Is losing 20 lbs in 35 days possible?

It took me 2 months to lose my first 25 lbs and that was pretty good, I was totally happy with that. But now I want to lose the next 20 in the next 35 days. Is it possible? That averages out to about 4 lbs a week which really seems like a lot. I don't want to hurt myself or do anything that will end up being counter-productive.
For those who want to know why the push....I turn 35 next month. And for me turning 35 is huge and I would really really really like to hit onederland before I hit 35. Please tell me someone understands.

Any suggestions, or should I just stay on the path I am on and not push it?


  • wrbiii
    wrbiii Posts: 151
    I get the push, but why rush it?

    I lost 22lbs in the first 2 weeks, and then it dropped down to 2 lbs last week. I would say just stay on the path you are on now, and lose it slowly... and lose it healthily.

    I know your goal is by your 35th bday, but I know I would be happy as long as the number keeps dropping. What is a few more weeks going to matter anyway, as long as you are progressing towards your goal?
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    I get the push, but why rush it?

    I lost 22lbs in the first 2 weeks, and then it dropped down to 2 lbs last week. I would say just stay on the path you are on now, and lose it slowly... and lose it healthily.

    I know your goal is by your 35th bday, but I know I would be happy as long as the number keeps dropping. What is a few more weeks going to matter anyway, as long as you are progressing towards your goal?

    ^^ I agree. Quick weight loss like that can eventually come back (if done unhealthily) and you don't want that. But atleast you'll be in Onederland at 35 yrs old just not on your birthday! You're doing great!
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    If your still around 200 lbs and you have been dieting/watching what you eat to reduce water weight and so forth.. No you probably won't lose that much in that short period of time.
  • aussiestargazer
    aussiestargazer Posts: 98 Member
    Okay I am going to differ from the others - since I started this seriously 3 weeks ago I have lost 7.2kg or 15.8 lb - I still weigh a bit more than you do and of course am older but I will lose the 20lb in 35 days - mind you it is taking a lot of discipline and making time to exercise. but ultimately it is up to you - it is only 4lb a week or about 1.8kg - definitely doable if you stick at it.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Losing that much in that short time will not be healthy for you to do.

    When you first start out you lose quickly... everyone does. Than it slows down after that.

    Give it time, and you will see the results. Maybe not before your birthday but it won't be too long after.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Okay I am going to differ from the others - since I started this seriously 3 weeks ago I have lost 7.2kg or 15.8 lb - I still weigh a bit more than you do and of course am older but I will lose the 20lb in 35 days - mind you it is taking a lot of discipline and making time to exercise. but ultimately it is up to you - it is only 4lb a week or about 1.8kg - definitely doable if you stick at it.

    Losing a significant amount of weight in the first few weeks is somewhat typical, but so is seeing the loss slow down a lot after the first few weeks. As people say all the time around here "you didn't put all the weight on in a few weeks, its not all going to come off in a few weeks."
    I certainly don't say this to be discouraging, but realistic expectations are much more achievable.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    It took me 2 months to lose my first 25 lbs and that was pretty good, I was totally happy with that. But now I want to lose the next 20 in the next 35 days. Is it possible? That averages out to about 4 lbs a week which really seems like a lot. I don't want to hurt myself or do anything that will end up being counter-productive.
    For those who want to know why the push....I turn 35 next month. And for me turning 35 is huge and I would really really really like to hit onederland before I hit 35. Please tell me someone understands.

    Any suggestions, or should I just stay on the path I am on and not push it?

    4 lbs a week is a LOT, and unhealthy, unless you are just starting out (first couple of weeks) and are extremely heavy. I've been losing an average of 2.5 lbs a week recently, and my Dr and I continue to be amazed that I am still losing at that rate. 4 a week would actually be worrisome.
    Something important to keep in mind is that the people who rush the process are usually the ones who put the weight back on the fastest.
  • ^^ I agree. Quick weight loss like that can eventually come back (if done unhealthily) and you don't want that. But atleast you'll be in Onederland at 35 yrs old just not on your birthday! You're doing great!

