What's your scariest movie?



  • bruceinthepit88
    I saw "Seven" with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman when I was a teenager. I recall coming home that night and peering into every dark corner, petrified that someone was waiting to grab me. Not only was I scared, but I felt shell-shocked and very depressed for several days after seeing that movie.

    Oh man ! I SO agree with you buddy. I keep telling people that I am not really scared by actual "horror movies" because right from the get-go the message is out there that we are supposed to be scared but THAT movie "Se7en" was absolutely breathtaking. I have never been more thrilled or scared as I was in the last few minutes of that movie and this wasn't even a horror film. The psychological assault of the movie eats into your mind.

    Thumbs up buddy !
  • dumplingsx
    LOL! The wedding video comment was hilarious.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    The video of my wedding.

    (Luckily, the ex took it in the divorce.)

    OMG LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    Poltergeist scared the living s*** out of me, the scene with that frickin' clown made me lose so much sleep as a kid.

    The Ring gave me the heebie-jeebies too.
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    Halloween, the first one. I saw it at the theater with a friend, and couldn't sleep that night. Then, when it was on TV once, my sister and I watched and sat in the same chair, hugging each other and screaming!
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    A Clockwork Orange..not scary but twisted and demented
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member
    I have yet to find a movie that scares me - I keep trying and am always disappointed, I have been trying to find a scary movie since I was about 10.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Very few horror movies creep me out but one will always stick out in my head and maybe it's just because it was completely gross. The Human Centipede. I don't know how they could make a sequel but I won't be putting that on my playlist. I didn't eat for two days after. Now that's a good diet motivator.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    hubby loves clockwork orange too. his is the shining. i saw it as an adult. i didnt get it. the twins are creepy but nothing else. he saw it at 7, so that i could see. his is the blood out of the walls.
  • Snitch1
    Snitch1 Posts: 201 Member
    There are 2.."last house on the left," and "Arlington Place."
    LHOTL, because it could happen.

    Arlington Place, because IT IS HAPPENING..CELLS of TERRORIST's in the USA.
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member
    Very few horror movies creep me out but one will always stick out in my head and maybe it's just because it was completely gross. The Human Centipede. I don't know how they could make a sequel but I won't be putting that on my playlist. I didn't eat for two days after. Now that's a good diet motivator.

    It's apparently a self aware sequel about a guy who saw the first movie and became so obsessed with it he decides to make his own human centipede.

    Its on my list of must watches on netflix. They are actually making a 3rd one.
  • nataliefamily3
    Not scary really but gross ... the hills have eyes. Ick. Too much mutant rape for my taste.

    The human centipede was sooooo wrong. I will never forgive the co worker who lent it to me. He's getting the sequel for christmas muwhaha.
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    There are 2.."last house on the left," and "Arlington Place."
    LHOTL, because it could happen.

    Arlington Place, because IT IS HAPPENING..CELLS of TERRORIST's in the USA.

    I agree with you on LHOTL - but the REMAKE rather than the original. I think because although the parents are more brutal in the original, the remake doesn't gloss over the rape scene like the original does. That scene in the new one was one of the scariest and most hard to watch things ever. And it was terrifying because exactly like you said, it could happen.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Very few horror movies creep me out but one will always stick out in my head and maybe it's just because it was completely gross. The Human Centipede. I don't know how they could make a sequel but I won't be putting that on my playlist. I didn't eat for two days after. Now that's a good diet motivator.

    It's apparently a self aware sequel about a guy who saw the first movie and became so obsessed with it he decides to make his own human centipede.

    Its on my list of must watches on netflix. They are actually making a 3rd one.

    I'm down for any other horror flick. I don't know what it was about that movie, just gave me the ickies. My favorite thing to do is watch classic horror then the remade (usually awful in comparison) version.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    All of the SAW movies...waaaaaay too much torture! The "wrong turn" movies with those mutant non human things creeped me out and so did the texas chainsaw massacre movies!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member

    and The Notebook. Oh, the horror!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Poltergeist was the last movie to really scare me. I was 10 and had a big tree outside my window, too. Four older brothers who liked teasing their baby sister didn't help matters. I slept with the light on a few nights after seeing that, but nothing has really given me the willies since.

    Although I have noticed that if I'm driving around late at night after watching the Walking Dead, every pedestrian in my town looks like a walker.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Another vote for The Strangers here! Scary *kitten*!

    And I have to admit that Blair Witch scared the bejeezes out of me at the time. I will NEVER see the Paranormal Activity movies because I know I wouldn't be able to sleep. Something about ghosties and spirits freaks me out.

    Movies like Saw, Se7en and Final Destination are disturbing but not really scary to me.

    I just recently watched the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie and was more disturbed by the freaky family dynamic than anything else - I mean WTF was up with those people! And that girl going on and on with her screaming...too much.
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    F%^cking E.T. Thing hides in their closet with his big *kitten* bug eyes...

    Ugh .. Scary movie right there.
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    Paranormal Activity