paxil and weight gain?!



  • charliesgold
    charliesgold Posts: 235 Member
    I will also add here that the discussion of long term side effects has come up in our household in regards to my medication. The way I explained it to my SO is this:

    "If twenty years down the road I develop a devastating illness as a result of my medication, it is still twenty years of fact twenty years period, that I would not have had without the medication."

    I choose to live my life medicated and understanding the potential for long term side effects in the future because without my medication I would have no life at all.
  • amills1152
    amills1152 Posts: 63 Member
    Not sure if this will help, but I was listening to Fat2Fit Radio today ( and in the podcast I was listening to, they mentioned that episode #81 talked about all the pills and Rx's that can cause weight gain. Might be worth a listen!
  • belladonna810
    I found this thread while researching paxil. I have been on it for three months and found myself battling cravings that i have not had in a while. I am weaning off of the drug. Yesterday i bought a full spectrum light box and hope to find a way to increase seratonin without this drug. I have gained about 8 pounds ... not good. My experience only. Well wishes to anyone battling the demons of depression and anxiety.