Marathon Newbies Group week three!!!



  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I feel like I need to have a sick day but I work from home and the phone rings all day so I end up working anyway.

    I am so drained. Hoping to run tomorrow afternoon.

    Princess-take it easy - you don't want to be drained for this weekend.

    amy-how was the hike?

    chen-hope you're feeling better!

    olive-I am intrigued by groups-I've seen a group of women on Tuesdays running together - maybe one day I'll be brave enough to stop and chat with them and see what's going on in their running world!
  • oliveoil7979
    Good Evening all,
    I just had to post. Tonight I RAN 3.4 miles. And what's so amazing is that I have been doing this for a couple weeks now. Tonight was the night I got curious so when i got home I retraced my run in my car. It is so amazing to think that only 3 months ago I couldn't even walk around the block and now I am running mileS at a time. Sorry, just had to gush for a moment.

    I hop you all are doing well, and those that have been under the weather are feeling better.

  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Sounds like everyone has spring fever - literally.

    Princess - Good Luck on your race.

    OliveOil - You have a right to be happy with yourself. And that is what we are here for, to have some place to state your accomplishments with people who understand. I am excited for you.

    I learned a valuable lesson of not going out right after a 7 mile run without eating a hearty meal. My blood sugar dropped and I couldn't eat, which made things worse. Doing better now.

    Today I did a 3 mile easy pace run. It felt good, and I am hoping that it will offset the pizza at work for lunch today. They ususally get salad and pizza so I load my plate with salad and get 1 slice of pizza. I hope today's talk will be interest.

    I hope everyone feels better. Happy Running.
  • princesspurple
    Hi OliveOil...You are doing great!! Isn't it great to amaze yourself?:)

    Chrissy-I hope you are feeling better stinks!

    Cheonachem, thanks...I am a bit nervous now. Today I tried to run, I did a 'granny' run for 4 miles. So much for the 8-10 I had planned! I could barely lift my feet. I am going to eat a burger on a bagel tonight, I have not had anything really filling since this thing started. My run is in 5 days. I ran last Sunday a 10, this Sunday sick, so no long run this week. I think I will be ok....I have been training pretty much on target up until getting sick. I plan on being healthy and by Sunday, ready to run. It looks like it is going to be much cooler than now, only around 50, which is better for me than being too hot. Still trying to figure out my attire!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Today was 5 miles of interval work for me. Felt pretty good. Was cold out this morning (36) but at least the wind has calmed down. The Arroyo's had a bunch of water in them this morning so, it was like running next to a gentle stream today. Since it was dark, it was easy to forget I was in the middle of the city.

    Hope all is going well with everyone.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Hey ladies!
    Looks like everyone is doing so well. Good luck on all your runs!!:bigsmile:

    I have another question, I am getting VERY painful side stitches when I run. I have tried pretty much everything to prevent and treat them, but nothing seems to work. Do any of you have any techniques, ideas or suggestions that could help me solve this problem? I feel like bending over is the only way to relieve them, but I end up stopping every couple of minutes and I cant do that when I'm doing my half.
    I have tried: different amounts of food, different amounts of water, stretching, lifting my liver, bending over, taking deep slow breathes, tightening my ab muscles, putting pressure on the area.
    I honestly feel like my ribs are broken when I am running.
    On Saturday, I ran 10.4 km and so the first two km I had side stitches and then they went away and I was fine for the rest of the run. The Sunday and Tuesday I had 4.8 km runs and I had the side stitches for pretty much the whole time. At some points I even felt like I couldnt breathe.
    I absolutely love to run but these side stitches are killing me.
    Any advice??? I need all the help I can get . . .

