Epidural Cortisone Injection Anybody had one?



  • My mom had one done on her knee a few weeks ago. She's only in her mid-50's and was already having to use a cane and consider a knee replacement because the pain was so bad. She thinks the shot has made some difference. We went shopping yesterday and spent hours walking around and she didn't even have to use the motorized cart at Target :) And no, she is not majorly overweight either. Just has bad knees (which I'm pretty sure I inherited, oh joy).
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    I had ONE cortisone injection in my neck due to whiplash from a car wreck. I NEVER went back.
  • bcmlam1001
    bcmlam1001 Posts: 118 Member
    I have scheduled them 3 times and chickened out everytime. =( I am scared to death of them. My mom has had about 4 or 5 and loved them but her back is to the point now she needs surgery. I had a bad accident 2 years ago messed up 2 disk in my neck and 3 in my lower back and broke my leg. I have had 3 surgeries on my knee and as of right now need my pcl fixed. I am scared of the thought of a long needle not to mention the it will be directly into my spine. They were going to start with my neck which was just the trigger point cortisone then 2 weeks later they were going to do the ESI in my lower back, I live in chronic everyday pain and it is frustrating and people tell me I would feel a total difference if I would do it. My mom was sedated with hers and she said she barely remembers having hers done she was so out of it. I have never heard anything really bad about them other than sometimes they don't work. I hope yours goes great!
  • They really arent too bad, but I never had much luck with them. It was for L3-4-5 and SI joint. I think the best treatment I have recieved for my back pain is called Radioligraphy. I have had awesome results from that!!! I had that done 6 months ago. :)