pregnancy 2010

Hello. My husband and I really want to have a baby this year. I am overweight and know I need to lose a lot to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. Does anybody in the same circumstance want to work with me this year to help encourage each other? I could use the help and any advice.


  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I'm totally with you!

    My fiance and I are getting married in August, and we want to start our family shortly after that, but I'm overweight as well.

    My doc has already put me on folic acid and advised me that if I can't get to a healthy BMI (which whould be a huge weight loss as of right now) that she would like to see me loose at least 10% of my current weight, which would be 21.4 lbs.

    This is all my motivation - I want to have healthy babies, and be able to enjoy being pregnant.

    If you need a support system, I'm it! As long as you can keep my butt in gear too?

    I'm Pam by the way!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    My husband and I just started trying this month! I too really want to lose weight to be healthier for me and the baby!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I am with you too! My husband I are trying to have one as well.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    I'm also looking to lose my weight so that I can have more babies.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Hi ladies!

    My husband finishes school in May, and we're thinking about starting to try for a baby not too long after that. We haven't firmly decided that we are going to start trying in 2010, but it's definitely a possibility! I certainly need to get down to a more reasonable weight beforehand, though. I'm going to be 30 this year, and I've had babies on the brain for months! It's hard putting it off, even though I know it'll be for the best to get healthy first I've been taking daily folic acid since April just to be sure I've got a good store for when we DO decide to try.

    Best of luck for those TTC, and those hoping to start soon!! :flowerforyou:
  • meisje
    meisje Posts: 84 Member
    good morning and happy new year!
    my husband and i are also trying to conceive and i have found that since that first "try" i have become so much more conscious of what foods i am putting in my body. the thought of eating processed mystery foods over healthy and homemade meals is not even an option knowing that every chemical and additive will be shared with my baby as well. i may not be able to protect him/her for the rest of his/her life (or even past nine months) but this is something i can definitely do - for both of us!
    that being said, my biggest priority (after healthy eating) is doing something active every day - if even for just a few minutes. it has been cold and rainy here all week, but i have still managed a 10-15 minute run/walk every day. is that a possible challange for the rest of you?
    as i told a friend last week (also ttc): just put your sneakers on!!! i have NEVER laced up, gone outside and then changed my mind. sometimes that is the hardest part of exercising - getting dressed!
    good luck to us all!
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    Happy New Year Ladies !

    I'm with you girls and really really hope 2010 will be the year we finally start our familly.

    That's what I wish us all for the new year :flowerforyou:
  • Belle84
    Belle84 Posts: 36
    heya im with you all as well, i am trying to get pregnant while having PCOS which makes it a lot more difficult to get pregnant AND lose weight so any support will be good :D xx
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    I'm not ttc currently, and we def. won't be trying in 2010. I just wanted to wish you ladies lots of luck!
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    Belle84, I am not sure I have PCOS but I've been taking Metformin for 2 months. The first month I lost almost 5 pounds (even though I didn't really had any weight to lose). It seems to be helping getting more regular.
  • jbunzsno
    jbunzsno Posts: 54 Member
    My husband and I also would like to get pregnant this year as well. We are thinking sometime in the late summer early fall. I would like to lose atleast 60 pounds before I get pregnant. I was overweight with my last pregnancy and I paid for it...gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. and I know I had most of those issues because I was overweight. I am still 10 pounds away from my pre pregnancy weight and another 50 away from my goal weight. This year is the year!!!! Good luck ladies I hope that we can give each other the support that we all are looking for :) Happy New Year!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    heya im with you all as well, i am trying to get pregnant while having PCOS which makes it a lot more difficult to get pregnant AND lose weight so any support will be good :D xx

    What is PCOS?
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome....

    My dh and I would like to have another baby. Not sure if it will be in 2010 or 2011 that we will ttc but I do know that I dont want to even attempt it until I lose at least 55 pounds....65 would be even better! Most of all I want to be healthy. I battle moderate to severe anemia and severe acid reflux. losing weight will help with one which will help with the other! WIth both of my previous 2 pregnancies I gained 55 pounds on the dot and had borderline gestational diabetes. I vow to not have that issue again!

    Lets do it ladies!
  • Jennwith2ns
    Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
    Yes me! We have been TTC for about 5 years now. We are both infertile, and our RE told us the first thing we need to do is lose weight. I have 100 to lose, he has 200..
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Well to all of you ladies - I wish you the best of luck.

    It won't be easy for any one of us, but we'll get there one way or another. One day at a time, one step at a time. And from the sound of all the ladies on this board, there will be a lot of support to get us there.

    Feel free to send me messages anytime ladies! I'm here to support you, and I'll certainly need it.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    So I know most of you gals are new to this, but I have a question and can't seem to get an answer. I started having menstrual like cramping 2 days after ovulating which has lasted a couple of days now. I also do a daily basal body temperature which has been a little low, very close to the cover line. Anyone experience this or know what it could be?
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    Well to all of you ladies - I wish you the best of luck.

    It won't be easy for any one of us, but we'll get there one way or another. One day at a time, one step at a time. And from the sound of all the ladies on this board, there will be a lot of support to get us there.

    Feel free to send me messages anytime ladies! I'm here to support you, and I'll certainly need it.

    Some of us guys in the same boat on the other side of the coin can't contribute directly, but we'll be cheering you on quietly from the sidelines.
  • hollyj77
    My husband and I have been TTC since June and I know that my weight is an issue. I would like to join this group of hopeful mommies in 2010! I'm on day 1!! LOL Best of luck! :wink:
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    I am so excited to see that so many women are in the same place I am! I am POSITIVE that we can do it this year!

    Add me as a friend and I'll be glad to help enourage you guys, Lord knows I need the support too!
  • jbunzsno
    jbunzsno Posts: 54 Member
    So I know most of you gals are new to this, but I have a question and can't seem to get an answer. I started having menstrual like cramping 2 days after ovulating which has lasted a couple of days now. I also do a daily basal body temperature which has been a little low, very close to the cover line. Anyone experience this or know what it could be?

    I don't know what it could be. Just wanted to respond so you know were not ignoring you :) Do you think you could be pregnant? Cause I had the menstrual like cramping and some spotting with my pregnancy. Not sure about the temperature though...not sure how all of that works. Good luck hope you find an answer to your question.