I hate myself.



  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    Welcome to the New Year and the new You. Well your unhappy with your weight and now is the time to do something about it. Take little steps, eat more veggies with each meal, good for you and your family. Im on the food lovers diet, and it works for me and tons of people. Mo Nique is starting it and weighed in a couple of weeks ago with Robert F., so did a lady that was over 350 lbs. No more regular sugar!! theres alternitives to everything now. I know it cost, I think I paid about $120 for the kit, but its one step at a time, you can make payments, or the main thing is, to start recording what you eat. If you drink regular soda, and quit you will drop about 35 pounds. At least your here, so get busy and write down what you eat. You want to be here for your son, plus if you dont loose weight you most likely well become a diabetic, like i am, the insulin is so so expensive, also you can end up with high blood pressure. You can do this :bigsmile:
  • Well, I guess the truth Is I dot know exactly what to cook... Eating chicken every day gets boring.. im not a fan of fish or seafood at all, and steak is to fatty.. so I guess I just dont know alot of other healthy meal foods other then chicken..

    I bought ALLI the other day and have been on it for 2 days now...

    I havent had ANY nasty side effects. But I have been eating an all drive thru diet. Mainly because I dont necessarily have a kitchen available during the day. Due to wanting to save money while we are in college my husband and me, and your little boy are staying with his family.. they have a HUGE 7 bed 3 bath house so there is plenty of room.

    But only ONE kitchen and it seems like someone is ALWAYS using it.. so drive thru is really all I have unless I just put my foot down and say its MY kitchen time lol.

    My diet example from yeasterday

    Taco bell
    Taco - 190 calories 8 grams of fat
    cinnamin twists - 160 calories 5 grams of fat
    coffee w/ cream and equal - 60 calories 6 grams of fat

    Snack 1
    Mc Donalds
    Fruit & Yogurt Parfait
    160 calories 2 grams of fat

    110 calories 1 gram of fat

    Chilli - Large
    280 calories 9 grams of fat

    100 calorie pack of cookies
    100 calories 3.5 grams of fat


    Taco Bell

    190 calories 8 grams of fat

    Cinnamin twists
    160 calories 5 grams of fat

    fruit and yogurt parfait
    160 calories 2 grams of fat

    had some pretzels after that
    110 calories 1 gram of fat

    Total: 1,570calories 49.5 grams of fat

    Yikes. How does that much drive thru help you save money? There are lots of cheap, minimum prep groceries to keep on hand. Sandwich bread and meat and lettuce and tomato and mustard, salad stuff (baby romaine or baby spinach packs, cucumbers, artichoke hearts, chickpeas, feta cheese :love: , baby carrots... you get the idea), canned soups, kashi granola bars, frozen waffles, cereal, milk... etc, etc, etc. And steak can be lean. ANYTHING can fit into your way of eating like Pheonix Rising said, but you have to make allowances for it. And I strongly suggest whole natural foods.
  • You can do this...the advice you received in the other comments are true you can do it one step at a time...one bite at a time...:flowerforyou:
  • TXBlockhead
    TXBlockhead Posts: 169 Member
    I eat a lot of fast food myself...as I send my hubby out to get me a grilled chicken caesar salad from McDonald's. Sometimes I get stuck on the same foods and eat them all of the time. Right now I have been eating tostadas everyday. It's the mission tostadas, 2 of them, put on some fat free beans, shredded cheese and put them in the oven until the cheese melts. Then I top them w lettuce, tomato and salsa. Yum! Also, you can make little pizzas w low cal english muffins, topped w pizza sauce, mozzarella and pepperoni slices.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    You should put your foot down and demand some kitchen time. Even the lower fat choices at fast food stops are horible for you, full of sugar, salt, and additives and do not offer enough fruit or veggitables to be healthy. Gaining weight would be the last of my worries regarding eating fast food, it is as bad if not worse for you than smoking, and it costs a lot more than making stuff at home.

    Try spending half a day preparing meals for the week and freezing them, and incorporate a lot of veggitables. This will save time and money and help you with your weight loss. Buy a low fat cook book, for the price of one Fast Food meal, and follow the directions, in a few weeks you will be able to cook on your own without the book by knowing what ingredients go together.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Honey, there's your problem. Wow,,, that's a really really awful day. I don't think I've eaten that much fast food in the month of December, let alone one day.

    Chicken is good if it's prepared well, but also,,,
    Lean pork loin (a little bbq sauce, yumm)
    Sliced ham,
    Lean steak,
    Just about any fish,
    Turkey (I have a jillion ways to work the bigbird :bigsmile: ).

    All of these are great, and that's just the meats.

    Green veggies are fantastic, the best thing you can eat.
    Simple starches and grains are fine as long as you don't get too much. I do a cooker of rice at least twice a week.
    A good salad rocks,,, and if yours doesn't it's not a good salad. Recipes on this site,,,

    Fresh fruits rock - I'd honestly rather have a good honeycrisp apple than a cupcake. Don't go too nuts, they're sugary, but they should definitely be part of your plan.

