A newb hoping online support will help!

I'm new to MFP, and I've tried online weight loss resources before with no luck. I'm wondering if the lack of support has been my downfall? I'm getting over my shyness and trying it this time!

I met my goal of 2 pounds lost this week, so I'm going to try to stick to counting my calories and gym time! I think it makes me more accountable.

Anyone out there available to support my 20-something year old butt to kick it into high gear this time!? Any suggestions for good groups for ladies to join?

Thanks! :smile:


  • fernreynolds
    fernreynolds Posts: 14 Member

    It's all about the support.

    I have lost about 4-5 llbs so far in the 3 weeks I have been on. I think e support is fantastic on her and the fact you log everything makes me stop cheating, which is my downfall together with oversized portions.

    It teaches you p

    I'm 24 so am also 20-something s please el free to add me as I log on everyday :-)