fat loss, muscle gain...confusion!

I switched my cals to maintence and started lifting heavy and more often then doing straight cardio. my hrm says i burn between 500 and 600 hundred cals average. My cals are set at 1830 before working out. Some days i eat 1300 some days i eat 2300 depending on how im feeling hungry or not. Average though is about 1850. (not including workout cals, 1850 average actually consumed)
My workouts kick my *kitten*, yet i feel like nothing is changing..no fat loss, no more muscle, clothes fit the same...So my question is do I feel like i'm stuck because of the diet? I either need to eat more or less? but with that burn daily my net cals are closer to 1350 ave. so i should technically be losing? Im lifting alot and getting a good burn because lifting heavy is hard work! I occasionally go for a run and i do Insanity as well. CONFUSED! THANKS!!


  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    İt may be too early? İt literally took me four full weeks eating at a deficit to see the tiniest drop on the scale, but i gradually saw changes in my body. Are you taking pics? Are you aiming to maintain or lose? İ would give it a bit longer...
  • madmish00
    What macros do you work off? How much protein do you average? May be worth tweaking these a bit as your calories sound OK.

    Looking at your profile you are already pretty ripped so I assume you have been weight training for a while? What is your training routine? Maybe try mixing this up a bit - alternating low rep high weight and endurance strength training
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    THANKS! Maybe you hit it with the macros...more consistancy there....the only one i ever hit consistantly is protein and i eat about 150 grams...other then that fat and carbs there is no average its all over the place! and yes time too!!!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    How long have you been training?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    How long have you been training?

    I have this question too. Also, what is the frequency of each type of training and what is your weight routine?