Weight related relationship advice...

zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
My partner is normally only attracted to women who are thin enough to be on the side of unhealthy. I'm approximately 140 lbs overweight... How do I handle my insecurities?

It doesn't matter that "he's with me" because people often stay with people they're NOT attracted to for a variety of reasons. I'm not asking for reassurance that he is attracted to me. I'm more wondering if this has happened to any of you & how can I deal with it, without being neurotic & self-conscious?


  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    It's very difficult to do, especially when you go out and your partner has wandering eyes. There's a lot of skinny, lightly dressed women out there to look at, and it can drive your self esteem straight down into the ground.

    Just remember that above all, you are trying to get healthy for YOU, and regardless of what all those skinny *****es look like or dress like, you are an amazing person with so much more to offer then any of them. Good luck, it can be a very difficult road to walk, and just remember. Don't let the *kitten* get you down! Stay positive!
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    If he's normally only attracted to women that are on the side on unhealthy and he chose you -- at 140lbs overweight. He must've seen something in you that he didn't see in those girls.

    Maybe you're wrong about what he finds attractive.
  • RoosMommy01
    My husband loves women with big round butts! *LOL* I, myself, have the flattest butt you will ever see on a person but he's still with me. I've asked him numerous times why would he choose me to be with knowing that he is a "butt" person and he always tells me that he loves me for a lot of other reasons and that my flat butt doesn't bother him.

    I just don't let it bother me. Guys are going to look at other females the same way that girls look at guys. If all he is doing is looking then i wouldn't worry about anything.
  • reklawn
    reklawn Posts: 112 Member
    Honestly, for me, even when I lost weight I still had that neurotic feeling. I don't think people like to admit they're self conscious or that they have weaknesses so they deny them when asked but we all have them. Just as I am sure your boyfriend would start worrying (even if he doesn't admit it) about you wanting something else if he saw a large decrease in your weight, especially as your confidence goes up.
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    I sympathize with your dilemma. In the end, he will probably end up being with they type of woman he wants.

    I would consider the fact that you know his preferences to be fortunate in that you can end the relationship now before you're completely invested and left broken hearted.

    And while your single, I encourage you to go become the most kickass, badass, amazing woman you can possibly be. Cause I think you have it in you...

    Best wishes on your journey... =D

    One other thing... confidence easily takes 20 - 30 pounds off your body weight. Find it and use it liberally.
  • LNZimmer
    My partner is normally only attracted to women who are thin enough to be on the side of unhealthy. I'm approximately 140 lbs overweight... How do I handle my insecurities?

    It doesn't matter that "he's with me" because people often stay with people they're NOT attracted to for a variety of reasons. I'm not asking for reassurance that he is attracted to me. I'm more wondering if this has happened to any of you & how can I deal with it, without being neurotic & self-conscious?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 years. When we met, I was 185 (Had just lost over 130 lbs) and he told me (NOT in a mean way) that I was the thickest girl he had ever dated. Now, 6 years and 1 child later, I am back over 300 lbs, and for the longest time questioned everything. But what I did was have to just open my eyes and realize:

    1. He wouldn't be there if he didn't want to be.

    2. Just LOVE yourself. You have to do that in order to feel and understand the love they have for you.

    3. Be open with him about things. My boyfriend would get so mad because I have TONS of clothes, but don't wear any of them. I would be almost embarrassed when I would get dressed and wear the same thing all the time. Finally, I told him "Look, I just can't fit into anything in there!!!" He now doesn't ask...LOL

    4. Just keep working on yourself and doing good things for yourself. I will tell you right now, until you are OK with yourself, those insecurities will not go away. But honestly - they are there whether you are heavy or skinny. All women struggle with that at one point or another. It is how you handle, grow and build yourself up that will determine if they stay or go.

    Sorry - this is kind of a ramble...but if he doesn't give you a reason to feel insecure, then just work your way through them and talk them out of your head. I have to do that all the time, but my boyfriend has never once said anything negative about my weight. He just wants me healthy so I can be around for a long time. :)
  • BeckZombie
    BeckZombie Posts: 138 Member
    It may seem a little silly, but this always helps me feel better about myself. Sit down one day and write a list of things you like about yourself--physical and personality-wise.

    Keep that list around and look at it when you feel insecure.

    Also, physical preferences change. I almost always go for tall, skinny guys, but I've been known to fall hard for short, thicker guys, too. It's all about the person inside.
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    If he's normally only attracted to women that are on the side on unhealthy and he chose you -- at 140lbs overweight. He must've seen something in you that he didn't see in those girls.

