What was your moment of "enough is enough"?



  • cindys0417
    cindys0417 Posts: 1,142 Member
    It was enough for me when I got on the scale and it said 332lbs. I realized it wouldn't take much to push up to 400lbs and then I'd be one of those people who can't do anything and is stuck in their house. I want a life! And now I am getting it...

    Good for you Matthew! Thats how I felt too! I want a life..Just retired in May and I wanted to be a healthy "RETIREE"...Thanks for the inspiration. I weighted 255 in June when I retired and I weight 225.8 today. Almost 30 lbs and feel so much better. Im not huffing and puffing just to cross the street. Good luck to you and keep up the good work!
  • SirKelsalot
    For me it was when my doctor told me that not only do I have PCOS (it's a lot easier to gain weight due to lessened insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances), but I am also overweight. I'd always been a skinny lass as a kid and teen so I was horrified! None of my jeans fit me and they were UK size 16 - which means I was probably an 18, possibly even higher! The main "enough is enough" moment for me was when I researched my condition and learned I'd have a better chance of conceiving if I was a healthy weight, but I also struggle with body image issues and I want to be nice and slim when I marry my fiancé, whenever we decide to set the date!

    So far I've lost about 14lbs and plan to keep going. I'm already noticing jeans getting looser, legs getting slim, fat being replaced by leaner muscle. I'm dead chuffed with myself :D
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    In my early 20's I messed up my back from a nasty fall during a hike that I was in no safe condition to do so. I wasn't majorly overweight, about 250-260 lbs. I recovered from the fall but my back got worse and worse as I put on more weight. I avoided stairs and almost all physical activity since just about anything hurt my back. I didn't have much of a life outside of eating, sleeping, working and playing video/computer games. Fast food for all my meals and soda pop I ballooned up to nearly 500 lbs.

    Dec. 2009 I finally saw a doctor because I had a hard time staying awake during the day. I could not sleep at all. I was tired all the time, day or night. I even got caught sleeping while at work and was warned. I assumed I had sleep apnea but turns out it was diabetes type II. I had tons of medications prescribed for me. High blood pressure, beta blocker, high cholesterol, and 3 different types of diabetes meds. I cleaned up my diet, quit soda pop cold turkey, cut back on my gaming habits and walked, a lot.

    I improved over time and my doctor slowly began lowering the dosages of my meds. Jan 2011 after I dropped a little over 100 lbs. I reversed the diabetes. I no longer have it nor do I take any meds for anything now. Also my back no longer hurts either and I regularly go to the gym. I still have another 100-120 I want to lose. The weight loss has slowed down in the past few months but I am patient.
  • mf0u1098
    mf0u1098 Posts: 61 Member
    When I saw an official photo of me from the 10k race I did on Sunday. I had no idea I looked that big!!! Honestly I was devastated by it and had a little pity party... I then decided that enough was enough and as I was sick of thinking about and talking about how my weight was making me miserable. I joined the gym for 6 months (have 25lbs to lose) and decided that if I haven't lost the weight by then then I that's it cos I'm sick of it controlling my life. It is in my power (and mine alone) to do something about this and it's only 26 weeks after all... I've cut out a lot of crap food (although I'm not denying myself the odd treat as that will make me fail), I'm simply changing my habits a bit at a time. To help me keep focused I downloaded the photo as the screensaver and wallpaper of both my phone and laptop to remind me why eating that bag of sweets is not as important as getting to my goal weight. I have so far lost 2.6lbs in a week which is good but it will be a long road, hopefully along the way I will discover myself and be proud of who I am.
  • nicholettebell
    My moment of "enough is enough" is waiting around for this magical moment that never arrived. I heard about the "Ah-ha Moment" in which one realizes, I guess, "enough is enough". Anyway, I sat around, eating myself into oblivion, and realizing that I was not getting that moment. So, to make this all very confusing, I guess my "enough is enough" is when I realized that I was not getting the "Ah-ha moment".

    Cheers to all of you!
  • karibj2010
    karibj2010 Posts: 264 Member
    When a guy I hardy knew on holiday said in conversation with my husband and I "oh he has lost a lot of weight, he was as fat as Lynne last year and look at him now". I couldn't believe someone who hardly knew me felt it was ok to make comment on my size. That was it for me...no one will make me feel that way ever again. I'm not going to be defined by my weight. Brave talk when I have only lost the first pound!

