Can we start a happy thread?



  • davidsgirl145
    davidsgirl145 Posts: 162 Member
    I am making some yummy home made marinara sauce. YUM.

    Ha! I read that as ''I am making some yummy home made marijuana''. This is definately the happy thread! LOL made me laugh anyway.
  • chrlslove7
    chrlslove7 Posts: 136 Member
    I'll share an awkward moment that still makes me laugh to this day:

    I was pushin my cart at good ol' Wal-mart one night. All the night-stockers were out stocking all the empty shelves. As I'm pushing my basket past an aisle, I catch the eye of a cute guy who's slowly stocking the taco seasonings. It all happened in a slow motion sort of way. Then I slammed my basket into a shelf. I looked at him and he started laughing...I just backed up and got the hell outta there as fast as I could, sorely embarrassed. Ahhh....nights at Wal-Mart. Good times...
  • Positive_Thinker
    Positive_Thinker Posts: 23 Member
    I absolutely agree with you. There seems to be a lot of putting down.

    Tthat thinking it can definitely be contagious if we allow it...We can absolutely make our mind better (as we are doing to our bodies)
    When something negative arises....gossip, mean-spirited "humor", put-downs...We can choose, consciously, to do, say, and think the opposite: Positive, creative, and helpful thoughts are what will save us! :glasses:
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i love corny lovefests. bring it!