    Maybe you're wrong about what he finds attractive.

    He & I knew each other casually for awhile before dating, & we had discussed our types. His own words were "tall, thin girls that look like boys". I'm willing to believe that he sees something in me he loves, I mean he must have, but it doesn't mean I'm visually pleasing to him, you know?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My boyfriend thinks Jenna Elfman and Salma Hayak are the epitome of gorgeous. I look like neither of them and they don't look like each other. That doesn't mean he isn't attracted to me, too.

    The boyfriend doesn't look like any of the famous people I tend to find most attractive, either. Doesn't mean I'm not attracted to the boyfriend.

    Men are going to look. Well, so are women. We're mammals. It's in our genes. But he chose you, and unless you were thin to the point of unhealthy when you met him and then gained a bunch of weight, I don't think you should worry about it.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    This is happening to me as I speak. My husband is from Central America and has only dated tiny little things his whole life. Being with me was an adjustment for him (he didn't have to tell me, I just knew), but he lets me know every posible moment how beautiful he finds me and how he loves every part of my body. Despite his unsolicited encouragement, I still feel like a disgusting cow, but I am using that for motivation. It makes me want to work harder to look nice for him and, further, have the same opinion about myself as he does. I'm actually going to counseling to deal with this and other isues because if I let myself think about it, it makes me depressed, especially since I'll always be huge compared to him because I'm a good 6 inches taller than he is.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    My partner is normally only attracted to women who are thin enough to be on the side of unhealthy. I'm approximately 140 lbs overweight... How do I handle my insecurities?

    It doesn't matter that "he's with me" because people often stay with people they're NOT attracted to for a variety of reasons. I'm not asking for reassurance that he is attracted to me. I'm more wondering if this has happened to any of you & how can I deal with it, without being neurotic & self-conscious?

    You are admitting your insecurities and asking if you can be this without being neurotic and self conscious - sorry but that is a bit of a oxymoron there - If you have insecurities being neurotic and self conscious are a part of that condition, The old adage "you have to love yourself before you can love another" is in play here. The only reason why people are insecure is because they do not like something about themselves, I see that you have an EDNOS diagnosis, I hope that you are seeking counseling for these feelings as well because relationships are a strong drive for binging and what not -

    Sorry I couldnt be of more help but I think everyone with an EDNO's has gone through this and the insecurity / feelings of neuroticism and self consciousness is the very root of the insecurity itself. If I was not self conscious I would not be insecure, if I was not self conscious I would not be so neurotic about how I look / smell / behave etc.

    Good luck -
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    My husband loves women with big round butts! *LOL* I, myself, have the flattest butt you will ever see on a person but he's still with me. I've asked him numerous times why would he choose me to be with knowing that he is a "butt" person and he always tells me that he loves me for a lot of other reasons and that my flat butt doesn't bother him.

    I just don't let it bother me. Guys are going to look at other females the same way that girls look at guys. If all he is doing is looking then i wouldn't worry about anything.

    It's not about him looking (though that doesn't HELP my self-esteem as I battle with eating disorders). It's more about a personal insecurity that eventually he'll find someone that looks like all his exes & I'll be a less attractive option.

    You know... I'm realizing how crazy I sound writing this all out haha
  • LNZimmer
    If he's normally only attracted to women that are on the side on unhealthy and he chose you -- at 140lbs overweight. He must've seen something in you that he didn't see in those girls.

    Maybe you're wrong about what he finds attractive.

    He & I knew each other casually for awhile before dating, & we had discussed our types. His own words were "tall, thin girls that look like boys". I'm willing to believe that he sees something in me he loves, I mean he must have, but it doesn't mean I'm visually pleasing to him, you know?

    GIRL-->>You are visually pleasing to him. Society has RUINED us. No lie. RUINED us. We compare ourselves to what society thinks is beautiful.

    Just know that he finds you beautiful! And that's all that matters.
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    Just as I am sure your boyfriend would start worrying (even if he doesn't admit it) about you wanting something else if he saw a large decrease in your weight, especially as your confidence goes up.

    Whoa, that's something I hadn't even thought of... that helps actually in a (probably unhealthy) huge way.
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    I sympathize with your dilemma. In the end, he will probably end up being with they type of woman he wants.

    I would consider the fact that you know his preferences to be fortunate in that you can end the relationship now before you're completely invested and left broken hearted.

