Anyone else argue with the negative voice in their head?



  • PurpleMilly
    PurpleMilly Posts: 21 Member
    oh yeah, I argue with myself a lot.
    Eating: what's the point, you've got so much to lose, you've always been fat, you'll always be a binge eater, you'll just put it all back on. And I argue back: I can do this, I don't have to do it all at once, it will take time but I can make it, if I don't try I never will get there, and my favourite quote 'Never give up on a goal because of the time taken to achieve it, the time will pass anyway'

    Exercise: you're so unfit, look how everyone else here is running faster than you, is thinner than you, you've been unfit for 20+ years how on earth are you ever going to get fit now? And I argue back: it will take time, I can get there, it is better to be a very slow runner than a couch potato, I am running faster than all the people who aren't here, one day I won't be the slowest person here, these people didn't get fit overnight, just keep doing it little & often