    Thanks!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Hey ladies!
    Looks like everyone is doing so well. Good luck on all your runs!!:bigsmile:

    I have another question, I am getting VERY painful side stitches when I run. I have tried pretty much everything to prevent and treat them, but nothing seems to work. Do any of you have any techniques, ideas or suggestions that could help me solve this problem? I feel like bending over is the only way to relieve them, but I end up stopping every couple of minutes and I cant do that when I'm doing my half.
    I have tried: different amounts of food, different amounts of water, stretching, lifting my liver, bending over, taking deep slow breathes, tightening my ab muscles, putting pressure on the area.
    I honestly feel like my ribs are broken when I am running.
    On Saturday, I ran 10.4 km and so the first two km I had side stitches and then they went away and I was fine for the rest of the run. The Sunday and Tuesday I had 4.8 km runs and I had the side stitches for pretty much the whole time. At some points I even felt like I couldnt breathe.
    I absolutely love to run but these side stitches are killing me.
    Any advice??? I need all the help I can get . . .

    Thanks!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    I found that particular foods did this to me. They made me gassy. I can't eat banana's for example or I have that problem or burp the whole time. Try switching out what you eat prior to your run or when you eat. My husband has a similar problem if he eat within 3 hours of a run, no matter how small it is.

    Other things I have tried and have worked is creating a regular breathing pattern, to not gulp to much air. I have heard of people chewing gum while running to prevent side stitches.

    Hope something works out for you. Good Luck on your 1/2.
  • princesspurple
    Hi Jay....I had the same problem a few times....1 thing I cant do is eat pasta and sauce the same day as a run!:) Starting too quickly can do it also. Now, if I get them, I know it is not from the food. I have read about a few breathing techniques that I have tried and they have worked.
    Prior to a run, take a few larger deep breaths before stepping out.
    Once you are running, start slowly....starting out too fast isn't good...if you get a side stitch, keep running but slowly and breath out everytime your OPPOSITE foot hits the ground. I read this somewhere about running and it actually works:)
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hey ladies!
    Looks like everyone is doing so well. Good luck on all your runs!!:bigsmile:

    I have another question, I am getting VERY painful side stitches when I run. I have tried pretty much everything to prevent and treat them, but nothing seems to work. Do any of you have any techniques, ideas or suggestions that could help me solve this problem? I feel like bending over is the only way to relieve them, but I end up stopping every couple of minutes and I cant do that when I'm doing my half.
    I have tried: different amounts of food, different amounts of water, stretching, lifting my liver, bending over, taking deep slow breathes, tightening my ab muscles, putting pressure on the area.
    I honestly feel like my ribs are broken when I am running.
    On Saturday, I ran 10.4 km and so the first two km I had side stitches and then they went away and I was fine for the rest of the run. The Sunday and Tuesday I had 4.8 km runs and I had the side stitches for pretty much the whole time. At some points I even felt like I couldnt breathe.
    I absolutely love to run but these side stitches are killing me.
    Any advice??? I need all the help I can get . . .

    Thanks!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    I found that particular foods did this to me. They made me gassy. I can't eat banana's for example or I have that problem or burp the whole time. Try switching out what you eat prior to your run or when you eat. My husband has a similar problem if he eat within 3 hours of a run, no matter how small it is.

    Other things I have tried and have worked is creating a regular breathing pattern, to not gulp to much air. I have heard of people chewing gum while running to prevent side stitches.

    Hope something works out for you. Good Luck on your 1/2.

    funny bananas seem to help me with all cramps including side stiches.

    I've heard read somewhere that is your diaframe (I know I tortured the spelling) cramping - focus on long deep breaths from the start on your run. Keep your shoulders back and head up not looking down - helps keep your airways more open - crazy stuff but it's stuff that's helped me with my breathing.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Having issues with major leg cramping - read about it today....need to increase calcium, hydration, limit caffeine, alcohol and sugar....I'll throw in a few bananas for good measure! Hopefully it will help.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Having issues with major leg cramping - read about it today....need to increase calcium, hydration, limit caffeine, alcohol and sugar....I'll throw in a few bananas for good measure! Hopefully it will help.

    Every women athlete I talk always stresses that as active women we have to have our calcium and iron each day. I bought a multivitamin recently to help me with that. I am ok on calcium but not iron.

