New to MyFitnessPal



  • hey Floyd

    Just adding my welcome too.
    Always great to see another guy on here - we're vastly outnumbered.

    Feel free to add me - I'm 5 weeks in, down 16 pounds and always looking to share support and motivation.
  • Hi there! I just started, too. Just now, in fact. :)

    I've been trying to lose weight and shape up since June and have been doing fairly well with it. I've actually lost almost 20 lbs so far, but MFP doesn't let you figure in weight already lost into that little widget-thing, so....

    I wish you the best in your journey!

    I added my weight as what i started at.. and the next day i added my current weight so i can track the 8 lbs i lost before signing up. you can go edit your starting weight.. and tomorrow you can do your current weight.
  • :sad: Hi I am hollandnana I Just signed up today my goal is to drop 30lbs. If any one has any good ideals please let me know. Would love to get all the help I can.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Welcome Floyd!! Lots of great support on MFP available for you!!

    Good luck!!!
  • jenlynsat
    jenlynsat Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome!! I'm also new (relatively, 2 months now)--good luck! :)