McDonalds New Item:



  • shan1204
    I have never eaten anything from McDonalds in my life. The smell as you walk past one makes me feel nauseous.

    HOLY CRAP! Are you from this planet??? (No disrespect intended, I've just never heard of anyone who's never been to McDonalds!)
    And the smell?!?!? Is awesome! I'm almost convinced if I couldn't smell, I'd probably never eat fast food again, but it ALL smells great to me.
    Guess I know how I got here, huh? LOL

    I think it smells perfectly vile! KFC smells even worse.... bleeuurrghhhh! I'm from the UK and we have a Swedish furniture chain here called IKEA. They also have a canteen that serves Swedish meatballs... some people actually queue for these meatballs. The last time I walked past the canteen, I literally started retching because of the smell. I had to leave the store.
  • humidex8
    humidex8 Posts: 24 Member
    egg mcmuffins are pretty damn good tho. Not as good as homemade tho :P
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    You don't eat at McDonalds to be healthy, the calorie counts have been available for years. McDonalds isn't making people fat, peoples choices do. I personally don't eat there because of the meat contents.

    However they have been taking the blame for peoples choices for awhile. They do not FORCE you to eat their food...
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I don't understand why all the people here are saying it wont stop everyone from going there or ordering the worst thing on the menu. So what? It will help out the people who do care, and isn't that the important thing? Why shouldn't the restaurant put the info up there for transparency's sake? It doesn't hurt anything and it does help some people.

    If you really cared, you would check the calorie info online or ask for it. It has been available for at least 5 years in the restaurant if you asked for it.

    For everyone else, it's just making the menu more cluttered.
  • jennieth
    This has been a law in California for a while. All restaurants have to have them on the menu. For the people that don't care it really doesn't matter. Those of us who do care it really does make a big difference. There are so many things you think would be a healthy choice when you go out to eat and then you see the nutritional data. Not what you thought.
  • jennieth
    And I do agree that places like McDonalds it really doesn't matter much. If you are eating there you obviously don't care.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I really want a big mac meal right now! cheat day menu has been confirmed!
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    I don't think posting the calorie counts will make a bit of difference. Most people have no clue how many calories they should be eating and I'll bet the majority of folks who eat at McDonald's already know it's unhealthy and just don't care.

    I think you're wrong. If you can't decide between two things, and one has 300 less calories than the other, I think anyone would pick the one with the lesser calories. That can add up to a big difference over time. Also, some people would be surprised to see how many calories are in some of the items they eat. Might make the difference between people getting small fries vs. large fries.
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    This has been a law in California for a while. All restaurants have to have them on the menu. For the people that don't care it really doesn't matter. Those of us who do care it really does make a big difference. There are so many things you think would be a healthy choice when you go out to eat and then you see the nutritional data. Not what you thought.

    Agreed. My mother in law thought she was being healthy when she ordered an asian salad at Applebees only to find out later that it was 1300 calories!! The food she really wanted had a third less.
  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member
    i agree, people that eat at mcdonalds know it is junk to begin with , they just dont care so knowing it has 1000+ calories really wont make a difference to them!
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    I think this will make a difference! i have never been a big macdonald's eater, but I have a certain weakness for deep fried foods. I love the chicken nuggets! I used to want toe 10 pack meal, but got the 6 pack and fries thinking it was better. When I did the calories, I realized if I just get the 10 pack no fries, water to drink, may not be balanced or healthy, but for a 'screw up meal' not that bad!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Pretty sure they've had it on all the McDonalds I've been to in the UK recently on the main menu boards etc.
    If nothing else, it's actually been a positive for me choosing McDonalds - but a negative reinforcement that even their biggest and baddest burgers only come up to the standard of a mid-sized Burger King and if you want real satisfaction, McDonalds is not the place to go!

    Especially if I've been active, can easily justify a burger alone (and the 'M Burger with Bacon' at that). Generally skip the chips because they're not really 'worth' the calories for me. Did have some wedges the other day, but I had ran 10k and cycled 40k earlier, so still had the calories 'left' :).

    Since using myfitness pal I've been more likely to go to places that do have calorie data listed - though that doesn't mean I won't still have the occasional 'cheat'.
  • erikapereira
    I think the law is great. It can be an eye opener for plp that doesnt care.
  • ByTheNumbers
    ByTheNumbers Posts: 5 Member
    This is a good first step in addressing the obesity problem in not only the United States but around many developed countries in the world. There are many of us who are careful in what we consume and will patronize those businesses that provide nutritional information and provide healthy and tasty alternatives.

    Businesses should look at this as an opportunity that they cannot ignore for much longer.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    It can only be a good thing. Consider if you were to go on vacation or travel on business.. You pretty well have to eat what's available. If that something is McDonald's it will at least give an idea. I had this happen to me already once where there was no other place to eat for miles..little backwater town - but they had a McDonald's. I was able to look at the calories and make a better choice for myself. I appreciated this and if the situation comes up that I want a 'treat' I will definitely be more likely to go somewhere that I can have the information rather than somewhere that I can't. Even if it helps one person make a better choice that's a good thing.

    For all the Applebee's people...It's like a crap shoot going there. Things that 'sound' healthy usually aren't. Thankfully they have their info online - unfortunately I can't access it when I am not online :P
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    Every single restaurant should have to do this, no matter the size.

    It's too expensive. That would put smaller restaurants out of business.

    And the government should not force these stupid restrictions on businesses. If you don't want the food because you don't know how many calories are in it, just don't eat there.

    I'd think people not eating at a resturaunt because they don't know the calories will cost just as much as relaminating menus after including nutrition information or changing signs..Mcdonalds is the only place in my town that actually has nutrition values either online or in the store...if I didn't eat places that dont openly offer that info, no resturant in town would have my business.

    the cost has nothing to do with making new menus.

    and there's no reason you can't approximate the calories in a meal by simply looking at it and doing a little inputting.

    Generally people go to fast food for it to be fast, and don't have time to plug in each ingredient for something they order. Plus the variables that even if you do have the time to estimate, are endless. Did they make these mashed potatoes with skim or whole milk, or maybe whipping cream, water maybe?? Real potatoes or instant? Is this 80/20 beef or not...It's not a matter of not wanting to take the time..its a matter of logic...Most waitresses don't have the time to break it down for each meal you're deciding between.
  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    it gives people perspective on what they eat and how many calories a meal has.

    I know personally I change what i order when i see calories on the menu.