Any hypothyroid folks here?



  • riotshows
    If you have Hypo you gain weight and Hyper you lose. Is this correct? I have the kind where you gain, but have managed to
    keep the weight at bay for 10 years and lost some as well, but It has required a great deal of self control. And I have reinvented
    the eating plan and exercise plan many times over. Don't give up. I also am on medication. I have heard many people have gained
    weight with the meds...this might mean that they need a higher dose.

    I also have Diabetes. I was diagnosed in my 20s and have been on diet, exercise and metformin. They recently added Glyberide,
    but I have been having lows everyday due to the disapline of MFP. This is a good thing, but I have to adjust my meds at the moment.
  • Kelleybelley69
    Kelleybelley69 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi I developed Graves Disease 5 years ago and well as you know everything has drastically changed in my life as I knew it to be. I have adapted to my new life after an RAI treatment, three evasive eye surgeries and going from a fairly easy eating lifestyle to a 30 pound weight gain that I am still fighting it daily. Would love to chat with other fighters of this disease I will check back here soon.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    If you have Hypo you gain weight and Hyper you lose. Is this correct? I have the kind where you gain, but have managed to
    keep the weight at bay for 10 years and lost some as well, but It has required a great deal of self control. And I have reinvented
    the eating plan and exercise plan many times over. Don't give up. I also am on medication. I have heard many people have gained
    weight with the meds...this might mean that they need a higher dose.

    I also have Diabetes. I was diagnosed in my 20s and have been on diet, exercise and metformin. They recently added Glyberide,
    but I have been having lows everyday due to the disapline of MFP. This is a good thing, but I have to adjust my meds at the moment.

    That's not technically correct. Symptoms are different than signs. For instance, a "sign" is something that is mandatory for a disease, versus a symptom which may come across as different per person. You can be too low for levels (making you hyper) and gain weight or you can have too high levels (making you hypo) and gain weight. It's not that either magically makes you gain--depending on the person, your metabolism just gets messed up from the thyroid.

    If you legitimately have so many endocrine problems, I would get much more educated, since you don't even know the name of your thyroid condition!
  • talena824
    Hey Scott!
    I'm 25 and have hypothyrodism also! It came about 3 months after I had surgery, and gained 25 lbs in the year I wasn't allowed to work out while my surgery wounds healed completely.
    I've been working out and dieting for 2 months and lost about 11 lbs
    It's a very slow process, due to the hypothyroidism, but you can do it! Stay strong and positive! It can be achieved!
    Feel free to add me if you need friends :)
  • Andrea419
    Andrea419 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi! I was diagnosed with Hashimotos about eight years ago after having my last child. I gained about twenty pounds, I did manage to lose most of the weight after starting the medication. I gained back weight in the past two years, so I joined here hoping to lose it for good. I'm also trying to motivate myself to exercise more.
  • HoundDown
    Hypo right over here!
  • got2bstrong

    Make sure your doctor checks your levels of TSH, T3, and T4.

    If you are on Synthroid, try swapping to another brand. Honestly, sometimes the "fillers" in the meds make it less effective.

    Investigate Cytomel, (a synthetic T3). sometimes, added to synthroid, it helps with the symptoms.

    and last, but NOT least, try NATURAL thyroid - (from piggies!) Armour thyroid..

    I have always been anti-pills, but the endocrine system is no joke. Those hormones, just a tiny imbalance, wreaks havoc.

    Sorry you (and so many here) have to deal with the thyroid problems. It is certainly frustrating.

    Hang in there!
  • sbehren1
    This is great to see such a positive response. I've been on Synthroid 88mcg for the last 4 years or so. I just had some lab results and now I'm moving up to 100mcg. Awesome to see so many of you with hypothyroid loose weight. I'm definitely willing to put in the extra work!
  • kebass8
    I am 24 and was diagnosed as hypothyroid when I was 14. I started at 88mg, but I am up to 112mg now. I still feel tired all the time and then my coworker was recently diagnosed and she was told to take a Vitamin B-12 as well since hypothyroid symptoms can be increased due to lack of this which is common in 50% of hypothyroid patients. Before I was getting tested like every 3 months because I was insistent that I was still always tired and cold. Ever since I started taking B-12 though I have been sleeping less, 8 hours with no naps rather then 11 hours with a 2 hour nap later in the day. Also my mood improved too and my metabolism I feel. Although I do find that if I eat the amount of calories I am suppose to eat to maintain my weight, I actually gain. I have found a lower calorie count then what they suggest just in order to maintain and then less then that to lose. It is slow going though to lose, but really easy to gain.
  • Louiyen
    GL! I don't have it but I know it's possible to lose weight with hypothyroidism. It's tough but continue to preserver! I have a friend that is the opp, hyperthyroidism, and he can't gain weight for nothing.
  • Mendelianparakeets
    Yup, I was born with it, actually. Have to get my levels tested every six months and take my medication every day.

