June Starters: Dec. 28 weigh-in week



  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    I am back too! Was out of town for the last 2 weeks and am ready to take the bull by the horns!
    Had a gaul bladder attack right before I went to Kansas so I am walking on thin ice....not a good thing for a fat person to do! Right?

    I will weigh in on Wednesday!


    2010 and I will be thin again!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Hey ladies.

    I am back. I've completely fallen off the wagon over the last few weeks here with the holidays and being busy. However I do have some sort of progress to report. I finally cracked and went for an initial visit with a therapist. There are a lot of emotional issues behind my eating, and the last few weeks I was watching myself sabotage myself and wondering why every time when I get down to about 265 do I start sabotaging? So I'll be seeing her and dealing with a lot of things I haven't dealt with over my lifetime. She made the suggestion that due to some of the abuse I received my weight in my mind is almost a protection. I don't feel vulnerable because I'm big and can look intimidating. (it's amazing the things that come out and I feel like, "holy crap why did I not recognize that?") It's true. I think the hardest part of this journey for me (besides being a picky eater who craves large amounts of buttery carbs) is that I'm almost afraid to reach my goal weight, to be small. I can't remember being smaller than other people, I've ALWAYS been big. There is no "I want to be down to my high school weight again" for me. I've never been there, and I've never had a healthy body image either. Or a healthy relationship with food. Food has always been more than nutrients for my body. It's connected to love and even punishment for me, and I need to reprogram that thinking.

    So I'm back to logging (and now also keeping a journal about the emotions behind my eating). I'll weigh in on monday to assess the damage (Last time I stepped on a scale I was up 6 pounds), and update my weight for my ticker even. And focus on getting back into the gym. I'm trying to stay away from refined sugars and refined flour. Lots of fruit and whole grains, fresh foods instead of processed junk.

    It's a new year and my resolution is simply to be happy.

    Congratulations to you! Not only for being back on track but for getting to the root of the problem. :flowerforyou:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there ... I'm still not back to my routine ... maybe Monday when I'm back to work. I think I've got a touch of the holiday blues. I'm sure it will pass. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and I wish you all a very happy new year.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    ok, ladies!!! Sorry I have been MIA for the past couple of weeks. Holidays can get CRAZY!!! and I'm glad to get back to "normal"...
    I did ok during the holidays... No gain, but sadly, no loss... Which, I'm ok with...just glad I didn't gain...

    Something exciting...
    Two of my friends bought 30 Day Shred over the holidays and we are all starting it together... (we all live in different places, but we are holding each other accountable for doing it everyday)...
    I bought it several months ago and did it religiously for a while... So, I'm glad to dust it off and start doing it again...in addition to the gym and getting back started on the C25K...

    Anyway, glad to see you gals on here and wanting to get back started strong!!! The June Starters are just too awesome! We are here to stay!!! :happy: :drinker:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Hey ladies.

    I am back. I've completely fallen off the wagon over the last few weeks here with the holidays and being busy. However I do have some sort of progress to report. I finally cracked and went for an initial visit with a therapist. There are a lot of emotional issues behind my eating, and the last few weeks I was watching myself sabotage myself and wondering why every time when I get down to about 265 do I start sabotaging? So I'll be seeing her and dealing with a lot of things I haven't dealt with over my lifetime. She made the suggestion that due to some of the abuse I received my weight in my mind is almost a protection. I don't feel vulnerable because I'm big and can look intimidating. (it's amazing the things that come out and I feel like, "holy crap why did I not recognize that?") It's true. I think the hardest part of this journey for me (besides being a picky eater who craves large amounts of buttery carbs) is that I'm almost afraid to reach my goal weight, to be small. I can't remember being smaller than other people, I've ALWAYS been big. There is no "I want to be down to my high school weight again" for me. I've never been there, and I've never had a healthy body image either. Or a healthy relationship with food. Food has always been more than nutrients for my body. It's connected to love and even punishment for me, and I need to reprogram that thinking.

    So I'm back to logging (and now also keeping a journal about the emotions behind my eating). I'll weigh in on monday to assess the damage (Last time I stepped on a scale I was up 6 pounds), and update my weight for my ticker even. And focus on getting back into the gym. I'm trying to stay away from refined sugars and refined flour. Lots of fruit and whole grains, fresh foods instead of processed junk.

    It's a new year and my resolution is simply to be happy.

    WOW! I'm so proud that you have the courage to get down to the heart of the issue! YOu are going to do great. I know it!! As tough as it is, stick it out!! You are such an encouragement to me. I appreciate your honesty and your insight!! 2010 is going to be the year for us!! We are going to do it!!! We WILL reach our goals!!!!!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I just bought 30 Day Shred on sale at Wal-Mart tonight and I got my Polar F7 in the mail today, too! No excuses in 2010!! :bigsmile:
  • I started this weeks thread...


    And my dumb behind put in the wrong date. Whoops.
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