    A loss is a loss...good for you! I get you, I'm not going to let me be defined by my weight. I want to feel good about myself. Good luck to you!
  • karibj2010
    karibj2010 Posts: 264 Member
    I went to the doctor's and stepped on the scale for my usual weight check. Well this time it said 249. A couple days later so was telling my sister that I really needed to do something. That I wanted to join WW but couldn't afford it. She suggested I try myfitnesspal. I started the next morning, Jan 7th. As of this morning I'm down 77 pounds.:flowerforyou:

    Awesome!!! Way to Go!!!
  • karibj2010
    karibj2010 Posts: 264 Member
    My moment of "enough is enough" when I couldn't walk accross the street without huffing and puffing and out of breath! Everything was a chore and I was sleeping all the time that I wasn't working! And I stepped on my sisters scale and I was 255 lbs!!!!! Dang..I knew I had to do something. I just retired from work in May and I wanted to be a healthy 'RETIREE'...Well..today I weigh 225.8 lbs ! Thats almost 30 lbs I lost. I feel great and had a good report from Dr. 1st time my cholesterol and other things were down. Im a happy Camper. My goal is 50 lbs by Xmas and then would like to reach a goal weight of 160 lbs. Great question! thanks for asking.

    Good luck on reaching your goals. I want to be at 130lbs by my 3rd anniversary, July 4th, 2013.
  • usmcjarhead3
    usmcjarhead3 Posts: 28 Member
    Two moments here that I remember actually crying:

    1. The first night I spent in Marine Corps bootcamp on Paris Island.

    2. My first firefight in Afghanistan as a squad leader praying that I would make the right decisions to keep my boys alive.
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    Oh I hear you about the knee pain. My best friend complains all the time that her joints hurt but the dr. says she doesn't have RA or any other problems. She's at least 400 lbs. Her feet are so swollen she has to wear slippers. She is younger than me and has so many health issues all caused by her weight but she swears its something else causing the problem. THe root of her pain is her weight but she doesn't see it. I don't say anything to her about it and hope that some day she'll get it. I think we all need to get there on our own or in our own time. Just some of us have the ah ha moment sooner than others.

    Unfortunately, some just don't.

    I love my grandmother dearly, but she's in her 80's and still hasn't had her AH HA! moment. She's struggled with her weight throughout her adulthood (skinny teen, overweight adult, and laments about how "thin" and "pretty" she was) and tried so many different, extreme diets to lose. Severe calorie restriction, all liquids, Atkins (which gave her a heart attack), weight loss pills -- I could go on, really.

    The one solution she never tried? Eating healthy and exercising. She once told me, "I always hated exercise. I just wanted to be thin." She's hated her body her entire life, and has never been happy. Now she's in her 80s, still morbidly obese, and struggles to walk one block. It breaks my heart that she never "got it," because she's always tried so hard to be thin, but didn't care one bit about being healthy. Unfortunately, I think it's too late now. :(
  • herrytews
    In June I had agonizingly painful meralgia in my leg (trapped / pinched nerve due to excess weight around the middle). I immediately decided to get the weight off, and less than 3 months later I am 47 lbs lighter. I am not going back to that pain.

    I was supposed to play golf this weekend with a friend who is also overweight but he has gout, so let's hope that's his defining moment to get the weight off too.
  • purpleposies
    purpleposies Posts: 90 Member

    think about this: how long do you enjoy that naughty snack? whether it be a candy bar, ice cream, whatever your temptation is. how long would you say it takes to devour it? a whole 30 seconds? 1 minute? think about this now, how many minutes, hours a DAY do you think about how unhappy you are with your overall appearance and unhealthiness? for me, it would easily be all day long. that feeling is a constant in my mind! so is it really WORTH it to induldge in some yummy food for a whole 30 seconds when really all those yummy foods are the reason we feel this way OVERALL?? the answer is NO! Now if only we can all overcome temptation... its not easy in the slightest..

    just food for thought:)

    This is brilliantly put. You're absolutely right.

    As a few of the other PPs have mentioned I've had a few of these moments. Some would say, "Well, then, you haven't actually had THE moment." I assure you, I've had several. Each time was filled with a sense of purpose and, forgive the phrase, "git 'er done!".

    Recently, I finally got a job (after being out of work and thoroughly depressed for a couple of years) and I'm on my feet all. d@mn. day. I hurt. I hurt everywhere all the time. I'm just far too heavy for the kind of activity that is being required of me. My body is finally getting sick and tired of carrying all of this extra weight around. I'm always stiff, I'm always tired. I can't sleep on my back because when I wake up, I'm in pain because I'm crushing myself. I walk funny all the time because of my feet and back and hips. I get chafed because of my rolls of fat. I feel self conscious working in a fast food restaurant being as fat as I am because I feel like people judge me and think, "How typical". I don't want future employers to be distracted by my appearance and weigh that against me for better positions (haha, no pun intended!).

