Starting C25K

I am thinking about starting C25K as my news years resolution and making it my goal to be able to finish the 9 weeks. I am terrified of running though. I always feel like I can't go any further and I feel like I'm going to "die" after running for only a few mins...and end up usually giving up. I have tried a program similar to this last summer off of and didn't get past the first day. I just don't want to set myself up to fail. Any good suggestions on how to stick it out.


  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    What a great resolution... you'll LOVE it! :love:

    Check out this post for more info:
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    My neighbor and I are starting too!! there are free podcasts on itunes so you dont have to pay for the ones they put out if you dont mind paying the other ones are pretty cheap too
  • Todmo
    Todmo Posts: 1
    I did this program, good starting program, but can somewhat be misleading........just because u can run for 1/2 hour doesn't mean you can run 3 miles in that time. Its a good start tho.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am thinking about starting C25K as my news years resolution and making it my goal to be able to finish the 9 weeks. I am terrified of running though. I always feel like I can't go any further and I feel like I'm going to "die" after running for only a few mins...and end up usually giving up. I have tried a program similar to this last summer off of and didn't get past the first day. I just don't want to set myself up to fail. Any good suggestions on how to stick it out.

    So I thought an old persons point of view may help!!

    I tried it, I did not die!!

    BE SURE TO warm up 5 minutes, do 15-30 second stretches before AND after your run/walk.

    I hurt myself last time from not not worth it!

    This time I am on week 3! I am so scared I may repeat week worries.......I can do this!!

    Each time I get to the last 10-15 seconds I say more more....OK just one more.....before I know it I have done my 90 seconds.

    SO worth the effort!! Good luck!! :flowerforyou: Jeannie
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Don't be afraid you can do it. I am currently on Week 3 Day 1 repeat. I did day 1 on thursday and didn't feel like finishing. That has been the drill since I started. So I just use that as my trial run.
    For me the key is to go at my own speed (I'm doing it on the treadmill). If I can't make it at high higher speed, I take it down a notch. My goal is to just get through it this time and work on speed later.
    I use DJ Steveboy first day to 5K.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    started today and I felt great!!!!!! I am ready for more and astonished at how well I did!! My poor child looks like the little boy in the christmas story in his snow suit add a fleece stroller cover and you have a happy baby. Only problem I had was that we like (usual) walk time to be nap time. However she was so excited to being going fast that she stayed awake through the whole program except probably the last 2.5 minutes/cool down and as i pulled into my front door I realized she was finally sleeping. But I felt so good I did another circut of my road just walking at a brisk pace (2.5) but I have so much energy still!
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    so worth it!! I started it in June, and did it for 5 weeks before we had a heatwave out here and there was no running outside for me. I went inside to the treadmill, but kind of gave up on it. Since sept I have been running , just trying to improve my time. I can complete it in 37-38 mins, I am still trying to improve my time!
    In August there is an 8k I want to run, its the Torchlight parade in Seattle, and the parade is right after the 8k run, so if your not averaging and 11 min run, the sweepers come in and pick you up so the parade can start. I dont want that to happen to me! lol

    My point is, if I can do this, ( and when I started I could barely get thru week one) anyone can, just keep going ....
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    day 2 of c25k my neighbor joined in today and it went great and I feel really good. we walked 2.5 miles after we were done even!!!
  • splooshcar
    Me too. I plan to start the C25K in the new year (Friday). Wanna share progress?

