Just bought P90X



  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    That would be correct! I just finished my 5th round. You can just keep going and going! :drinker:

    So has this been the only type of workout you have done for over a year? Do you ever get bored with it?

    I did three complete rounds of P90X, one round of P90X+, one round of Insanity, and just finished an Insanity/P90X hybrid. I'm about to start a hybrid of P90X+, One-on-One's, & Insanity. Beachbody has a lot to offer!

    I am getting sweaty just reading what you've done!
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    I am getting sweaty just reading what you've done!

    I also do about 30 minutes of yoga on most days. :bigsmile:
  • nyskier
    P90X is a great program. I did one round this summer and just started on round 2. If you get bored, add P90X+, insanity, other BB workouts. Great stuff!
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    I'm finishing up Round 2 of it next week. After that, I'm working on a hybrid workout of some of the P90X workouts and other workouts to keep things fresh and to keep myself from adapting too much (which I found that I was doing about midway through this second round, even though I increased the intensity and weight).

    YES, it's hard.

    YES, you'll want to die after Plyometrics.

    YES, you'll wonder if you can even keep up for 90 days.

    YES, you have to follow the diet guide to get 100% results.

    But with all that said, there are some guides, recommendations and caveats.....

    - The nutrition guide recommends sautéing in broth or other liquids. That's fine and all for reducing fat, but it's not sauté if it's not using a fat (oil or butter). That's pretty much poaching. I can't stand that part of the guide because it uses the wrong terminology in the kitchen.

    - You don't have to keep up with The Kids in the videos. Although the videos were produced about 5-6 years ago, they'd been working out for quite a long time. When Tony says "do your best, forget the rest," he means to do what YOU can do, not what someone else is doing. If your limit is half of each exercise, do that half....but strive for improvement next week.

    - If you're not interested in yoga, Yoga-X may seem boring, long, and tempting to skip. Don't. The Yoga-X disc may be an hour and a half, but it's for flexibility and balance, which goes to improve form and posture while lifting. Substituting a cardio workout for Yoga-X is not the same thing. Substituting a cardio workout for Cardio-X or Kenpo-X is, which is what I do (I like to run).

    - "Keep pushing 'Play'" just means that even if you're not in the mood to do a workout, just pop the disc in, press 'Play' then see how you feel. Most of the time, you'll get ramped up and go. But sometimes, it's just not there. Don't beat yourself up, press 'Stop' and use that day as your rest day. But come back tomorrow.

    - You're not required to finish the program in 90 days. No P90X Police are going to knock down your door and confiscate your equipment if you miss a couple of days here and there. The most important thing is the promise you make to yourself to do this.

    - If you cheat on your diet, the P90X Police aren't going to knock down your door :smile: But just like any other workout/nutrition program, you won't get 100% results if you don't put in 100% effort. I didn't, but I already knew that. One of the big irritating complaints that I see often about P90X are people complaining about not achieving the promised results only to find out that they weren't following the nutrition guide at all. They kept eating garbage in the vain hope that the intensity of the workouts would make up for the pizza and beer.

    - P90X is a FITNESS program. It's not specifically for weight loss or specifically for muscle increase. The nutrition intake will seem high because it's intended to maintain, not provide a deficit (for weight loss) or surplus (for mass gain). Drop it by 300-500 calories for weight loss.

    - Women will not turn into muscle-bound freaks by doing this program, even the Classic version. It's not geared toward that. Actually, neither will most men, for that matter.....

    - Over the course of a couple of weeks, you may start to get annoyed at some of the other participants on the videos. That's natural, but remember that you're watching them repeatedly do or say something they only did or said once, 5 years ago. :smile:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Great feedback - thanks everyone
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Great feedback - thanks everyone
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Yes, thank you for all the info! I really can't wait to start!

    I am doing Power90 until I can order P90X. Yesterday I did a short Tae-Bo DVD before the Power90 Sweat 1-2. I want to make sure I'm ready when I start P90X!!
  • melissa289
    I just ordered mine - due in this week. My concern is did anyone notice the excel log they had for it. When I inputed my weight and info at was way off for my target weight. It said I should weight 104. When I was in highschool I weight 136 and looked ill! I have thick bones and lots of muscle. Should I strive for 104 or what I think would be right which is 140?

