Step away from the Nutella



  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    One of my favorite post workout snacks is a peanut butter and nutella sandwich:) I only eat it after a hard, long cardio workout.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I can't even taste nutella. It triggers a nutella binge. You might want to try just staying away from it completely.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Nutella has peanuts in it, right? I know peanuts are one of those trigger foods for me. Like corn chips. Or popcorn. Some foods are best banished for a while from the kitchen.

    I stopped buying peanut butter for a while when I was actively losing. Now that Im pretty much at goal I've gotten a handle on compulsive eating - but it wasn't easy.

    no. it does not have peanuts and it is a far cry from peanut butter.
  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member
    Someone left a half empty jar of nutella in the cupboard, it went off and when I opened it the smell was awful. If you want to give this very highly processed food up for a lifetime then let the stuff go off (rancid oil) and you will be put off forever.

  • apocalypsepwnie
    I used to have this problem. The ads here say it's less fat than PB and less sugar than jam. Also, the cool kids in school always got the little snack packs while I didn't. So now I'm an adult I EAT ALL THE THINGS! Bahaha.

    But anyway, I started buying stevia sweetened dark chocolate. I only eat two squares and at 50 cals it totally satisfies the need for sweets and I really do not feel like anything more. I got upset recently and ate 4 WHOLE SQUARES (omg IKR! 2 SERVINGS!) of the chocolate and felt really really sick so I think it's designed to just have a little hahah.
    Try subbing it out or just not buying it for a while. Maybe make a commitment of 1 small jar every month or so and once it's gone it's gone.
    You cannot deprive your self of small treats that you love. It leads to binging and other horrible things. I think that's such a key message.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    I've never tried Nutella but I did think about it. Now that I have read this thread I think I will leave it alone. I like pb too. I especially like that in small amounts the carbs and proteins balance each other - sometimes I have pb for that reason.
  • DKWaggoner
    Yes! I was addicted to it as is heaven in a jar! We had to stop buying it. If it was in the house I was eating it-by the spoonfuls!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Try chocolate Philadelphia instead. Fairly sure it works out lower calorie and sugar and lovely on toast or even on its own or on a banana.
  • BaristaX
    BaristaX Posts: 151 Member
    there is nothing wrong with nutella as long as you can control yourself, I gave my self a set time of day to treat myself with nutella but only 1 tbsp, sometimes 1/2 a tbsp, 1 jar usually lasts about 2 months for me.

    another thing you could try, which some may not like, is to add a bit of nutella with coffee and almond milk, I personally like it since it gives the coffee a hint of flavor and I don't have that craving for another spoonful.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Mmmmm nutella! I also have to stay away. But it's sooo good. And the things I can think of to do with it....:bigsmile:
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    Try chocolate Philadelphia instead. Fairly sure it works out lower calorie and sugar and lovely on toast or even on its own or on a banana.

    Yes, it is much lower in pretty much all the bad stuff (sugar, bad fats, empty carbs) and higher in all the good stuff (protein). Plus it tastes LUSH!

    Here in the UK they have an advert on to try and convince you to give Nutella to your kids for breakfast as it's soooo healthy. Very misleading IMO. Almond Butter is a great bet for a healthy, nutty spread on toast.
  • elizak87
    elizak87 Posts: 249 Member
    Buy the snack packs rather than the jar. Then it is portioned for you
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    When I have it in the house I use a baby/toddler spoon instead of a big spoon...that helps.
  • JessieSunshine81
    I have the same problem.. but I decided if I must have it .. it has to be on a bagel or something in a recipe.. and only once a week.. It tastes great on a bagel with sliced bananas.. Or if its too hard to keep it around.. just stop buying it.. good luck
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    I have a slice of whole wheat toast with 1tbs PB & 1/2tbs of Nutella almost every day.

    This might work for me!
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    Yes, step away from the nutella! I'd start out with a Nutella sandwich, then two, then say screw the bread and just dig in and the whole jar would be gone in one sitting. :blushing:

    Sometimes at the grocery store I go down the aisle and just stare longingly at it, but I have not and will not buy it or any variation of it because I know one taste and I'll down the whole jar again, lol. Crack in a jar!

    It is crack in a jar. "just say no, right" lol
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Don't buy it! Willpower is something that works best when it isn't tested. Blame brainpower! Deep down, you knew what was going to happen once you brought that food, even if you told yourself it was for a special treat. That's what you must do for yourself. Don't bring it home.

    Ps I've always been tempted to try it but nowi will not buy its that delish :(
  • Wwonderful
    Damn, Nutella is that good, then I got to try it!!
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Damn, Nutella is that good, then I got to try it!!

  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    I love Nutella too and i allow myself to have it but only a small amount (about half a tbsp) on some crackerbread every now and again. It sees my chocolate cravings off nicely.