Just don't want to go through the effort anymore



  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    Thank you all so very much! I am blown away that you all took the time to make a comment, and give me a little boost.

    I really appreciate a number of your comments, and have been chewing on a few of the things you mentioned throughout the day (even, surprisingly the rather "negative" comments from the two extremly in-shape men...lol)

    So, I went for a run tonight and will go to my class in the morning. I will keep logging calories and drinking water.

    I heard today from people that the motivation comes from me, not from what anyone else can say, and I do agree with that, but I want you to know that sometimes it takes the perspective of another person to get that motivation high in myself. For example, one lady wrote that i could likely hit my goal by next May and would I rather be at my goal weight when May comes around (which it will)... or would I like to be at my same weight... I never really thought about it like that, and so her comment helped me. As I was getting so fixated on how slowly the weight is coming off...anyway, just want to say thanks and that this is a good board for people to come to when they need a little boost...
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    I know how you feel....
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    You have to want it. I'm surprised how long I've stuck with this. I only wanted to lose 20 pounds (started in January) and I met my goal in I think April... and I've stuck with it since then. I've maintained, kept working out, trying to work more on building muscle, etc etc. I love how dedicated I am. I'm dedicated because I WANT it. I want to be fit. i want to look good. I want to be healthy.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    The first month or two are the hardest because you're trying to break old habits and create new ones. You just really have to want it. Find a picture of you before you lost any weight that you hate and tell yourself you will never go back to that. Set short term goals for yourself, like I'm going to work out 6 days this week, or I'm going to eat 6 small meals today. Some people have a lot of success pre-logging their food for the next day so they stick to it. Just try out different things and see what motivates you the most.

    I've been at it for about 5 months now, and it really does get easier. I'm at the point where I can't imagine that I used to eat really bad things ALL the time. I still have them once in a while, but it makes me feel gross after. Also, I feel really cranky and tired if I don't work out. You'll adjust.

    I know the feeling, and please don't give up! Feel free to add me if you need some daily encouragement!
  • mrrodriguez
    . . . Christmas, summer, your birthday, whatever arbitrary date you want to throw out, will come and go whether you do this or not. You can either be fitter, healthier and happier when it gets here, or not. Your choice :smile:

    I totally love this statement. It really makes me think about the fact that time will pass anyway, might as well TRY to be fit. I am going through some of the same thing. Stuck in a plateau for a year. Add me as a friend if you like and we can commiserate. :)
  • ctgirlscout
    ctgirlscout Posts: 90 Member
    I was in your situation once. I have four children, three of them close in age. My first child was (and still is) disabled. Because he was such a difficult baby, I was never able to lose my pregnancy weight due to depression and stress, and the pounds just kept coming with each subsequent child. My son just turned 26 on Tuesday, so that is how long I have been struggling with my weight. The bottom line is you have to find your motivation to lose weight and change your lifestyle. It could be that you are just not ready yet. But I want to tell you that it will be much easier to lose while you are young, rather than when you get to be my age (52). You have four beautiful children to get healthy for. I wish I had had the willpower years ago to do this for my kids. Try to build a support group for yourself and see if you can make this work, if not for you, then for your kids.