    And while your single, I encourage you to go become the most kickass, badass, amazing woman you can possibly be. Cause I think you have it in you...

    Best wishes on your journey... =D

    One other thing... confidence easily takes 20 - 30 pounds off your body weight. Find it and use it liberally.

    Thank you for the honesty & the well wishes.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I know this feeling all too well. Granted, my boyfriend tends to like the chubby girls, I feel I'm not just "chubby" I'm fat. But he also draws a lot of eyes from those skinny lightly dressed girls and it gets nerve wracking. To him though, he states he's not attracted, he only has eyes for me etc. But still, when you see a girl that's skinny and showing every inch of body she can that's publicly acceptable... your self esteem drops... or you're like me and want to just punch her.

    Since you don't want the reassurance he loves you and is with you for you this is the only other thing I can say that I used to hear from several of my closer guy friends.

    A guy may LOOK at skinny girls, and he may be "attracted" to them, but in the long run they're not after some sexy girl that is more than likely a slut. He sees that as "fun". He's looking for a woman that will be able to bear his children (primal instincts) and be a good lover. For that they're looking for more than just the outside. Yes, there has to be a level of attraction, but chances are he finds you attractive phsyically and loves you internally. Depending on how he is though, some guys are just players. They want whatever they can have sex with and they don't care who they hurt in the process. It's another notch in their belt ot say "I sleep with hot girls" compared to "I have a fantastic woman who loves me and I can stay with".

    It's hard to explain, but being phsycially attracted and emotionally attracted are different. If he thought you were dog ugly, you'd probably know it. So chin up and stay strong.

    That and like someone said before, you're working on getting fit and being a healthier better you. If he stays in your life during, that's great. If he leaves you for someone else who cares, with the new you that you're striding for, you'll be able to find someone who actually appreciates you for you :)
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    You need to look at your insecurities outside of your relationship. Your partner does not and should not determine your value as a person - that is up to you. I have been overweight for over 20 years. I just married my wonderful partner of 7 years. I was 275 pounds when we started dating - he is 7 years younger and many of his friends could not believe he would date someone older and fat. I didn't let my weight determine my value. I am intelligent, educated, talented and a great person to hang out with. He was attracted to who I am, not what I weigh.

    Have confidence in WHO you are. The number on ths scale doesn't change it. And if he isn't with you because of WHO you are then you shouldn't waste your time.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    My partner is normally only attracted to women who are thin enough to be on the side of unhealthy. I'm approximately 140 lbs overweight... How do I handle my insecurities?

    It doesn't matter that "he's with me" because people often stay with people they're NOT attracted to for a variety of reasons. I'm not asking for reassurance that he is attracted to me. I'm more wondering if this has happened to any of you & how can I deal with it, without being neurotic & self-conscious?

    I'm about 10lbs heavier than where I want to be but far from overweight.

    My SO has. Always dated unhealthy skinny women so I can relate. Best advice I can give you is to tell him how you feel. Mine was really bad about that stuff and commenting on my weight and it made jealousy rear it's ugly head.

    Another piece of advice is to focus on you and getting yourself where you want to be :smile: hopefully your confidence will boost as well
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    As a mature lady, I would suggest that perhaps your partner is attracted to the REAL you, the personality that is YOU! What ever size or shape you are or will be he'll like your sense of humour, your charisma and the fact that you make his day!

    My other half is a lot larger than he used to be, I would say I prefer slimmer, trimmer men, but honestly, I've not met anyone to compare to him, bonus is he puts up with me!

    All men look at other women, my frien once told me that when he had a large chested gf he would look at tiny tops and visa versa!
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I sympathize with your dilemma. In the end, he will probably end up being with they type of woman he wants.

    I would consider the fact that you know his preferences to be fortunate in that you can end the relationship now before you're completely invested and left broken hearted.

    And while your single, I encourage you to go become the most kickass, badass, amazing woman you can possibly be. Cause I think you have it in you...

    Best wishes on your journey... =D

    One other thing... confidence easily takes 20 - 30 pounds off your body weight. Find it and use it liberally.

    wow... Mr. Sunshine here...

    On another note, men aren't ALL shallow. We look, we like, but at the end of the day, you are with the woman you like to be around. No matter how hot a chick is, if she is annoying as hell, you can't stand her after a week and she becomes "ugly". Maybe he likes you for the person you are.

    Hot is for flings, personality is marriage material.