4 for 5 challenge *always open* week of Jan 4 week 2



  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Today I

    Ate to lose
    Logged all my cals
    Drank my water
    exercised for 30 mins
    read a book Believe it Be it by Ali Vincent. It was rather motivating.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today I

    Ate to lose
    Logged all my cals
    Drank my water
    exercised for 30 mins
    read a book Believe it Be it by Ali Vincent. It was rather motivating.

    Debnu, have you earned your first pass (grace day) yet? If yes, congratulations and if not, don't give up, just keep working and you'll get it soon.
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Happy Birthday Chocolickkyss

    Today I logged in all my food
    stayed under my limit
    went to linedance class that is 1& a half hour class
    drank my water all 8 glasses
    went to see my brother he had a bad fall about 7 months ago fell 2 stories onto concrete he was at work
    my daughter took care of the horses today so I could spend time with my brother
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Thank you for the birthday shout out and I'm sorry to learn about your brother's accident but glad you were able to spend some quality time with. You are 5 for 5 for the challenge today, Congrats.
  • mrsgiffin
    mrsgiffin Posts: 122
    I forgot to post last night as well! Im sorry trying to do better!
    stayed under my calories
    did jillians 30 day shred level 2 and almost died!! also did 300 calories on the gazelle
    drank a lot of water
    logged everything in
    wtahcede biggest loser and the the bachelor from the night before!! Great day and night!!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    I have completed another day.
    logged all my foods
    stayed under my calories
    drank my water
    went linedancing starts at 9:30 and is over at 11:00 had 2 -10 min breaks
    went shopping to get some pictures to put in my brothers room to brighten it up a little he is a little depressed because he won't be able to go home for the weekend.It has been 7 months since his accident and we think he will be able to start puree foods soon.
    I weigh in tomorrow hope I lost some weight. This will be my first time since I started this.
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    :brokenheart: :sad: I didn't loose any weight this week I don't know why I stayed under my calories and worked out at least 30 min, a day,My scale doesn't have the 173.5 just the 173 guess I will have to wait until Thursday when I weigh in next week can't do it on Friday because I will be on my cruise.:happy:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    It will come, don't worry. Sometimes we just have to bump up the intensity a bit--take a look at what you have been doing and analyze it. Are you changing up your exercise routine or do you do the same thing every day. Are you eating most of your calories at one time or spreading it out through the day. Sometimes a simple fix makes all the difference.

    Good luck on your cruise, exercise lots, and enjoy yourself!

    BTW here is the new thread.

  • WendyTricia
    WendyTricia Posts: 81 Member
    I would love to be a part of this. It will keep me accountable - something I don't have right now. This will be great!

    I fell off the wagon so hard, I don't even have the energy to get back on it. But I'm here again, and I won't give up. I NEED to lose this weight, and I realize that if I don't set goals, I have nothing to work towards, hence the falling-off-the-wagon issue. :smile:

    I don't FEEL like working out, and I don't FEEL like dieting. There I said it. BUT, whether I feel like it, or don't feel like it, working out and dieting right will work ... with or without my emotions. I tried doing nothing, guys, and it sucks!! I'm back, and I'm back to stay.
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Good morning I weigh in on Fridays because over the weekends I am never home so I eat out alot so I have Monday through Thursday to make it up.Weighed in this morning and I have a new scale it reads 167 lbs but my old scale reads 165 so I have lost 2 lbs this week but am using the reading on the new scale to log on MFP
    Now heading to the gym and taking my water. Going to look for a saddle for the new horse today.
  • WendyTricia
    WendyTricia Posts: 81 Member
    So it' just a little past midnight on Sunday and I'm about to head to bed. I finally got my Jillian Michaels 30 day shred yesterday, so when I wake up in a few hours, I will do my weigh-in and then work out. This will be my first day doing the 4 for 5 challenge, and I am so excited!!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Good morning I weigh in on Fridays because over the weekends I am never home so I eat out alot so I have Monday through Thursday to make it up.Weighed in this morning and I have a new scale it reads 167 lbs but my old scale reads 165 so I have lost 2 lbs this week but am using the reading on the new scale to log on MFP
    Now heading to the gym and taking my water. Going to look for a saddle for the new horse today.

    I went looking for a saddle but I didn't find one but my daughter wasn't looking for one but found one that she had to have so she got it. I am going out again sometimes this week and look again.:love::love: Love to have a reason to shop.

    I weighed in this morning to see what damage I did over the weekend since I had Sonic yesterday and I am up .4lb. Will work on getting it off plus more this week.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Good luck on your goals and hope you have a great day:happy: :happy: :happy: