Am I in 'starvation mode'? Am I getting out of it?



  • the_sal
    the_sal Posts: 3 Member
    I'm glad my post helped - but I can't stress this enough - go and see a doctor, too (glad you said you would)!

    If you need more motivation, most of the horrible things you've been experiencing (depression, anxiety) are most likely a result of your starvation diet. Check out the info on the Minnesota Starvation Experiment: - especially the 'results' section. Increasing your food intake is absolutely essential to help to treat your depression and anxiety - please see a specialist who can help you with this, and be honest with them!
  • auxiliaa
    auxiliaa Posts: 31 Member
    I have spoken to my doctor about it, and I had a blood test yesterday. So I have taken some steps towards getting professional help, and I'm researching dietitians in my area now. Posting here has really made me realise how bad I had become. I ate about 1000 calories today, and I'm increasing again tomorrow.
  • the_sal
    the_sal Posts: 3 Member
    Aww, I'm glad! Take care, it's hard but you can do it. Don't feel like you need to freak yourself and your body out too much, just take it slow and steady if you need to, and once you get someone professional helping you out, it'll be much easier. Don't be afraid to shop around for a nutritionist or therapist if you feel like the one you get isn't helping, too.
  • auxiliaa
    auxiliaa Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you :)
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    Aww, I'm glad! Take care, it's hard but you can do it. Don't feel like you need to freak yourself and your body out too much, just take it slow and steady if you need to, and once you get someone professional helping you out, it'll be much easier. Don't be afraid to shop around for a nutritionist or therapist if you feel like the one you get isn't helping, too.

    You're right in your previous post to me and I was a bit OTT and apologise. I was just very (overly) concerned for the OP and was wanting her to get some professional help as soon as possible. I'll butt out of here now and I'm glad she has seen someone and is eating more.

    FWIW, I find it very hard to eat enough and I have a constant battle to keep my weight up. However, that is me and not her, so I didnt mention "my story". I am sick of being cllaed skinny though, even though I am "normal weight". Oh well.
  • auxiliaa
    auxiliaa Posts: 31 Member
    And I'm really sorry to reawaken this - but I've gained 2kgs in a day. Just from upping to 1200. From all I've read ... this is either water weight or .. I don't know. My blood test said I had low potassium levels so I think my body is really dehydrated despite me drinking like 2L+ in the past week every day... I have my next doctor's appointment next week.
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    And I'm really sorry to reawaken this - but I've gained 2kgs in a day. Just from upping to 1200. From all I've read ... this is either water weight or .. I don't know. My blood test said I had low potassium levels so I think my body is really dehydrated despite me drinking like 2L+ in the past week every day... I have my next doctor's appointment next week.

    Good for you. People here do actually care about you (me included!), so keep us posted. Its nice that you are eating a more normal amount and you are getting some help along the way. Hopefully you can keep on putting the weight back on and be happier with and in yourself.

    {edit} I also doubt you are dehydrated if you are drinking 2 litres of water a day. Not unless you are in a hot environment and sweating a lot. Look at these websites (as examples (I've not checked their accuracy)) for possible reasons for low potassium levels and see if any could be you.

    As ever, your doctor will be the one who can best advise the possible cause though. Trouble with looking online about symptoms is you almost always end up thinking you've got cancer. {/edit}
  • auxiliaa
    auxiliaa Posts: 31 Member
    And I'm really sorry to reawaken this - but I've gained 2kgs in a day. Just from upping to 1200. From all I've read ... this is either water weight or .. I don't know. My blood test said I had low potassium levels so I think my body is really dehydrated despite me drinking like 2L+ in the past week every day... I have my next doctor's appointment next week.

    Good for you. People here do actually care about you (me included!), so keep us posted. Its nice that you are eating a more normal amount and you are getting some help along the way. Hopefully you can keep on putting the weight back on and be happier with and in yourself.

    {edit} I also doubt you are dehydrated if you are drinking 2 litres of water a day. Not unless you are in a hot environment and sweating a lot. Look at these websites (as examples (I've not checked their accuracy)) for possible reasons for low potassium levels and see if any could be you.

    As ever, your doctor will be the one who can best advise the possible cause though. Trouble with looking online about symptoms is you almost always end up thinking you've got cancer. {/edit}

    Thank you, I really, really appreciate the concern - this is by far the scariest thing I've ever done.

    And for me, unfortunately, the low potassium came from using laxatives (I know, stupid). I think the low potassium has been contributing to my digestive upsets. Despite all this, I think I'm going to gain alot more faster than I realised, so ... yay?
  • jaybird951
    jaybird951 Posts: 53 Member
    i would say so....
  • shinda123
    hi hun

    I dont know if this might help BUT im doing a food replacement diet and im on around 800 calories per day.. you go through a stage called Ketosis which basically burns fat instead of calories.. while in ketosis you do have stages when you feel nauseous, cold and tired but that usually passes after the first few days..

    as your doing cardio as well your body gets confused whther you should be burning fat or calories.. therefore if your on a low cal diet.. only light exercise should be done, walking, yoga etc.. maybe keep to your cals you want to keep at.. eat more protein less carbs and try not do as much exercise and see if that helps also drink plenty of water as well the more water you drink the more fat you lose when you go for a wee..
  • auxiliaa
    auxiliaa Posts: 31 Member
    hi hun

    I dont know if this might help BUT im doing a food replacement diet and im on around 800 calories per day.. you go through a stage called Ketosis which basically burns fat instead of calories.. while in ketosis you do have stages when you feel nauseous, cold and tired but that usually passes after the first few days..

    as your doing cardio as well your body gets confused whther you should be burning fat or calories.. therefore if your on a low cal diet.. only light exercise should be done, walking, yoga etc.. maybe keep to your cals you want to keep at.. eat more protein less carbs and try not do as much exercise and see if that helps also drink plenty of water as well the more water you drink the more fat you lose when you go for a wee..

    If my body went through the ketosis stage it did it along time ago - I've restricted, felt nauseous and cold for months.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I was misdiagnosed with IBS for a long time, I was constantly bloated and gassy and couldn't be far from a bathroom. I went to acupuncture and it helped tremendously with the bloating and gassy pains, but I really turned a corner when I cut out gluten, I stopped eating gluten on a regular basis, (I eat it maybe once a week) but since cutting it out, I don't have to be constantly near a bathroom when I eat, I don't get gassy or bloaty, if I eat gluten for too many days in a row, it comes back, so I know it's not IBS, I'm obviously sensitive to gluten so I just stay away from it.

    That said, You definitely need to add in more calories, how about drinking some high calorie protein shakes if you can't fathom eating so much.
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    hi hun

    I dont know if this might help BUT im doing a food replacement diet and im on around 800 calories per day.. you go through a stage called Ketosis which basically burns fat instead of calories.. while in ketosis you do have stages when you feel nauseous, cold and tired but that usually passes after the first few days..

    as your doing cardio as well your body gets confused whther you should be burning fat or calories.. therefore if your on a low cal diet.. only light exercise should be done, walking, yoga etc.. maybe keep to your cals you want to keep at.. eat more protein less carbs and try not do as much exercise and see if that helps also drink plenty of water as well the more water you drink the more fat you lose when you go for a wee..

    Shinda, the OP is significantly underweight at the moment, so going onto an atkins like diet and putting her body into ketosis and keeping to under the amount of calories she needs would not be a sensible choice for her. She needs to gain and not lose.
  • jaybird951
    jaybird951 Posts: 53 Member
    800 calories a day is going to turn into the Machinist.
  • auxiliaa
    auxiliaa Posts: 31 Member
    I was misdiagnosed with IBS for a long time, I was constantly bloated and gassy and couldn't be far from a bathroom. I went to acupuncture and it helped tremendously with the bloating and gassy pains, but I really turned a corner when I cut out gluten, I stopped eating gluten on a regular basis, (I eat it maybe once a week) but since cutting it out, I don't have to be constantly near a bathroom when I eat, I don't get gassy or bloaty, if I eat gluten for too many days in a row, it comes back, so I know it's not IBS, I'm obviously sensitive to gluten so I just stay away from it.

    That said, You definitely need to add in more calories, how about drinking some high calorie protein shakes if you can't fathom eating so much.

    I could swap the protein shakes for high calorie drinks - the thought of protein shakes is disgusting to me.

    At first I thought it was gluten - but I did an elimination diet and a blood test for it, and it's not the case for me. Just plain old annoying IBS. The bloating hasn't gone down in the slightest - I look about 6 months pregnant - and my bowel movements are just not happening at all. But I think time is the only answer
  • dodihere
    You need to take your issue up with a physician.
  • supermoo2
    700 cals is far too low to be healthy and won't do your body any good
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    I'm glad you realize there is a problem, and that you are making an effort to change. Personally, I think you need professional help at this point. Your relationship with food is not healthy. And these forums can be good, but i don't think this is what you need right now. Good luck.
  • Growtinymusclesgrow
    you should probably see a doctor or nutritionist who can build a plan for you to get back to a healthy weight. i don't think the people of MFP are qualified to give this sort of advice.

    This is the best advice given yet! Even a doctor without seeing and evaluating you in person could not give you proper advice! You are an admitted anorexic, your nutritional advise should come come from s qualified medical individual! Your health and well being should not be left up to some random people in a forum... Please go and seek professional help right away, before you wind up causing serious (maybe irreversible) damage to your body!
  • forwesgar13
    forwesgar13 Posts: 56 Member
    The Ibs might be a side effect or maybe an issue . From reading your post deciding to reduce your calories to the amount that you have and your fear of gaining weight ,every thing aside you need help with your over all out look on you and weight. Maybe take some of the advice later. But for now you need to get the inner you healthy and the outer you healthy. I think I have a friend that is going through the same thing . I told her yesterday that you can do anything in life as long as you have your health. If you get healthy eventually the weight will balance. Loosing the weight that I have has made me feel good, energetic, like who I should be. Reading your post b/c you have exceeded where your healthy weight should be you are depressed , sick , and have no energy. Thats not living life and how you should be feeling. I'm glad you are getting help from a Dr. and just take baby steps add a few healthy things in a day , best wishes