriced (600 bucks for the full system) reinvention of the wheel. Don't bother. If you want to get into lifting, below is a ton of free info along with a book that is 30 bucks hard copy or 10 bucks on kindle.

    I don't know where you got your $600 from, but just a quick google, and following the first link it gave the price is $39.99USD.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Overpriced (600 bucks for the full system) reinvention of the wheel. Don't bother. If you want to get into lifting, below is a ton of free info along with a book that is 30 bucks hard copy or 10 bucks on kindle.

    I don't know where you got your $600 from, but just a quick google, and following the first link it gave the price is $39.99USD.

    phase 2 and 3 are $600
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Ask this lady on here...I believe she is a coach for it...I know she can give you ALL of the info that you need and she looks Awesome!!!

    Hope this helps!! :)

    Here is a link where I found out about this: (page 2)

    None of us Venus girls are employees of Venus. Those of us who have our pictures on stuff is because we entered one of their contests and placed. They run 4 contests a year and you submit before and after pictures. They get to keep the pictures and do what they want with them. Yeah they are making money, but I'm so happy with my new life I do not care.

    The VI phase 1 is a great place to start. It is where I started and I was leery at first. It gave me my goals. It's not just a workout but it gives you the tools to figure this out for yourself without having to hire a coach or a PT. That is what I loved about it. It is like teaching you to fish instead of handing you a fish to eat. It flies in the face of all the rest of the diet and fitness industry. I will never look at a fitness magazine the same.

    When I started my weight loss journey I just wanted to get to a size 8 and look fit. Because of the goals set fort in the phase 1 books I got to a size 2-3 and super fit. Just the one book will do it. You don't need the whole package. But the whole package is way more than a workout. It is more like a lifetime membership and it was far less when I bought it last year. You get access to leading edge information and podcasts and research. Demand is high so the price is going up. Yeah they are making money, but I am so happy with my life and having the tools to keep it that I do not care, even if they make money off me. I have my own destiny now, and it's not in selling someones products, I feel it in my gut.
  • Bobbie, thank you for the info! I'm really interested in this. I've been "muscular" all my life, but this layer of fat has sort of crept up on me, and I know I don't look as good as I could if only I knew where to start. I'm probably going to give this a shot once I finish the rest of the 30 day shred- just to be fair to that program. :P
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    phase 2 and 3 are $600

    that's absurd. and the people involved w/ it on this site should be ashamed of themselves for contributing to ripping people off.
  • chayleah
    chayleah Posts: 51 Member
    I have been looking into this as well and I'm thinking of buying phase 1. From what I understand each workout is different, which interests me because I tend to get bored easily. I think the $40 for the first phase is reasonable....I probably wouldn't do phase 2 & phase 3 unless they go back to selling them individually.
  • TinaLRoman
    TinaLRoman Posts: 41 Member
    Overpriced (600 bucks for the full system) reinvention of the wheel. Don't bother. If you want to get into lifting, below is a ton of free info along with a book that is 30 bucks hard copy or 10 bucks on kindle.

    I don't know where you got your $600 from, but just a quick google, and following the first link it gave the price is $39.99USD.

    phase 2 and 3 are $600

    If you purchase phase 1 on it's own it's about $40. You can purchase this alone and get awesome results.

    For IMMERSION, you pay the $600 or a payment plan. But understand it's way more than just phase 2 and 3. You get access to EVERYTHING they offer, including any updates and new programs for life. If you bought everything separate, it's going to cost way more than the $600
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member