    Also anyone already using the program have tips and what I need to get ahead of time to be ready for the program???
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I would go with what you know is right for you....104 is small...if you hit 140 and see all is great just keep going!
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Yay!! I just ordered mine!! :happy: I am still confused on what I should get for the pull up part of the workouts, or if I need dumb bells AND bands. I already have the weights.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I've been thinkig about getting this for some time, my question is how much floor space do you need to have to do it? Also, is there a lot of jumping? I live in a condo with another unit below me. I don't want to disturb my neighbour and I don't want to run into furniture because I don't have enough space.
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yay!! I just ordered mine!! :happy: I am still confused on what I should get for the pull up part of the workouts, or if I need dumb bells AND bands. I already have the weights.

    You can get a pull-up bar that goes in a doorway, or you can use bands & a door attachment for pull-downs. If you have weights, you won't need the bands except if you use them instead of pull-ups.
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    I've been thinkig about getting this for some time, my question is how much floor space do you need to have to do it? Also, is there a lot of jumping? I live in a condo with another unit below me. I don't want to disturb my neighbour and I don't want to run into furniture because I don't have enough space.

    You need some space, but not a lot. The Plyometrics routine requires you to hop and jump around a lot, so you'll probably have to move the coffee table out of the way and do it at a time that won't disturb the neighbors too much. Same with Kenpo because you are kicking to the front, side, and back.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Dont forget to look on Ebay for the P90x and Insanity series. They are usually A LOT cheaper there. I got my Insanity set of DVDs brand new for only $80.00.
  • johnporcaro
    johnporcaro Posts: 76 Member
    I've been thinkig about getting this for some time, my question is how much floor space do you need to have to do it? Also, is there a lot of jumping? I live in a condo with another unit below me. I don't want to disturb my neighbour and I don't want to run into furniture because I don't have enough space.

    Try doing your workout with three clumsy kids... :) We move the couch out of the way, and still trip all over each other. But it's worth it to see them getting a good workout. And me too!

    Truthfully, though, I'm not sure there's a workout that would require less room, or less equipment, if you're going to do it at home.
  • gottagetitoff
    Just do it! Get out the calendar which tells you what workout to do each day and go....you'll be sore as hell for the first week, but go onto the next day. Don't take a day off until it says to. It gets easier. it's neat to see your progress. Good luck!
  • gmvanloo
    gmvanloo Posts: 100 Member
    Yay!! I just ordered mine!! :happy: I am still confused on what I should get for the pull up part of the workouts, or if I need dumb bells AND bands. I already have the weights.

    I did use bands in the beginning for pull ups but switched to a pull up bar. My husband had put a pull up bar up so I bought a bench under it to give me some assistance. I can only do 1 chin up :smile: I would suggest that if you use bands you get the bands from Beachbody. I didn't do that and I ended up buying several different bands to figure out which ones were the best. I could never get it right which is why I just switched to the bar. You can definitely use bands if you have the right ones.

    I use dumb bells for the other exercises but you can use bands too. All the workouts show how to do the exercise with bands.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    One more question... can you do it barefoot?
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Yay!! I just ordered mine!! :happy: I am still confused on what I should get for the pull up part of the workouts, or if I need dumb bells AND bands. I already have the weights.

    You can get a pull-up bar that goes in a doorway, or you can use bands & a door attachment for pull-downs. If you have weights, you won't need the bands except if you use them instead of pull-ups.

    I'm sorry to keep asking about this but, what kind of door attachment do you mean? It would be sold separately from the bands or would it be a kit that would have the bands that attach to a door. My other issue is that I will be doing this in my living room, and, while I do have a door opening, that opening is not framed in and does not actually have a door on it. Is there an alternative to pullups that doesnt involve mounting equipment? Thanks so much!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    perfect pull up - drills into your door frame .... that's what we got. Walmart $49 it also adjusts to a beginner pull up level too

    the other type that just hangs on your door and comes off wouldn't fit our door frames are too thick.