    Soup is the killer app, a big pot of soup is good for dinner 3 (non-consecutive) nights and it's healthy and lo-cal and good.

    You're going to need some kitchen time... you cannot eat well ordering out of a window. I'm assuming that the people you live with love you,,, and if they do then they won't mind sharing with you and helping you do what you need.

    BTW - the fast food ain't good for the kid either,,, he's learning how to eat and forming habits that'll last a lifetime right now. Teach him well.

    You can do this,,,
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I eat a lot of fast food myself...as I send my hubby out to get me a grilled chicken caesar salad from McDonald's. Sometimes I get stuck on the same foods and eat them all of the time. Right now I have been eating tostadas everyday. It's the mission tostadas, 2 of them, put on some fat free beans, shredded cheese and put them in the oven until the cheese melts. Then I top them w lettuce, tomato and salsa. Yum! Also, you can make little pizzas w low cal english muffins, topped w pizza sauce, mozzarella and pepperoni slices.

    Most of what is stated in this reply would not be considered healthy, it is full of salt and saturated fat, fine infrequently but not on a daily basis. Good to replace going to a pub for nachos or ordering pizza, but still not very healthy.
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    My advice is to do something each day that will make you feel better about yourself. Exercise, say "no" to an unhealthy food, or talk to a MFP friend about your goals. It seems like bonding with your son is seriously important to you--so make him a part of your new lifestyle!

    I have a health condition that really limits what exercise I can do, but I try to walk my dog every single day and it's really motivational for me. Try putting your son in the stroller and going for a 30 or 45 minute walk. After a few weeks of regular walking, you'll be able to use a baby backpack or a big scarf to carry him against your chest. Walk at the same time every day to make it a habit. Once your muscles are used to his extra weight, start carrying him around the house or use the baby backpack when you go to the grocery store instead of pushing him around in the cart. Change doesn't happen overnight; it's something you have to chip away at every day. Use your son as your motivation: it will change both your lives!

    Welcome & Good Luck! We're all rooting for you! :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Agreed with the above posters.... go check out the recipe section on here. You will be amazed at all the super yummy recipes you can make that won't kill your calorie allowance.

    My advice for today:
    1. Find a week's worth of dinners to make from the recipe section. Start by replacing that one meal with something homemade. (Next week, shoot for more meals to replace.)
    2. Drink 64 oz of water. That is 8 x 8oz glasses. Go chug a glass right now. 8oz at a time isn't too much. Log your water on here. Many times we mistake dehydration for hunger.
    3. Take your kid for a walk. If you can put him into a stroller, do so. The fresh air and walking will help boost your mood! Exercise produces endorphins which are natural mood elevators. Walking is fine. Start small !! Your endurance will build up faster than you think, but a good walk today is the start.

    Baby steps.
    You can do this.
    Put your mind to it.

    Do it for your son. He needs you around, he wants you around. You'd do anything for him, right? Then improve your health. Teach him through healthy meals how to properly eat so he never has to struggle against food like you are doing right now.

    You Can Do This. :flowerforyou:
  • Where do I find the recipes on here?
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Under message boards, there is a specific area labeled Recipes.

    This link might take you directly there:
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    My name is Destiny Phan
    I am 22, I have a little boy an amazing husband.
    But im still not happy.
    I am 251 pounds.
    My weight has never been this bad.
    I HATE it!!!
    I HATE myself so bad!
    I feel like one big FAT embarassment!
    I Look in the mirror everyday and cant help but to think how much I HATE myself.
    I HATE this person, who I have turned into.
    I am SURROUNDED by skinny people and dont feel like I have a friend in the WORLD that can understand how I feel!
    I feel so alone, and ashamed.
    I feel so rejected by everyone including myself.
    I walk into anywhere in public with my husband and feel like people are looking at us and thinking.. what is that amazing man doing with that TERRIBLE looking woman!
    I have tried every diet under the sun, but nothing seems to work.
    It might sound like a lame excuse but I DONT feel like I have the energy to exercise.
    I LOVE my little boy with all my heart, but I feel like he loves everyone else more because they get down and play with him.
    My back is always hurting and if I get down on the ground to play with him.. its a lot of work to just get back up.
    I SERIOUSLY fee like I just dont have any energy at all.
    Everything LITTLE thing seems like such a challenge.
    And because I HATE myself, I guess Im just angry at myself and lash out at others sometimes.. and Im feel like im slowly driving everyone that does care away because I cant stand myself.. I feel like I dont even deserve to have people who care..
    I am at the LOWEST point in my life and I just DONT know what to do.. :(:(:(


    Thank you, Destiny, for adding myself and so many others as your MFP friends. I'm sure I speak for all of us, you won't be sorry you did. We will be here to help you when you want help. You can do this! It ill take time and changes to your lifestyle, exercise, and eating habits but they will be good for you, your family, and your outlook on life. Believe me, they will.

