Diet pills



  • worthliving4
    worthliving4 Posts: 29 Member
    Yes I just posted about us often co-prescribed with an antidepressant and is highly addictive. It does work but the side effects are to be seriously considered in light of its use and benefits.
  • LisaY76
    LisaY76 Posts: 76 Member
    Rasberry Keynotes were also featured on the Dr. Oz show. They don't suppress your appetite but the help to shrink and melt the fat cells in your body.
  • newmanmb463
    newmanmb463 Posts: 44 Member
    I've had the exact same experience with Strattera. It's been instrumental in the 70 pounds that I've lost. When I take it, no only does my appetite decrease, but I don't find myself having the "I need to stuff my face to make myself feel better" attacks that I used to get all of the time. In fact several times in the recent past when I would be sitting on the couch at 11pm devouring a bag of chips, I realized that I forgot to take my medicine that day.

    I'm surprised that they they haven't investigated Strattera as a weight loss drug...
    I went on Strattera for ADD recently and it has drastically reduced my appetite and improved my impulse control, making it much easier to stick to my calories. I'm surprised there aren't more appetite suppressants on the market, since so many drugs have that as a side effect.