Do you get mad or happy when people get your weight wrong?



  • mariiyah
    mariiyah Posts: 136 Member
    either way i'd be happy.
    if they overestimate i can tell them that i am really much lighter & be proud of myself.
    if they underestimate i can tell them that im a lil heavier than that but lighter than i was at the beginning and be proud of myself.

    i dont let my weight bother me anymore. i am just happy with working it off and getting to a good place slowly but surely. (i think it's because I AM working on it which made me feel like this. if i wasnt working on it, i'd be pissed if they over estimated cos i would have thought they were trying to make me out as being super fat & if they underestimated i'd think they were being cruel and calling me super fat. LOL)

    eating clean and training hard really does change u for the good i guess.