What was your moment of "enough is enough"?



  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    The moment I stepped on the scale and weighed pretty much the same as my fiance. Granted he was 12lbs underweight...but still! Enough was enough was enough!
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    When I was having a hard time keeping my work shirt down to my waist. Either lose some of this weight or get a XXL... No thanks, I'm big enough!
  • NaEl1
    NaEl1 Posts: 67 Member
    It got to a point like 2 months ago where i knew i needed to lose a few pounds, i could tell how my clothes were fitting. My friends and family suggested that i still look okay (liars). But the "enough is enough" moment came when i was having a conversation with a guy im dating, he said to me that he noticed i gained weight since meeting him. I don't know what it was about hearing someone else say to me that i gained weight but that did it from that day forward i've been working out!
  • rosieh8781
    My enough is enough moment was when I started watching biggest loser on netflix, I had never watched the show before and I saw what diet and excersice could do. I had taken diet pills and done juicing and bla bla bla and I lost weight, but I could not do juicing for the rest of my life or pills...so I said ENOUGH!! I had my last baby this past June...waited a bit to set my milk supply and wala..here I am...and I must say I love it!!
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    It was a group "Girls' Night" photo. I didn't get to hide in the back, as I usually try to do. I blocked a whole woman! All you could see of her was a tiny bit of her face! That was my restart date. June 25, 2012!
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    My epiphany moment occurred while I was drinking a can of Pepsi at work and I suddenly thought to myself, "I can't go on like this and this needs to stop NOW! I could lose my job (falling asleep at my desk due to sleep apnea) or, more importantly, my life if I continue down this dangerous road."
    That was on April 25, 2011 and I haven't looked back since then!
  • Suezyq47
    Suezyq47 Posts: 199 Member
    I had my eneough is enough moment this past weekend when I was out shopping with my friends. I am in between plus size clothing and regualr size and I have had enough of trying to find clothes that fit me right. I want to lose at least 2 sizes to get into the regular sizes so I don't have to check out the plus size stores anymore.
  • catlok
    Went on a holiday and saw a holiday pic of myself. What a shock. Not only that, I was always tired and had no energy to do anything. After visiting the doctor within the next few days and then finally weighing myself in his office after months of not daring to get on the the scales - that was it. I started the next day and so far after 9 days I have lost 2.1kg. That is the best result I have had in the last few years after attempting many times to get started. I am so motivated (at last!) that I am going to keep going. Using this website is making me be more honest with myself after I actually put in my mouth.
  • marthathebear
    I was trying on a dress that I thought would look good on me. It was a size 16 which is what I wore at that time. Well, it zipped up kinda snug but looked pretty good, the color mostly. When I tried to get out of it, I couldn't get the zipper down. My daughter was with me and she tried and tried and still stuck! Of course I was crying by this time. To make a long story short the clerk had to cut me out of the dress. I was mortified and got out of there in a hurry! Forty two pounds later, I wear a 10!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,299 Member
    When even my knickers and pyjamas were too tight and nothing was fitting any more, even my 'fat' clothes. I have now lost 19lbs and feel so much better. Probably have another 30 or so to go, but at least I am now not officially 'obese'. (Saw that word on my doctor's notes and hated it) Have yo-yoed all my life, but really want to keep it off this time - I am nearly 63! I have stopped snoring and my blood pressure is lower.
  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    Well, there have been a few. The biggest was realizing i'd rather take a photo than be in it.

    All through secondary school (age 11-16) I was bullied horribly. Suicidal at various points. I got myself through that but unfortunately I turned to junk food to do it. I'm now 22, 5 foot 2 and, at my heaviest was 185lbs. That was, sadly, 4 months or so ago.

    I've been trying to lose the weight for over a year, but kept slipping back into my old habits and making excuses.

    Over the last 4 months I've lost 7lbs in total (my MFP ticker isn't set to my heaviest weight so shows less) and I'm feeling better.

    I want to do this for me, I want my confidence to grow and to do that, my body needs to shrink. Also, I have a wonderful boyfriend, and if we ever get engaged, i'd like to be able to wear the wedding dress I want, not be restricted by my size.

