When do you stop eating for the night?



  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I usually stop eating 'meals' about four hours before bed. :smile:

    But if I'm still hungry, I'll eat a spoon of peanut butter or a small box of raisins or something healthy!

    I've lost about 53lbs so far, & I find the fast between dinner/dessert and breakfast the next morning very beneficial for the flatness of my tummy in the mornings...it also gives me a routine & gets rid of any urges I have to snack on CRAP - knowing that dinner/dessert is the last meal of the day leads my subconscious to work with me on the whole 'avoiding night-time bingeing' thing :wink:
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    I usually don't eat after 6pm but you know the days when you have a late dinner 8-9pm.

    ^^^^This or I have trouble sleeping.
  • Crazibaker
    Crazibaker Posts: 130 Member
    I stop after dinner (usually 3 hours before bed), but if I'm hungry I eat something small. I refuse to go to bed hungry.
  • penniemh
    penniemh Posts: 124 Member
    As with others, it varies for me, if I've 'eaten right' during the day and have the cals to spare, I'll eat up till I go to bed. If I've 'eaten bad' or had most of my food intake at dinner (usually due to a crazy work day) I don't eat for ~2hrs before bed, due to acid reflux.

    It is a myth that not eating after a certain time at time helps with weight lose, but if that is what works for you, go for it. ((as a Nutritionist once said to me "a calorie is a calorie is a calorie, no matter when it's eaten"))
  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    I try to stop before 2100 hrs - I often do not go to bed until 2330hrs
    Other wise 0900-1000 when I work night duty!
  • SBlost
    Well I dont get home from work until 8:20pm so I eat dinner pretty late. I notice if I eat and then go right to sleep, I wake up in the morning feeling more hungry than normal so I try not to eat right before bed. I dont go to sleep until 11pm or so.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    That's a myth... you know that, right? It doesn't matter when you eat, it matters what and more specifically, how much, you eat.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Heck, I will get up for a midnight snack if I am hungry. Granted, it will be a yogurt or a glass of milk, but I will wake up so hungry I cannot sleep. This usually happens on the weekends after a long run (anywhere from 6 to 12 miles).
  • AmandaTheNewMe
    AmandaTheNewMe Posts: 83 Member
    i have my last meal between 3 and 4 hours before bed if I eat much later I get acid reflex all night.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I have a response that is along the lines of your topic....I went to a doctor's appointment and the receptionists greeted me and was eating a small bag of baked lays. We were making small talk and she was telling me that was her dinner, she was skinny as can be, she said her boyfriend was supposed to bring her her dinner salad but wasn't able to make it, so she had to make do. I said well you can eat when you get home, her reply, I don't eat after 7:00. I thought, hmmm, so that is how skinny people do it. You know how they say what would jesus do (WWJD), I say what would the skinny girl do (WWSGD). I don't always follow that rule or I too would already be skinny, but I am trying!:smile:

    Just because she's skinny doesn't mean she has a healthy attitude to food.
  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    I will eat right up until bedtime if I am hungry and have calories left.
  • berryjk
    berryjk Posts: 120
    I do what my trainer tells me. it may have to do with my early morning work out but she recommends having protein before bed like cottage cheese, yogurt, protein shake with water or skim milk, a spoonful of PB, etc. something about the protein keeping your metabolism working while you're sleeping, so your body doesn't hit that fast between dinner and breakfast and I'm told to eat within 30 mins of waking up. So that's what I do! :) Seems to be working so far!
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    When I'm done :bigsmile:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I eat a bowl of cereal in bed.
    Make that a double.
  • kay_meredith
    After 8 p, stop eating and when you feel hungry drink water!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    I have a response that is along the lines of your topic....I went to a doctor's appointment and the receptionists greeted me and was eating a small bag of baked lays. We were making small talk and she was telling me that was her dinner, she was skinny as can be, she said her boyfriend was supposed to bring her her dinner salad but wasn't able to make it, so she had to make do. I said well you can eat when you get home, her reply, I don't eat after 7:00. I thought, hmmm, so that is how skinny people do it. You know how they say what would jesus do (WWJD), I say what would the skinny girl do (WWSGD). I don't always follow that rule or I too would already be skinny, but I am trying!:smile:

    Just because she's skinny doesn't mean she has a healthy attitude to food.


    I have a good friend who looks physically in shape. He's skinny but with good muscle definition. Great abs and even has those little lines at the hips... you know, the sexy ones. Anyway, he is also prediabetic and has high blood pressure. So, how someone looks sometimes doesn't mean a dang thing about how healthy they really are.

    And since meal timing and frequency is a bunch of BS, I would have just laughed at her.
  • leoniedurbin
    I will 99% of the time finish eating by 7pm and usually go to bed at 10pm. If im hungry I try not to eat I think it makes me feel lighter in the morning and i feel like my metabolism is working better. Im 5lbs away from my goal weight after I had a baby 6months ago and gained almost 60 lbs which my goal weight of 135lbs has always been my normal weight. so perhaps as the last person stated maybe there should be a time thats not too close to bed time for people to stop eating I feel that it allows your body more time to burn off what you ate before you sleep???
  • kareinlib
    I think that the most eating before bed does is keep you up at night and make it more difficult for you to fall asleep right away, but for the most part it should be fine to eat a snack if you are hungry.
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    After my main meal usually about 6pm ish, seems early but I am in bed by 9ish,
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    When I run out of calories. DUH!

    No, but seriously, I usually stop eating an hour or two before bed because I have weird dreams if I don't.