Just bought P90X



  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Don't know what it is about bananas but if I eat them, I don't cramp (like the terrible side stitch) when I run and I don't have calf cramps at bedtime either.
  • greeneyes82
    greeneyes82 Posts: 315 Member
    How is the meal plan for the P90X? Is it actually tasty food or boring, tasteless food?

    Also, what happens after the 90 days? Do you have to pick up another workout routine or start the P90X over?
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    How is the meal plan for the P90X? Is it actually tasty food or boring, tasteless food?

    Also, what happens after the 90 days? Do you have to pick up another workout routine or start the P90X over?

    The meal plan has 3 options to follow. Portion approach, Meal plan approach & Quick Option. Meal plan actually spells out what to eat for each meal. Quick option uses convenience foods (lean cuisine, etc.). I enjoy the Portion approach. It gives you a set amount of "blocks" to eat each day. Say...5 proteins, 1 dairy, 1 carb, 2 fruits....& then has lists of healthy options w/in each category.

    After the 90 days there are many options. Lots of people just do another round. Some people move on to the other intense beachbody program, Insanity. Some move on to do P90X+. You can start adding on some One on One (another Beachbody product that sells individual workouts so you pick which ones you want) in place of the p90x workouts. You can do a hybrid/mix of any of the above.....it goes on & on.....
  • greeneyes82
    greeneyes82 Posts: 315 Member
    Okay, that makes sense. Thanks a bunch!

  • One other thing... I like to workout barefoot. I don't have a good pair of shoes and seem to be more stable barefoot. Anyone see issues with that?

    I did the entire 90 days barefoot. I never had any problems with my feet or ankles. Now I am doing Insanity and again I am barefoot!
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