Over 50 crowd



  • DLKeeble
    DLKeeble Posts: 200 Member
    I think I'm doing fairly well. I'm on target for 1 pound per week. I am 52 and am hypothyroid. It is doable. I try to lighten up my recipes and manage by portion control. I weigh and measure everything. I just started paying close attention to my sodium and have about 10 glasses of water a day. I also try not to go below 1200 net calories a day and exercise 5 to 6 times a week.
  • charanne52
    charanne52 Posts: 88 Member
    I just turned 60 yesterday and have been here since mid-April. I quit smoking 5 years ago and since then let my weight spiral out of control (never had weight issues prior to that) and came here to get my body back. I have lost 26 pounds (with about 30 more to go) and am very happy with the way I am progressing. Someone told me that it is harder to take weight off when you are older but I'm not finding it that difficult at all. I actually like healthy foods so that part is easy for me although I have an enormous sweet tooth and I've changed my sedentary life style to include a daily 2 mile part walk/part jog routine and a 30 minute stint on my exercise bike. I've made some great friends here with similar goals and it really helps having their support.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    I'll be 58 in Nov I'm an Old Army Master Fitness Trainer, and a Recreational Professional now, and things are going well, if any of you would like to Ruck up and hit the trail... I say "I am the Infantry-Follow ME!"
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    Definitely over 50 here and in better shape than I was in my 30's. I run 10 miles per day, every day, on the treadmill at an incline of 10. I warm up at 7 MPH and then crank up the speed to 8.5 - 9 MPH. (If I don't run every day, I feel out of sorts....20 years ago, I would have said, "Not a chance! I could NEVER do that!) Burns a LOT of calories, and I know the calorie count is correct because I had a Sports Medicine physician, a Cardiologist, and a Trainer hook me up and do the calculations.

    Tracking my food intake is interesting. Sheesh, I'm boring...eat practically the same thing day after day and I've been under my calorie goal since day one, probably because of how many cals I burn every morning. On the plus side, I eat a lot of healthy foods that are relatively low in calories and I sure don't starve myself or go hungry! I also enjoy some decadent delights on occasion.

    I do what I do to maintain my current weight and to keep tabs on my cholesterol and triglycerides. It's working because my weight has remained stable at 124 pounds. I'm not losing or gaining. Like I said, I'm boring...same food, same workout, same weight. :smile:
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    <----51 3/4 here and I'm faster, stronger, leaner and healthier than I've been since I was 25! Total gym rat - guess that's my version of a midlife crisis. I'm so loving the 50's:love::love: :love:

    At this point I'm just looking to shed a few pounds of fat and add loads of muscle.

    Welcome and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    Adding another post because I have a phobia about the number 66. If I have 66 posts, it will disturb me! :bigsmile:
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    I'll be 58 in Nov I'm an Old Army Master Fitness Trainer, and a Recreational Professional now, and things are going well, if any of you would like to Ruck up and hit the trail... I say "I am the Infantry-Follow ME!"

    I do boot camp. Does that count? :laugh: :laugh:

    Nice weight loss!!!
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    57 here and we can still do it. I've lost 27 pounds since April and 39 pounds in the last two years. It is a little slower than when I was younger, but I feel great and sure don't feel like I am in my 50's. Enjoying life to the fullest.
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    Just turned 50 and in better shape that when I was 30
  • davepavone
    yep over 50 and love everyday of life. for me its making the right choices (but only when my elbow bends :-) )
    glad to have you feel free to add me
  • Momma_Grizz
    Momma_Grizz Posts: 294 Member
    Just turned 50 here! You guys are all so very inspiring :happy:

    My weight loss has slowed down but I'm plugging through - loving MFP - and looking forward to the future. Feel free to add me if you need more friends in your circle of support.
  • kwdavids
    I'm 62 and on that line between overweight and obese.

    I've tried lots of diets over the years and all of them worked. The problem is gaining the weight back afterwards. The Atkins diet is the fastest. The "lots of exercise" diet worked well too. I even lost weight on the orange creamsicle diet (the only snacks allowed are orange creamsicles). The "hot dog for lunch" diet was good for losing 10 lbs, but that's really not all that healthy. I tried a commercial diet computer program years ago (before Windows) with good results and that's what I'm doing again with myfitnesspal, which I must say is an extremely well-done site and application.

