Does anybody do hot yoga?



  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    its like doing regular yoga in hell they heat the room up

    ... I just cracked up.
    yup. the first time it is. :) the second time in hell isn't so bad. :) I've been doing it off and on since 2003-04. It's addicting and challenging and good for your skin. I've never paid attention to the calorie burn until now. I'm thinking it depends upon your weight. For me @ 5'10" 150, it thinks i'm 730, but that's actually hard for me to believe. I do it for the strength training and the afterburn.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    ....... I've never worn my HRM in yoga (I don't intend on doing so) but I guess that's the only valid way to tell.
    A HRM is not gospel when it comes to calories burnt. Stress, caffeine, diet, heat, sleep quality, etc. etc. will affect your heart rate but it doesn't actually mean you're burning more calories.