Some people sparkle. Some pour buckets. How do you sweat?



  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I "sparkle", lol but I also turn screaming red. I call it my "Irish Glow".
  • _workforit
    I sparkle & shine.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    I sweat A LOT! I noticed one day that I had drops dripping from my wrists onto the mat under the elliptical. niiiice! although now if I don't get sweaty like that I almost feel like I did not do enough. lol
  • Erihppas
    Erihppas Posts: 121 Member
    I often slip in my sweat.. it's very embarrassing. I only wear black now. Colors tend to show just how much I really sweat. I'll go from wearing a lilac purple shirt to it being DARK PURPLE!
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm a glistener, so glad about that haha!

    Although on the flip side you do get accused of not working out hard enough because you are not sweating buckets... Sorry but my body seems unable to process your request, please F*** Off :) lol!
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I dont sweat thru the back of my clothes, even when running outside or doing high intensity cardio. It can drip from my face, but my back must just not sweat that much. Around my hair line does tho.
  • ksemien
    ksemien Posts: 133 Member
    I'm a bucket babe here. Could probably fill a pool w/ my buckets.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    i turn bright RED lol
  • jessicae1aine
    I sweat awkwardly. (I do everything in life awkwardly.)

    My hair will get grossly sweaty. My face sometimes sweats a bit. The backs of my hands sweat terribly. That's about it.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    Water drips from my hair!
    My shirt looks like yours front & back.
    I was wearing a black shirt when working out today!

    I sweat hard & I sweat EVERYWHERE.
    It's gross.
  • apocalypsepwnie
    I'm a hot mess. The more I look like a cat vomit the harder I've worked. But my face goes red at just standing up so people think I'm going to die hahah.
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    I barely sweat. I wish I would sweat more. I tend to overheat easily. Given that sweating is temperature regulation, I think I could do with a bit more. BUT I think my issue works in both directions.... I easily get cold too.

    My BF sweats enough for both of us though.
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    I sweat so much I can water bend.... :laugh:
  • crowunruh
    crowunruh Posts: 246 Member
    I pour lots of buckets! I am happy to see I am not the only one!
  • sammysmommy2
    I hardly sweat at all. My former trainer once told me that my hubby sweats so much because he puts his all into- THAT really pissed me off. My face will sweat and I turn red if I'm hauling butt on elliptical. That's about it.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    BUCKETS. :(

    So glad I'm not alone.
  • Fit_Vixen
    It's weird, but before I ever started to really work out & drink water (I never drank water before), I would never sweat. Now since I started working out I sweat. Not as much as the picture here, but damn I feel like a superstar when I sweat. It's something I never thought was possible with me. I'm a little more than a "Cullen", when I sweat.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I sweat buckets, but what's worse, even after I take a shower, I sweat some more.
  • SV17GT
    SV17GT Posts: 16 Member
    Not to bad .. I just wring out everything I have on every 10 to 20 minutes..It does make you feel like you just had one hell of a workout though. I'm not complaining though, cause I've lost almost 80lbs since last April
    MFPBONNIE Posts: 94 Member
    I sweat so much I look like Casey Tatum of the Uncle Muscle Hour - from Tim and Eric Awesome Show