    My son is almost three and he loves to go outside and play. He loves to play sports, too. I want to be able to partake in those activities with him.

    I don't want to feel so fat all the time. I just feel huge and uncomfortable.

    I want the person on the outside to match the person I feel I am on the inside. I'm continually surprised when I see pictures or video of myself, or catch a glimpse in the mirror and I'm like, "Oh yeah, that's me. *kitten*."

    I want to be healthy. I don't want diabetes or heart disease. I want to set a good example for my son.

    I want to feel better about myself. I want to feel beautiful, inside and out. I want to be in shape enough to be able to maintain the stamina to keep up in activities that I can enjoy with friends and potential life partners. Like I said before, I want the person on the outside to match the person I feel I am on the inside.

    I don't need to be super skinny. Just happy and healthy.
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    My ENOUGH moment actually came 7 years ago when I was teetering over the 2 bills mark on my scale and I was in a size 16 that was getting really tight...I didn't want to make the jump to the plus size dept....so I started walking every single day for at least 30 minutes a day - rain, shine, snow - I was more dependable than the post office! I lost 70 lbs and felt awesome.

    Well, fast forward couple of years - got divorced, went back to school - worked full-time, took care of my girls, started dating my now husband - all of these are excuses but I gained back 30 lbs due to inactivity (meaning exercise....) and making poor eating choices while dating....

    So here I am again - most of it lost again and @ 44 probably the healthiest and strongest I've been in all my life :bigsmile:

    Everyone's story is so inspiring and I read them all! GO US!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Mountainbiker2015
    Mountainbiker2015 Posts: 129 Member
    When I was hiking up my favorite trail in a local park and I hurt all over. I was just about in tears. :brokenheart: :sad: I felt so miserable and so low!!! I know that was my "enough was enough" time. I knew I had to do somethine about my weight, as I never wanted to feel that low and miserable again. It has been baby steps since then but it has been so worth it! This site has helped tremendously!:smooched: :smile: :wink: :happy:
  • maggie2731
    My enough is enough moment was when I went to the hospital to get an idea about what I need to do to get barriatric surgery. My feet were always swollen, couldn't sleep anymore, didn't want to go shopping because I hurt so bad. All I wanted to do is stay in bed. Going to work became a chore and I was excusing myself by being deppresed and having stress in my life. Well on that day I went to my appointment one of the nurses saw my feet and told me to go check my kidneys because of the weight I was carring on it looked like my body couldn't handle it and they were shutting down. I was asked a series of questions and sure enough I had just about all the symptoms they were describing. Then the doctor said that in order to get on the operation table i had to lose 10% of my body weight. What? So i told myself if i have to lose 30 lbs on my own i might as well change my eating habbits, found an exercise which keeps me focused, found this site and started logging and here i am. I have lost just about 10% of my body weight, feel healthyer, love my gym and i stopped thinking about a quick fix to lose the weight. :smile:
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I had my annual wellness screening at work and my blood pressure was 141/90...and I was only 24
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    The fact that I cannot stand to look in the mirror at myself. I dont like summer because I have to wear less clothes and That I move my husbands hands aways from my body when he touches me. Enough of this crap already!
  • christine_lisel
    55kgs was the limit:S and as it was summer i drank so much.. plus i loveeeeeee junk food. but now im back on healthy track and keeping my eye on 50kgs. :)
  • mjc65
    mjc65 Posts: 58 Member
    When I realised that through a combination of creeping smoking habits (20+ a day) and lack of any exercise, I had gone from being a squash and field hockey regular who swam at least 3 times a week to someone who could barely break into a run without getting out of breath in my early to mid thirties. The two options were to quit smoking and start again or slide into a highly unhealthy future and probably very unpleasant older years.

    So I chose the former....
  • Yummamamma
    Yummamamma Posts: 79 Member
    Out for dinner on my 27th birthday(a year after my baby was born), my husbfriend texted his friend telling him he "couldnt concentrate because he always forgets how many beautful women are down town". Yup, I saw that text. Instant sadness and crushing feeling...EFF! I used to be one of them. Gotta get back to that!! FOR ME. Then he can suck it up when I get the looks haha.