    thanks to all for itunes and djsteveboy podcasts!
  • JennCh
    JennCh Posts: 63
    I started C25K in June and found it very helpful as I always considered myself a nonrunner. I ran a 5K in November and have been running 3+ miles most days ever since. For me, having the negative mindset that I did, I decided to focus on just working my way to finishing no matter how long it might take. Running became a very personal thing to me. I used to care what others thought about my form, what I was wearing, yada-yada, but now I don't care one iota. I only care about how running is helping me be fit. Being able to tune all the noise out and only focus on the benefits I'm getting because I put one foot in front of the other was the key for me. Now I think of myself as a runner, and this has led me to trying out other forms of exercise to complement the running and eating right. Rather than focusing on the negative, like not being able to run for the amount of time you're supposed to, try to focus on small successes, like going for ten minutes one day, twelve minutes the next. Those are good things in and of themselves, and if you don't complete the first day's regimen, that's okay. Completing some is better than completing none. I truly believe not allowing yourself to look at something from the negative mindset but rather from the positive mindset is the best way to long-term success.
  • AshleyTaylor2017
    AshleyTaylor2017 Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks for all the positive notes! I am excited to start! I will be starting on Monday January 4th and be doing my three days on mondays, wednesday and fridays. I will be doing it on a treadmill for now since the iowa snow and ice make it not that safe right now to be running outside. I decided that my goal is going to be to finish it in 9 weeks, but I am also completely prepared to repeat weeks if I don't think I made it through easily. I don't want to get discouraged so I think as long as I can finish it by middle of april I will be happy!! I have never been a runner--but so envious of those who run and enjoy it! Bring it on! I'm ready now!
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    this program looks good - i think i will try it out this next week in the gym - so can you program a treadmill to change diffrent speeds or just inclines?
  • JennCh
    JennCh Posts: 63
    My rather inexpensive treadmill is not programmable, but I'm sure there are treadmills that are, especially at the gym. If not, you'll just have to punch in the speed when prompted, which shouldn't be a problem. Tedious, but not a problem.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    you dont have to pay for the pod casts either, if you type in c25k or couch to 5 k in the search bars on the itunes web site there is one where a gentleman posted his own and I think they are great! I hook my ipod up to tiny speakers because i do the work out pushing a stroller and honestly I dont feel embarassed to have my neighbors hear the music LOL!!!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I started day 1 today. No point in waiting for the New Year I say! I consider myself a non-runner as well so what I am hoping to get out of this is to be able to run the whole 30 min. I am excited about it! There are a ton of running plans out there but this is so much easier to have someone tell you when to run and when to slow down. LOVE it! I use the Robert Ullrey versions. They're free and have some pretty decent music.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I don't enjoy techno so I've been using Nichole Blum's podcasts (still not my style, but they're hip-hop/pop based and are entertaining to say the least). Be forewarned, her podcasts often contain explicit lyrics. They're free, just do an internet search for "nicole blum couch to 5k" to get to her podcasts.

    And, just so no one gets discouraged right away, when I first tried C25k I couldn't even do week 1 day 1. I had to build up to it for about 2 weeks before I could even start! I've gotten up to week 4 but dropped back to week 3 after Christmas because I was still struggling with week 4. This is the first week I've stumbled, really. I'm 5'4" and I currently weigh 229 pounds -- If I've been successful in my attempts at following C25k, pretty much ANYONE can be successful.

    My best advice is to stick with the schedule -- don't run more than 3x a week for now. I tried to progress faster by running more times each week and all I did was hurt my knees. I had to take about 1.5 weeks off from anything but very low-impact exercise (biking) before I could run again (or even walk for exercise again) so *take it easy.*
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    My only beef with Nicole's version is that there really isn't anything to tell you whether you are walking or running. It's just a countdown to 0 each time.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    I think I am using Roberts version as well in the beginning he says that he is a 43 yr old male living in Northern Calafornia? I did day 3 week 1 today and it went pretty well! My daughter likes to sleep while I do my routeen so I end up walking more to keep her napping! It sucks to have to get her out of her stroller and her snow suit and try to put her back to sleep. (I live in coastal NC, it is still decent weather here, I wore a long sleeved under armor and a tshirt and was good today) Keep up with it ladies!!!! It is so good to have others on here who are goal driven people!!! you guys inspire me to do better too!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    My only beef with Nicole's version is that there really isn't anything to tell you whether you are walking or running. It's just a countdown to 0 each time.

    :laugh: Well... if you're walking when the countdown happens, you should start running and if you're running, start walking. :wink: Just joking, I know what you mean. I guess I just pay a little extra attention if I have to start walking early on a run interval. So far I haven't had any issues with getting mixed up about whether I should be running or walking though.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I don't pay attention at all when I'm running. I'm usually trying to get into a zone almost like a meditative state to get through it all. :) I need someone to tell me what to do and when. I would for sure be all messed up without it!