What was your moment of "enough is enough"?



  • RedsFan12
    The moment I could no longer find my size in regular clothing stores.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    my best friend Petie died..... he was a 12 year old rat terrier...and died from complete kidney failure.... i have type 2 diabetes and this can happen to me real easy..

    thanks Petie
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I was getting married in 2011 and one didn't wish to be 243lbs, but when I found out I was pregnant I decided enough was enough, I need to be around for my son and my husband and didn't want to die at the age of 57 (my mom passed away at that age, my mother in law passed away at the age of 51, both from massive heart attacks). I lost 39lbs before I came to MFP (I lost weight during the pregnancy from what they feel was being active when I did was pretty much walk) and have lost another 22 since February.
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    I had a few:

    One was seeing a picture of myself from a cousin's wedding. I was wearing a new dress that I thought looked great on me, but the picture showed an enourmous middle aged woman (i'm 45).

    THere was a woman I worked with at the time and everyone always commented about us looking alike. She was definately chunky, and I assumed I looked pretty similar. ONe day she came in announcing that she weighed herself for the first time and was appalled at the number (which she said out loud) and was going on a diet that day. I went home and weighed myself and I was 20lbs heavier than that. SHe started losing weight and getting attention and I was jealous. (happy for her, but realized that I needed to do something too).

    I am hiring some new people for my department at work and this average looking woman came in for an interview. One of the guys on my floor said we should hire her because it's about time they had some eye candy in the office. I knew what that meant between the lines. I've always been pretty and now I"m not.
  • Reneefit135
    When a drunken coworker told me at the xmas party I was 'fat for a vegetarian' and then looking at photos and realising he was right. I will be at least ten kilos lighter at this years party.

    Honestly, I hate telling people I'm a vegetarian b/c I know they are silently (and sometimes not so silently) thinking what your coworker said.

    I can soooo relate to both of these posts. I was a vegetarian almost 4 years and i was gaining weight (totally my fault, filling up on carbs) Its embarrassing when you are known for a healthy way of eating and yet you are overweight.
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I binge'd on Arbys with my BF and felt sick. Prior to this I had been trying to at least use portion control but not well enough. On the way home I told him I wanted to lose weight for real and we bought a scale on the way back. After I saw that I was almost 300 lbs I knew it was time.
  • 29andfat
    My 'enough is enough' moment came a couple of weeks ago, when I realised that in four months of so-called dieting, I hadn't managed to lose a single pound.

    Back in June, all I'd wanted to do was to lose about 5lbs to get back under 200lbs, back into lovely Onederland. I'd been in the 190s for years, and I just wanted to get back there because being over 200 meant that I was entering a new level of fatness that I couldn't deal with.

    So a couple of weeks ago, when I reflected on my lack of progress over the summer, I just couldn't believe that I hadn't managed to get rid of those 5lbs. If I couldn't lose those 5lbs, how on earth was I going to be able to lose the 60lbs I need to lose to get to my goal weight? And that's when I thought - I have to do something different, I have to have an attitude change or something - and I finally realised that I HAVE to make some kind of permanent lifestyle change. I'd always ignored people going on about lifestyle changes - it was annoying to me and I always secretly thought I could just starve myself for a couple of months and lose a bunch of weight quickly, and then go back to my old eating habits (if I was just a little bit more careful).

    But anyway, I've finally accepted that my weight loss will be a long process that can't be rushed, and that there will be ups and downs. Most importantly, I'm not abandoning my diet and starting over every time I mess up! Hopefully this time round it'll work out for me!
  • 9thwardchick
    9thwardchick Posts: 73 Member
    My enough moment came when I had trouble buckling my shoes. I was sweating and I almost cried. I decided that I was too big and started exercising. Even at 7 pounds lighter, I have noticed a change. I love it :happy:
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
  • positivepineapple
    My moment was in June. My bf and i went to a resort for our 2 year anniversary and they ahve an indoor water park. i made excuses to not even go and swim or go on all the cool slides because i knew i would not look good in a bathing suit. that same weekend my bf took a picture of me standing in the hallway of the condo and once i saw it i about died!! i felt so ashamed that i was literally SO wide!! i oculdnt believe that thats how i truly look from another persons persepective.

    all in all i just decided im sick of having to wear layers of shirts (the lacy kind), im sick of not being able to wear shorts and skirts during the summer, feeling super self-conscoius when we go on my parents boat, and quite frankly i feel incredibly unattractive in the bedroom, if you catch my drift.

    i am doing this to better ME!!!

    think about this: how long do you enjoy that naughty snack? whether it be a candy bar, ice cream, whatever your temptation is. how long would you say it takes to devour it? a whole 30 seconds? 1 minute? think about this now, how many minutes, hours a DAY do you think about how unhappy you are with your overall appearance and unhealthiness? for me, it would easily be all day long. that feeling is a constant in my mind! so is it really WORTH it to induldge in some yummy food for a whole 30 seconds when really all those yummy foods are the reason we feel this way OVERALL?? the answer is NO! Now if only we can all overcome temptation... its not easy in the slightest..

    just food for thought:)

    good luck with the weight loss and happier lifestyle everyone!!

