OMG I just want to cry!!!



  • RainbowPride06
    vote for Obama if you want to spend the next 4 years looking for a job
    Vote for Romney if you want to have women;s health go down the drain.

    Women's health?

    Try Women's Rights!!

    ^^ This
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    Take an inventory of your skills and what you makes you potentially valuable to an employer and make sure you sell yourself with your resume (it is often worthwhile to have one professionally prepared)

    Depending on your skill set and background have you considered making your own job? (no, not MLM selling) Self-employment can be incredibly rewarding (the bad news is that you're often tougher on yourself than any boss ever will be! :laugh: )

    I don't think I am smart enough for that.. I don't have the funds either or the good enough credit for loans due to student loans and a nasty divorce....
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    The primary difference between an on-line application and uploading a resume is this: When completing an application you generally certify that the information is full, complete and accurate. If, in five years, your employer discovers that you have strategically omitted something (e.g., an involuntary termination, a criminal record--although there are caveats here, etc.) the employer can terminate you for falsification of an employment record, assuming the employer has such a policy. (Most do). A resume, on the other hand, doesn't give the employer that edge.

    The other advantage, from the employer's perspective, is a compare and contrast. If something is not in your resume, but is in your employment application, you have to ask why. Sometimes, that's simple. If I'm applying for a job as an attorney, my experience at Burger King is probably irrelevant, unless it's as legal counsel. Sometimes, it's not so straightforward. I didn't mention BK because I got gained for being a lazy, unreliable nightmare.

    Finally, many applications contain important disclosures, such as shortening a statute of limitations or giving you the required notice if you are seeking or need to seek an accomodation.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Unfortunately looking for a job IS a full time job! Hang in there, it will definitely take time!
    vote for Obama if you want to spend the next 4 years looking for a job

    Are you kidding me? I don't even want to get into politics but have you even looked into how the job market improved? Hundreds of thousands of new jobs/hires a month this year alone. Get your facts straight please.

    if you read the fine print you will see that they qualified and fabricated their numbers so that the most recently published statistics do not include specific business sects. For example, laid off government workers who have not since been gainfully employed did not make the official "unemployed" numbers, thereby making the number of those jobless less and making the stats better. The staff writer who was the mathamagician for that release was interviewed about it either last week or the week before and discussed it at least honestly admitting that the numbers weren't as presented. So, please take your own advice into consideration.
  • sunnygirl87
    sunnygirl87 Posts: 40 Member
    "What color is your parachute" is a good start to figuring out where you will fit in best and how to present yourself for those positions. Finding a job is a full time job. Write and re-write your resume SPECIFICALLY for the job description. Be a perfectionist about spelling, grammar, presentation. This is no time to be lazy. This is when you show perspective employers that you will WORK!

    Networking is probably the best way you will find a job. Many open positions are never listed in traditional places. Word of mouth is WORK of mouth. Finding a job is now a full time job. Get to it!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    If you need something to get you through while you're looking, try retail. Retailers are gearing up for their holiday season and they're starting to hire now. You can work 20 -/+ hours a week. Sometimes the hours suck (nights/weekends) but it can be decent pay while you're looking for that full time job. Or it could lead to a full-time job if you're management material.

    I've been in retail management for 10 years now and won't work a desk job because I love that I move around constantly and the varied hours. I usually never work more than 4 days in a row. Its not for everyone but you could do it for a few months while you're looking.
  • blondie0942
    blondie0942 Posts: 146 Member
    Quit complaining and get used to typing in the addresses of your old workplaces! Better memorize them now to save time in the long run! :laugh:

