Tears...Women, Oh My : A Rant About Co-Workers



  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    I have cried at work... but I don't think it's ever actually been "work" related.

    Typically, it's because some women can be REALLY mean... and I've worked with a lot of women over the years.
  • Brakalack
    Brakalack Posts: 34 Member
    If I see a woman cry, I smear my hand across their face and then rub my junk. Sad lube.

  • RubyRubixcube
    RubyRubixcube Posts: 258 Member
    If I see a woman cry, I smear my hand across their face and then rub my junk. Sad lube.

  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Most women don't "use" tears. Tears just happen. It's part of the biology of a woman. In fact, most women get frustrated when they start to cry, because they know men are a**holes who will act just as you do.

    This. ^^ I had an ex who had the same mentality as the OP. He emotionally abused and controlled me, then got angry and said cruel things when I cried, out of anger and frustration. He accused me of trying to manipulate him and make him feel bad. He told me to "grow up" and "get over it", even though he was the one making me cry in the first place.

    This is why he is my EX.

    You sound just like him, OP. What a winner.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Most women don't "use" tears. Tears just happen. It's part of the biology of a woman. In fact, most women get frustrated when they start to cry, because they know men are a**holes who will act just as you do.

    This. ^^ I had an ex who had the same mentality as the OP. He emotionally abused and controlled me, then got angry and said cruel things when I cried, out of anger and frustration. He accused me of trying to manipulate him and make him feel bad. He told me to "grow up" and "get over it", even though he was the one making me cry in the first place.

    This is why he is my EX.

    You sound just like him, OP. What a winner.

    Sounds just like my EX too. Agree with everything you said.
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    I've cried at work. Not to manipulate anyone, and I wasnt bawling my eyes out, but I was so mad and frustrated at my slack-as-*kitten* coworker who pushed blame onto everyone else, that I lost it and abused her in the reception area, and started to cry near the end of my spiel. No one else saw though, and I emailed everyone an apology for disturbing them. And I also cried when my *kitten* of an ex would emotionally abuse me while I was at work but I never let it interfere. I would dash out, have a quick cry then come back good as new.

    I hate the manipulative criers. Gives all the other criers a bad name! :angry:
  • MJH5773
    If I see a woman cry, I smear my hand across their face and then rub my junk. Sad lube.

    Legitimately lol'ed at this. Stupendous.
  • Jennaissance
    I think your mistake is that you assume the tears are fake.

  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,171 Member
    While I agree that some women do use tears to manipulate, a lot of us are just genuinely upset. We are not taught to "suck it up" the way men are.
    Count your blessings that you ladies are not "programmed" to internalize, minimize and systematically repress emotions like men. It's no blessing... especially for those of us who work in high stress job & dangerous circumstances.

    Yes, some women use tears to manipulate. That's not a sweeping generalization; it's a fact. Likewise, males who aren't manipulated aren't automatically a-holes... although some likely are... rather they've seen the water-works get switched on and off so they've learned to wait for more compelling evidence.
  • Jennaissance
    I think your mistake is that you assume the tears are fake.



    I just realized I did this totally lame rhyming thing so I'll continue with it...

    And if they are for real, you're in for a raw deal...
    Either way... a situation left better off to your HR department

    Okay... that last part didn't rhyme but I'm tired!