    Good luck to you.:) While living with a weak thyroid can be a challenge, it's definitely not impossible to stay healthy, and I love it when I see people taking the initiative to do so rather than using it as an excuse.
  • icyeyes317
    icyeyes317 Posts: 226 Member
    Hello. =0)

    My primary doc just found out that I have low free T4 levels, and lower side of normal free T3 and TSH.... after the gyno ACTUALLY listened when I said I couldn't loose weight to save my life. My issues are complicated more by having POTS, which is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. (wikipedia has great info on it).

    I just started a low dose of synthetic thyroid meds.

    I'm not finding this to be easy, as I have 2 kids and a husband and am tired ALL.THE.TIME. Hopefully this medicine will help get some of the weight off and get "me" back.

    Good luck to you!!
  • MissChievou2
    I am a victim of hypothroidism aswell but I am taking my medication and I am not going to let it get in the way of my progress. I used to be very tiny and still had hypothyroidism just took a smaller dose. It is possible to lose the weight it is just a lot harder.
  • tragicangel33
    tragicangel33 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Scott,
    I have Hypothyroidism, and have noticed my weight steadily going up over the years. Last year I finally took control and started a lifestyle change. It isn't easy having thyroid issues, BUT the important thing is IT CAN BE DONE! I am 56 lbs down from last year. A normal person could have probably lost more and in less time. But I am just greatful that I have lost. Your dream is not impossible. Keep up the exercising and eating a healthy diet. It won't happen over night. But it will happen!! Best of luck to you!
  • Nyaranyanko
    Nyaranyanko Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there, fellow Type 1 with Hashimotos here. I got these lovely diseases in reverse: hypo since babyhood, and Diabetes since age 18. It's definitely a struggle! The only thing that works for me is a Paleo/low carb diet. The more insulin you take, the more weight you gain. I also cut out all foods that might have been making me more inflamed/autoimmune. I'm really glad that you're taking control now, because it can be really hard to bounce back when you have to deal with this kind of thing.
  • Nyaranyanko
    Nyaranyanko Posts: 15 Member
    First off: that's great! But just to clarify, you are talking about type 2 diabetes, yes?
  • riotshows
    You made me laugh...which is surprising since you need to critisize others that are not as perfect or as knowledgable as you.

    Working on your know it all attitude will educate you to be a more understanding person and not be snooty.
  • llsand
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Scott I'm a type 1 diabetic with hashimoto's thyroid disease. I used to be a very very skinny guy but when I developed thyroid disease my weight started to increase about 10 pounds per year. I just hit 190 and decided it's time to loose about 20 pounds and reclaim some of the energy I have lost. Ice started doing P90 and cut my calories by quite a bit. In the past, even with diet and exercise I have been unable to loose weight and was curious if other people with thyroid disease had similar issues.


    Hi Scott :)

    I have Hashimoto's Thyroid desease too :) I'm glad i finally find someone who also knows this Thyroid problem.

    It's not easy and realy unstable but thank god there's treatment !

    Friend me if you'd like !
  • llsand
    I am a victim of hypothroidism aswell but I am taking my medication and I am not going to let it get in the way of my progress. I used to be very tiny and still had hypothyroidism just took a smaller dose. It is possible to lose the weight it is just a lot harder.

    Exactly! A lot of people think that having Hypothyroidism is preventing them from losing weight but it's actually not true. It's possible; it's just longer and harder than the majority.

    I also hate it when ppl that don't have Thyroid issues use it as an excuse for gaining so much weight "ohhh my thyroid must be off, i must have a little thyroid problem" <--- I'm sure you've all heard that one before.
  • photoloco
    Hey I'm also hypo. it really bugs me ill eat a pizza ( was my mums birthday) and its gone straight on. 3 pound gain!!! feel free to add xx