    Yeah same here.... I went on vacation with my boyfriend and I didn't want to post any of our pictures on facebook because I was embarrassed at the way I looked, and I didn't feel comfortable in anything I brought to wear.... And completely unattractive in the bedroom.

    I was like screw this
  • hayleymc3
    hayleymc3 Posts: 128 Member
    My moment of "enough is enough" happened a couple weeks ago. I lost 95 pounds and then gained all of them back except 28. I knew all along I was gaining the weight back but I didn't do anything about it until recently. Some of my reward clothes I had purchased for losing weight wouldn't even button, zip, or go over my head. I realized I was pretty much back where I started so I forced myself to weigh in. It was kind of crushing to realize I had come so far and just let myself go. I had been really close to getting under 200 and everything. As someone who has always been morbidly obese, fact that I almost changed my life completely but gave up shattered my spirit. That weigh-in has pushed me to do this again and not give up this time. And I won't.
  • jennagirl84
    Hysterical. Girl, I can relate!!!
  • Janet9906
    Janet9906 Posts: 546 Member
    I woke up one day and was so miserable, I cut everyone out of my life. I decided I wanted to start living again. My daughter had 2 major surgeries, I let the stress consume me, once I found out everything was fine, I decided to work on getting control of my life again and I'm so happy I did :-)
  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    Well.... it was a bunch of little things combined.....
    When I realized that I took too long each morning to decide what to wear, because all I had was large baggy clothes to hide in, and I really didn't like them....
    When I realized I was also wearing coats/jackets all the time, even in warm weather, to hide my body in.....
    When my friend's complete loser and waste of life, of a "boyfriend" made some comments behind my back about my appearances..... I even remember thinking and posting online... "Well at least I can change to look good.... he's ugly on the outside AND the inside.... and you can't fix the inside."
  • Cassandrat83
    My profile picture. We recently went on holidays once I got home and uploaded them I was stunned. I look like the before picture on those diet and exercise adds on telly. I have our wedding in one year, so it's time to focus on me.
  • jensauce
    jensauce Posts: 150 Member
    when i realized i didn't want to bump into anybody from high school or college cause i'd be embarrassed...i wasn't "obese" or anything, but definitely was (and still am!) embarrassed that i'd lost my figure.

    only 18 lbs to go! i want to get there by christmas, and i'm actually enjoying the hard work i've put in...so hopefully my friends/family will notice a BIG difference when i see them for the holidays =)
  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    Nothing fit and I was not going to by a size 16
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    My daughter's high school graduation. I looked at all those family pictures and I was embarrassed at the weight I'd gained. I knew then that I had to do something about it and whatever I did I had to STICK TO IT.

    I vowed to myself to not give up, to not get discouraged and to push through whatever obstacles I might think are in my way. I also told myself that I was going to lose weight slowly. Too many times I've tried to lose weight fast and it just doesn't work.

    Honestly if it wasn't for MFP and the great, supportive community, I might have given up. I have to keep telling myself that this is a lifestyle change. I refuse to beat myself up on unexpected cheat days and I refuse to give up because of those cheat days.

    I'm loving reading everyone's stories. It's amazing what little things can change our lives forever, isn't it?
  • sunshine1992
    sunshine1992 Posts: 22 Member
    When I realised if I kept going I would soon be shopping in plus size stores. That freaked me out really badly.

    Just walking around was sometimes an effort, my feet would hurt and I would feel humiliated. I wanted to be able to walk without being in pain!

    Oh, and I remember my boyfriend coming over earlier then expected and didn't leave me time to chuck out the 1.5L coke bottle that was full 24 hours ago away and he asked if I spilled it, he didn't even realise it was possible for me to drink that much.
  • eddysuchydvm
    eddysuchydvm Posts: 110 Member
    my friends mom wanted to gift all her daughters friends an outfit for Diwali (indian festival) and she bought me a size 24 when i was actually size 18.
    to my face she was all apologetic and promised to return it and get me a proper sized one and i told her never mind, we actually had a good laugh about it.
    then later i heard her talking to a lady in the living room 'dont know why she wants to keep it, what a waste of money since she wont be able to wear it' and the lady was like: 'oh, she'll grow into it'

    i was so mad to hear that someone could say that. :angry:

    Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry :( Glad you're showing them!!!