    Seriously though, dress professionally, be polite, and don't be afraid to talk yourself up. I just had an interview yesterday where I told the employer, "I'm a perfectionist, and I'm creative. I hate being idle for any amount of time" and they LOVED it. I got the job. And I agree with what everyone said about facetime being so important. If you're filling out applications online, go in dressed for an interview after 3-4 days (in the morning-before 10AM) and talk with a manager about your application.
  • cmcorn26
    cmcorn26 Posts: 253 Member
    If a person is willing to move there are an abundant amount of jobs in North Dakota and eastern Montana. All kinds, from daycare needs to waitressing to nurses, physicians, clerical staff, construction, fast food. Some restaurants can't be open regular hours because they have no one to work. Yes, housing is increasing in cost, yes it is cold, yes there are negatives, but there are jobs there...example fast food..taco johns etc is starting at 15/hr, waitresses are making 25/ is competitive. There literally is something for everyone.
    Good luck with your search.
  • Werner1950
    Werner1950 Posts: 38 Member
    My daughter (an animator) once got hired by getting creative. After applying to the company where she wanted to work, she returned a couple of days after applying with a candy bowl full of specially prepared Hershey's chocolate kisses, EACH with the words on the little paper tag that sticks out the top, "This is R - - - - kissing up to you, Please hire me."

    She left it on the receptionist's desk, and everyone walking by the receptionist's desk in the company would help themselves, read the message and smile. She got the job.Course she was also qualified..
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    You really need to decide for yourself, I honestly think voting for someone other than Obama is kind of a waste of a vote, they're dark horses when they're not part of the two major parties.


    Or you could say they're marginalized by the false dilemma fallacy that you're presenting. IMO you waste your vote when you pick someone who you think will win over someone you'd like to win.
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    I was out of work last year for 6 months and the one advice I got that really stuck with me came from my mom. She said "Your full time job now, is looking for a job."
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    I understand where you're coming from. If this helps any I have a friend who works for Tmobile and they are hiring she says they tel you it seasonal but she has been there for two years now, also bank of america is hiring. If you want some work from home jobe check out this website

    hey thanks!!!
  • sheleen302
    sheleen302 Posts: 266 Member
    You have to repeat the same info on the job application because that is the employers document, not yours via resume. When you sign an application you are stating the info is true. No such sig on the resume.
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    yes it sucks to do it double,,, but if you dont then they are going to look at what kind of employee is that, could not fill out the entire app just because she submitted a resume.... In all perspective it is time consuming but do it, hand carry in those apps and resumes both complete and put a name and face together... Be assertive :flowerforyou:
  • painthoss
    painthoss Posts: 63 Member
    What I dislike is having to fill out online personality tests when I apply for a job! I find them unnerving, as if they're trying to throw me off and detect some major character flaw in the process. They ask the same ridiculous questions over and over in different ways. It can take up to an hour to fill these tests out. I am getting to the point where I don't apply for jobs that have these kinds of applications because it's a major time drain, and because I'm not getting any calls from companies I"ve applied to who use the test. Do I have a major character flaw???

    Yup, and you are self screening for it.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    What I dislike is having to fill out online personality tests when I apply for a job! I find them unnerving, as if they're trying to throw me off and detect some major character flaw in the process. They ask the same ridiculous questions over and over in different ways. It can take up to an hour to fill these tests out. I am getting to the point where I don't apply for jobs that have these kinds of applications because it's a major time drain, and because I'm not getting any calls from companies I"ve applied to who use the test. Do I have a major character flaw???

    "I'm not willing to put in the time to do labor that I don't consider worthy of my abilities and I still expect to be hired" is what a potential employer will think.
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    vote for Obama if you want to spend the next 4 years looking for a job

    Erm it is a worldwide recession. The whole world is going through it.
    Obama wasn't the Prime Minister of the UK..... We have it here too.
    Unfortunately the world and its economy turns circles, every "x" amount of years we have a horrible recession and it affects the whole world not just one country.

    Try Temping... I did that and ended up being kept on. It was a long 9 months of crappy pay and no holiday pay etc but it was worth it in the end!
  • adnol_2
    adnol_2 Posts: 35 Member
    Please, lets keep politics out of at least one place. I am so sick of hearing about both of them. Let's face it they both stink. Anyone that would make a good candidate is run through the mud so badly that they won't run. Period.
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
    Dear Posters,

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