    I am making progress though, on a recent holiday to Prague, I wore shorts for the first time in over a year and actually felt really comfortable in them.
  • Future_Mrs_Serr
    When I was 21 weeks prego I was in getting an ultrasound and found out my daughter had spina bifida and a few other issues and My doctor said " well you sure aren't the easiest person to ultrasound" and later on made a joke about getting gummy Prenatal vitamins. I changed a few things I could change like drinking more water,eating healthier and light exercise like leslie sansone but I can't do anything too extreme until she is born in nov . that was my enough is enough moment.
  • mollymoo89
    Today. I've been on MFP for over a year now and am fairly close to my goal weight. However, I really need to lose fat and tone up. I started lifting weights last week and doing less cardio and have been feeling amazing! I've cut out all junk and fast food and have been eating healthy. I've also increased my calories since I am so close to my goal and 1200 was just way to low for me. However, everything came to a screeching halt today. After I left my internship, I stopped by a boutique to try on some cute clothes. I picked a few things out and went to the dressing room. Once I undressed and looked in the mirror, I was horrified. All I saw was lumpy fat, massive thighs, and fat dimples. What happened to the skinny toned girl that I've been feeling like?! What I saw in the mirror absolutely does not match how I've been feeling. Needless to say I left the store in tears and obviously didn't buy anything. I'm so frustrated that I'm not where I want to be. After an hour (or 2) of self-pity, I'm now headed out for a run and will do weights tomorrow morning! Taking it one day at a time!
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    Last July when my doctor called to tell me how my blood test had went from my physical. He told me he needed me to come back in that I was diabetic. He sent me to see the dietician and put me on metformin. That was like a slap in the face. I think it was the slap in the face that I needed. I have lost 54lbs and have been off my medication since April 2012. I still have a little ways to go. But my last physical was awesome. All my test results were great, no high blood pressure, cholesterol was normal, iron great and my A1C was 5.4. My A1C is where a normal persons is without diabetes. I have been told that I am the doctors new poster child for how to take care of diabetes. I refuse to let it take over my life. I am a much happier person. We were comparing pictures at work the other day and I can't believe that I never thought that I was really that big. I was huge and apparently clueless that I was overweight.
  • gazelleintraining
    There had been lingering "signs," that I had so adeptly ignored along the way to the path I'm on now to get healthier; the doctor writing "obese" on my chart (I'm just over the limit), going up to a size 18, not liking any picture I'm in (even just the "face"-only ones), feeling tired all the time, realizing that some people who I used to regard as bigger were actually smaller than me. Then the turning point: My husband got up the courage during a very honest conversation to tell me very gently and respectfully that while he will always find me pretty that he is less sexually attracted to me because of the 52-pound weight gain. The next day, I joined MFP. I'm two weeks in.
  • crazygrkgirl
    crazygrkgirl Posts: 1 Member
    This past weekend. I tried on my wedding dress I bought in august and it didn't fit, I almost need to go 2 sizes up from when I bought it. I decided that I needed to become healthier and eat better so that I can look and feel good about myself
  • mindy_jubs
    I was out shopping and I bent over to try on a pair of shoes and ripped a giant hole in the butt of my jeans. I tried to blame in on the pants being old and thin. Then one week later I ripped a hole in the butt of another, newer pair of jeans and I had to face the fact that my butt was simply too big to be contained by my pants any longer. I couldn't afford to throw out another $90 pair of pants because I was too lazy to go to the gym...
  • sjellsworth
    when i took my kids to the amusement park and was going to ride the roller coaster with my sons ages 5 and 9. It was my 5 year olds first time on a roller coaster so i was going to sit with him and keep him from being scared, and I couldn't buckle the seat belt. Me and my children had to get off the ride because i was to big to fit in the seat. I also had to tell my children that mommy was too big to go on the ride with them. I decided that enough was enough... I have lost 20 pounds since then.
  • Domi_BTGfit
    It was July 2011 and I stepped on the scales and saw 96.7kgs (212.74lbs) and realised I was SO close to hitting that 100kg mark! I refused. I was wearing size AU18 (US14) and they were so tight I was about to have to start buying size AU20. I refused that too.

    Our 'moments' are very important milestones, embrace them and figure out how to make you better.

    Good luck!
  • karibj2010
    karibj2010 Posts: 264 Member
    Recently I went go-karting with my husband and I thought I wasn't going to be able to buckle up the seat belt. I had to adjust the way I was sitting and suck in my breath to buckle it up. I wanted to cry. It didn't help matters when we went for our second round and instead of letting me just stay in my kart, I had to move up a kart and do this all over again. I'm glad I am having these "enoughs enough" moments because we are taking our 2 kids to a water/action park this weekend and I really want to enjoy the go-karts with the kids and hubby. It definitely is not an easy battle...but it will be totally worth it in the end. :-)