    Hope you recover soon.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Today I did a 2 mile easy run. It is the first time I have run 2 days in a row and my feet are really sore. Tomorrow I am hoping for a recovery bike ride but we will see. I am not sure I want to go bad enough to skip my one sleep in day of the week.
  • oliveoil7979
    Hello All,
    I hope your running is going well.

    I have a question for the group. I am in the Phoenix are and our weather is starting to heat up. Last night it was almost 90 degrees while I was running. It was miserable, and for the first time since I started running, I couldn't finish the run. I walked the last mile.
    Other than the obvious, and drinking plenty of water, does anyone have any tips for hot weather running? I know it's only going to get worse from here. I don't even want to think about when we hit triple digits.

    Hope you all have a great weekend, and great runs.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I have a question for the group. I am in the Phoenix are and our weather is starting to heat up. Last night it was almost 90 degrees while I was running. It was miserable, and for the first time since I started running, I couldn't finish the run. I walked the last mile.
    Other than the obvious, and drinking plenty of water, does anyone have any tips for hot weather running? I know it's only going to get worse from here. I don't even want to think about when we hit triple digits.

    I live in Albuquerque, so I understand. At least it is a dry heat. The only way I have found to battle it is to run before sunrise in the morning. It is the coolest time of the day and the sun is not beating down on you and the pavement has had time to cool down. I know that even in the morning at times it can start at 70 degrees or so. Make sure to carry water with you and expect your heart rate to be more elevated than normal.
  • princesspurple
    I only had 20 minutes for lunch, did a quick 2mile on the treadmill ........16 minutes! It felt great....2 more days! Tomorrow-rest/stretch...Sunday run a half:)
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I only had 20 minutes for lunch, did a quick 2mile on the treadmill ........16 minutes! It felt great....2 more days! Tomorrow-rest/stretch...Sunday run a half:)

    Good Luck. I will send you good race vibes.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!! I feel that I have mastered the side stitches. I ran 11.2 km today and I NEVER got side stiches!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I took your advice and started slower than usual, had a slow,deep breathing pattern and breathing out when my left foot hit the ground. I also didnt drink any coffee at brunch today, which I think is one of the reasons why I was getting the side stitches. I find that coffee makes me quite gassy. So todays run went sooooo well. Thats what running is suppose to feel like!!!:bigsmile:
    Thank you all!!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!! I feel that I have mastered the side stitches. I ran 11.2 km today and I NEVER got side stiches!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I took your advice and started slower than usual, had a slow,deep breathing pattern and breathing out when my left foot hit the ground. I also didnt drink any coffee at brunch today, which I think is one of the reasons why I was getting the side stitches. I find that coffee makes me quite gassy. So todays run went sooooo well. Thats what running is suppose to feel like!!!:bigsmile:
    Thank you all!!

    Awesome !!!:smile:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I had a strange run yesterday that I had to cut short. I had a guy was stocking me on a bike. I run on bike paths in the middle of city, but they are pretty remote as the walls between the houses and the path are around 8 feet tall. So I ran a bit faster to the next major street. The guy and I did a "leap frog" act where he passed me then I passed him for a bit then I notice him stop and unload the stuff he was carrying on his bike. Next time he passed me all he was carrying was a big flashlight. At the next major street I let him pass me and then slowed down and drank water while I watched him. I watched him get off his bike and hide in some trees. I think if I tried to go by him again I would have been a statistic in the ditch somewhere in the city. So I turned around and called my husband on my cell phone and while we were talking the creepy guy passed me again, picked up his stuff and went in a different direction.

    I took main roads back home. I think I am going to find a new running route for a bit. It is unfortunate the timing since it is getting hotter so I would like to run in the mornings. However, for the next week at least I think I am going to run at lunch.

    Today is a cross training day. Tomorrow is a 3 mile run.

    Happy and safe running to you all.
  • princesspurple
    Chenoachem should report that...really, you don't want someone not paying attention to be the statistic....freaky!

    Okay girls..........I finished! I ran the whole thing, 2 hours 16 minutes and 1 second!