    Couldnt have said it better than this.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    It is possible but not a great way to lose in such a short amount of time. As long as you are not starving yourself and doing it the healthy way. I know at first few weeks you tend to lose more than the last weeks left.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Okay I am going to differ from the others - since I started this seriously 3 weeks ago I have lost 7.2kg or 15.8 lb - I still weigh a bit more than you do and of course am older but I will lose the 20lb in 35 days - mind you it is taking a lot of discipline and making time to exercise. but ultimately it is up to you - it is only 4lb a week or about 1.8kg - definitely doable if you stick at it.

    This type of weight loss is something you might do if you have a team of professionals monitoring your every move.. like on The Biggest Loser. IMO you are asking for trouble if you attempt it on your own.
  • gc_tweety
    gc_tweety Posts: 205 Member
    OH! When is your birthday? I turn 35 on October 14th !!! Happy early birthday in case I don't see you :flowerforyou:
  • vbcoach25
    vbcoach25 Posts: 27 Member
    I agree with the others. Slow and steady is more healthy. Also research shows you are more likely to keep it off if you go the slow and steady path as well. You are doing awesome already, keep up the healthy eating and exercise and you will continue to see results.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    It would be hard to do in a healthy, non risky way. But if you are not working and have time just to focus on diet and exercise you might be able to do it. If you are close to your goal weight then no way.
    BUT WHY? if you want to do it the healthiest way, and the way that will last the longest, then slow down and enjoy the process and learn from it.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    Mathamatically, that would mean you would need to burn an extra 14,000 calories a week. I know when i'm in peak training for a half marathon, I will burn 3500 during the course of a week.

    What would be your plan to burn that many calories to meet your goal? Say you burn on average 400 calories during a one-hour workout. That means you would need to work out for 35 hours that week.

    Do you have that kind of time?

    I think you need to sit down and take a good realistic look at the numbers involved.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    it CAN be done... but do you want to lose it FOR your birthday, or keep it gone? That's the real question.

    if you want to STAY in one-derland, I would reccomend against - 'cos you might lose it, but you won't be building those long-term habits that will keep you there.

    Happy birthday!
  • And why drop so quick when you have the loose skin to deal with then? Challenge yourself, but be reasonable.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    Depends where you start from.
    I lost 10 kilos (22 lbs) in two weeks then zilch for 4 weeks BUT I started at 120 kilos (LOTS of lbs)

    I blame the scales (usually) - or the weather - or nextdoor's cat - or ANYTHING (other than me not eating, drinking, praying,smiling and/or whatever-ing enough).

    So, yes, it is possible to lose 22 lbs in 35 days but don't expect it to continue
  • First I just want to say you are very pretty. You have such a nice smile. Second, I understand your feelings towards being 35. It was a very difficult time in my life. I mean-- I was depressed about turning 35. I'm turning 44 in about 18 days. I am doing fine with this number. (I remember 34 is when I started to feel anxiety about 35.)

    Now to address your concern: Loose the weight. It may not be before your 35th birthday but you will be 35. Be happy that with yourself! You are loosing the weight! I on the other hand am not, and not doing anything about it.
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    Sadly, the vast majority of people who lose it fast see the weight bounce right back on.

    Anyway, you've got something even more important going on -- I'd encourage you to celebrate the much bigger and longer-lasting success of knowing that you are now living a healthier, fitter lifestyle at 35 (and for the rest of your life), rather than hitting some random number on a scale on a particular date.

    Live the life of the healthy, fit person you want to be...and one day that's exactly what you'll be! Happy almost-Birthday, and enjoy your new healthier lifestyle -- you're already reaping the benefits.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I think trying to lose that much in that short amount of time will not allow you to do it the healthy way and more likely when you don't succeed, you will lose motivation. Why not make January 1st your goal? Definitely possible to lose 20 pounds in 3 1/2 months (1 1/3 pounds a week) and more likely to keep it off.