Scared eating all my cals will = weight gain :(



  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I know so many who are set on the scale. I may weigh myself more than once a week but I only take a weigh in on Fridays to heart. For instance my fiancé and I had chinese last night and even though I had only a small amount I knew I'd be poofy and heavy this morning and sure enough there were 5 lbs of water weight ... 3 of which were gone after todays work out.

    I don't count calories anymore, just more aware of portion, eat when I'm hungry don't eat when I'm just bored and I don't let a clock, person or otherwise tell me when and how much I need to eat anymore. I work out hard and I feel fine, plenty of energy and such and I'm within 3 lbs of where I wanted to be for my October 7th wedding.

    You just have to find what works for you but don't let the scale have you think it knows the whole story.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Thanks for the responses everyone,
    Think this post has digressed a bit, I'm not starving myself I was sick for a week then nervous about gaining when I upped my cals back to normal.
    Im not obsessed with weighing myself, I weigh in once a week, I just did a few extra weigh ins this week because I was nervous.
  • kareinlib
    Everyone goes up a tad bit after being sick and not eating much for a few days, it's just the way it goes - that's why most people don't weigh themselves when they're sick because it isn't accurate to how they will weigh when they eat normally. MFP calculates in a deficit, though, so if you eat the amount of calories they tell you to then you should get back on track and losing weight once your body stops freaking out from you hardly eating anything.