    Many of us here have lost lots of weight with MFP's help and you can too. You can check out the threads in the Success Stories area for my story, but better yet, a picture is worth a thousand words they say, so here's mine:

  • Casi23
    Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
    If you want a simple way to start working out that is private and doesn't take up a lot of your time...try Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred. It's an easy-to-find DVD on Amazon or at Wal-mart...and the only equipment you need are two small free weights.

    Each workout is only 20 minutes a day and she shows you ways to modify the workout if you are just starting out. I set my alarm a half an hour early and knock it out before work! It'll give you a little push and once you lose a little weight and get stronger, you'll feel more confident to hit the gym or try a short jog outside. Try to stick with this DVD for the full month and weigh yourself only once a week.

    Good luck!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I agree- start out small - I am too. I also have a son, and am not able to do everything I want to do - but I've done a few things to get started (and I have more weight to lose than you!) get a pedometer - I think I got one from the $1 bin at Target, just to get started. Start walking - I used the high school track after work, or a lot of shopping malls have a walking club in the morning before the mall opens - take the little one (I put my son in the stroller and take him with). I like the high school track - because I can track my distance. Start out with a couple of laps, and then each week work up to more. The track I use 4 laps = a mile. My husband goes with too, so it's family time (not during the winter). invest in a good cookbook. I have a few, and you can usually find them at yard sales, so you can build your collection fairly inexpensively. some good ones to try are the Biggest Loser ones, or some of the Weight Watcher ones- I have a few of them- and those books usually list out the nutrition info as well, and all the recipes I've tried have been delicious. I've also picked up some on Amazon.com (really cheap) and at used book stores. There are lots of resources on here to help you - we are all in this together! it starts one step at a time, and baby step are ok, that's how a mountain eventually gets climbed - you start out with one foot in front of the other.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Many of us here have lost lots of weight with MFP's help and you can too. You can check out the threads in the Success Stories area for my story, but better yet, a picture is worth a thousand words they say, so here's mine:


    34, you look fantastic! Like a whole new person! (Your wife is pretty hot too :wink:)
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    Many of us here have lost lots of weight with MFP's help and you can too. You can check out the threads in the Success Stories area for my story, but better yet, a picture is worth a thousand words they say, so here's mine:


    34, you look fantastic! Like a whole new person! (Your wife is pretty hot too :wink:)

    Why, thank you young lady! And my wife thanks you too! Several people have told me that I look 20 years younger now. I know I feel that way - maybe even 30 yrs! :laugh: :laugh: And several others have said I look like Ted Turner! (Really? I just wish I had his money - he can keep Jane Fonda or whomever he's married to now! I'm sticking with the woman I married 35 yrs ago! She's still plenty hot in my eyes - and I'm glad you feel the same!
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    Baby steps...I wish I had something other to add, but the previous posters beat me to it. You've gotten some great advice in this thread. Add me to your friend list, I'll be happy to talk to you anytime you want encouragement.

    This isn't easy, but it's an investment in your quality of life that will pay off a thousandfold. One day, you'll find yourself chasing your child around the playground and tiring him out! And you'll look back and be so glad you did this.

    If you feel overwhelmed, just pick one healthy habit to add a day. Like, today you drink 64 ounces of water. Tomorrow, you drink the water and you go for a walk. And so on. I would make eliminating the drive thru food a priority. If you are eating fresh, healthy food, you will be more energetic, and more likely to stick to an exercise routine. All you really need for exercise is to strap on a pair of good shoes, and head for the horizon.

    You can do it!!
  • First: Glad your here its a great place for support, motivation and help!
    Second: Stop with the self hate. I know from personal experience it will only make you sink deeper and deeper and then you will just have a harder time doing the things you want to do! Focus on what is good in your life. Your family your friends anything but your weight and how you look because that is only a small part of who you are. You have made a great start coming here. You should be proud. Look at this as your new start. Be patient and work hard and it will pay off.
    Third: My heaviest weight was 280-285. I read your post and those same words have come out of my mouth. It really gave me chills. If you need any advice I would love to help.
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    GREAT advice here.

    Everyone who is successful has found a trick that works for them.

    For me, it's having something in the refrigerator that is ok to eat, whether it's something I cooked the night before, or a packaged healthy salad from the supermarket. (Trader Joe's is my first choice because they have salads between 170 and 350 calories)

    I also like the way this site adds my daily exercise to my calories and tells me I can have more food! Great motivation!

    Hoping to lose 20 lbs by my birthday (March). Do you have a modest goal?
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    You can do this. You need some time in the kitchen , even if its at midnight, you need that time to plan and prepare. The first 6 months of this year I didn't not have any fast food. I was afraid I would fall back into my old habits and I just didn't want to tempt myself. Check out my profile and my before pics. I understand where you are coming from. You can feel better. You just need to want it bad enough. It sounds like you are there!
    Best of luck! Tami
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