    Three days into this diet, and I've gained 2 lbs. ;(
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I'm 59 and I have never felt better about what I eat and the workouts I do. I was never into fitness, not since Junior High and then I started getting fat in my 40's. I think of all the junk I put in my body all those years and I well, don't want to think anymore:laugh: I felt old when I got to MFP about 4 months ago (I had started in 2008 but didn't stick with it) Now I honestly feel 20 years younger, better than I did at 40. I can't recommend doing weight training enough. It has made the biggest change in me. I don't even do aerobic anymore except an occasional walk. I eat well and do a bodyweight only type of training so I don't have to go to a gym or buy any equipment, I love it:)

    Glad you are here, it's the best site on the web if you ask me;) denise:drinker: :drinker:
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I hope you catch on early that the scale stinks and lies to us. You start rebuilding or building muscle and it will burn off the fat, you will see your body come out from underneath and you won't believe the muscle tone!! We are very close to the same age, I'll be 60 in December, and this is completely doable for us older gals and guys:) I get really excited because when I got here it was all about the scale and getting that sucker to go down and my ticker on MFP showing everyone how wonderful I was doing. I was eating way to little, usually the 1200 cals only. Now I am building instead of tearing my bod down. I figured if I am going to keep living I am gonna be the best I can be;) denise:flowerforyou:
    I'm 62 and on that line between overweight and obese.

    I've tried lots of diets over the years and all of them worked. The problem is gaining the weight back afterwards. The Atkins diet is the fastest. The "lots of exercise" diet worked well too. I even lost weight on the orange creamsicle diet (the only snacks allowed are orange creamsicles). The "hot dog for lunch" diet was good for losing 10 lbs, but that's really not all that healthy. I tried a commercial diet computer program years ago (before Windows) with good results and that's what I'm doing again with myfitnesspal, which I must say is an extremely well-done site and application.

    Three days into this diet, and I've gained 2 lbs. ;(
  • Doreen9686
    Not quite 50 but will be in January. Hoping to reach my (1st) goal weight by then. Have lost 12 of the 30extra lbs so far, I am almost to the 1/2 way mark. I joined in June of this year. Hit a plateau for a bit, but started to lose again ...a little at a time. I have to keep telling myself that the weight didn't come on overnight and it won't go away overnight. Stick with it, MFP does work!
  • ddipert
    ddipert Posts: 103 Member
    I'm 57 1/2, when I took an office job at 40 I started piling on weight and couldn't seem to get rid of it. I kind of topped out at 220 but got really discouraged when I thought I was being active and cutting back on food - but the scale didn't budge. What showed me I could still lose weight was a tour my husband and I took in Israel last year. Our food choices were pretty much limited to where the tour went and so no fast food, but lots and lots of veggies - and lots and lots of walking. Last Christmas I told my husband he was getting me a Wii fit plus. At first I did yoga and strength training on that. I didn't lose that much weight, but toned up a lot. Then I got hooked on Island cycling and that's when I started seeing the pounds go down. To keep the lower premiums on my insurance, I have to talk to a health coach every 2 months. That's how I found out about MFP. Now when the health coach calls, it's like I'm coaching them on weight loss! My long term goal is to lose 30 more pounds and for once I feel like I can do it!
  • cheri63664
    cheri63664 Posts: 12 Member
    I found this site really helpful in staying motivated - so far it seems to be working :)
  • cheri63664
    cheri63664 Posts: 12 Member
    This sight is a great motivator. I only just started it about a week ago, but I am already noticing the difference.
  • cheri63664
    cheri63664 Posts: 12 Member
    Before MFP, I also was eating to little anywhere from 1000 to 13000. I managed to lose some but it was a struggle. I was hungry all the time.
  • pjrbs
    pjrbs Posts: 179 Member
    I'm 53 and have gained and lost the same 30 pounds half a dozen times over the last 5 years. Now I am 33 down and plan to continue to lose 17 more by New Year's. For me it's all about the planning. I often log my meals ahead of time ( including my treats or meals out) to make me more accountable. Yes,I sometimes slip up and used to let that get me off track, but I am really trying this time!

    I love reading about everyone's successes.

    Add me if you like.