Is it possible to lose weight without exercising?



  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Do not quit! It might be hard to control your calories but you can do it. And maybe while you're on the DL you can just shoot for maintaining instead of losing. But whatever you do, don't give up! Also, you may not be able to use your feet but you can still use your arms. Do a search for sitting type exercises. I know air punching is one of them and maybe you can still do arms weights - bicep curls, shoulder presses, etc. At least it will keep you active.

    OMG, AIR PUNCHING!! I can totally do arm cardio!! Why didn't I think of that. Thank you!!!!!!!

    This reminded me of when I discovered the boxing game on the Wii. I am not a fan of real boxing, but I tried to Wii boxing and SO enjoyed it. I hate to admit that smacking those big muscle guys in the face over and over was really therapeutic. (Perhaps I have some underlying anger issues??) And it gave me quite a cardio workout and I could feel it in my arms and shoulders. I am thinking I will go try it again today for a shakeup to my normal exercise routine. And for stress relief! lol. Hang in there with your diet and focus on healing. Anything you gain while you are off your feet will have to come off later, so try to maintain at least. Good luck!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Also, I find that if I do alot of cardio it makes me sooo hungry and I have a harder time with self control and making good eating decisions. Since I hate being in the gym I try to stick with walks outside, swimming, basketball, and things i can do inside and if i do go to the gym its for a quick 30 minute weight session.
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    You can still easily lose weight w/o exercise by watching your diet. I once lost 20 lbs just following weight watchers. Granted you don't get the tone and muscle that comes with exercise but you can pick that back up when your ready.
  • tomusiakl
    tomusiakl Posts: 225 Member
    You totally can if you incorporate a high percentage of raw food into your diet. It has worked for many people and if many more of us will do that then we wont need to be killing ourselves on working out so hard everyday. The DIET is most important. Start with a green smoothie for breakfast. Good luck.
  • DMSMaven
    I lost my first 50 pounds on nutritional changes alone. I've only recently added workouts for strengthening and shaping. So yes, if your diet is healthy and balanced, you should be able to lose weight just fine. As for the casseroles from the well-meaning friends and neighbors -- eat a bite or two to be polite, then either freeze the rest of give them to a soup kitchen! And you could even ask your friends who want to help to go to the grocery store for you instead -- and maybe make a healthy meal together?

    Absolutely agree .... I am at 48 lbs in 125 days with VERY little to no exercise other than my normal daily living, which is not that awful strenuous. Averaging approx 1600 calories a day and still losing on my way to my goal of 80 lbs.

    I agree that some strength and toning exercise would be helpful, but I HATE workouts and the such and I also figured that there is no way I would keep up an "exercise regiment". So I just use good nutrition/smart eating to lose the weight and hopefully keep it off
  • momof3kiddos34
    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! I am totally inspired to keep going. I was so ready to quit. The pain gets overwhelming sometimes. But I can do this!!!!

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Ignore anyone that says no - you can, I did. I never ever exercise and I drive everywhere. I did at the start for my first about 15-20 pounds but I have lost 65 now without exercise, just counting calories
    Good luck
  • momof3kiddos34
    You totally can if you incorporate a high percentage of raw food into your diet. It has worked for many people and if many more of us will do that then we wont need to be killing ourselves on working out so hard everyday. The DIET is most important. Start with a green smoothie for breakfast. Good luck.

    That is great info!! I actually had a smoothie with keifer, blueberries and greens powder this morning. Thank you!!
  • AronrFells
    dont let your ankle stop you. but you still exercising by walking in the house. if you have a swimming pool you can do water exercises
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    You can totaly lose weight without exercise. I am your living breathing proof. The only exercises I ever do is talking a 30min walk once a week. Thats all :) the rest is a well balanced diet without depriving onseself from any foods.
  • SadieToughLady
    Yes, you can. It is simple math really. Eat less than you burn and you will lose weight.
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 298 Member
    Don't give up! You can do cardio still by trying boxing and strength by lifting or doing ab work!
  • tombales
    Take a look at the HCG diet plan. I lost about 20 pounds with no meaningul exercise.
  • hilary70
    Hi! So sorry about your injury! Wishing you heal very fast and are back to normal soon:) Yes, you can still lose weight if you are strict with your caloric intake. DO NOT GIVE UP, it will only be all the harder when you do get back at it..I would get an exercise ball, you can sit on it and do arm exercises with or without weights, you can do push ups and all sorts of ab exercises on it, yeah you're not going to get in as much cardio but it's better than nothing at of luck!
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    Keep on keepin' on! Just stay on calorie can do it!!!!
  • bookwormwendy
    bookwormwendy Posts: 112 Member
    Yes, you can loose weight just by cutting calories. It really is about calories in and calories out. Unfortunately, without exercise you won't get many. Good news is, when you start physical therapy that will count as exercise. Best of luck.
  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    I wouldn't suggest you quit. I have chronic health issues including arthritis in most of my joints. When I can, I push myself to work out. When I can't, I don't. You can't neglect your body and make it worse, obviously.

    The calories intake is still important. If you allow yourself to quit, you will wind up where you were before you started the journey. Is it worth that to you? I don't know your story so I can't say for you.

    What I do, to keep my cal intake low enough to still lose weight is I ask myself what is more important: that yummy bite of food that will taste good for just a moment or the long-term health of eating healthfully? Only you can decide the answer to that for yourself. Think about it this way, too, if it's that moment that you take that bite of yummy, high-calorie food, the only way to sustain that reward is to repeat the cycle...then you are constantly feeding your taste buds and neglecting your body.

    It's a mental game we play with ourselves but we come up as champs if we feed our bodies and not our mouths! I am fairly new at this, as I have only started losing weight in late May. I've lost 33.4 pounds. I lose weight every single week. Since May, I've only had 1 real good month that I could work-out. I'm lucky to stand up straight or walk much of the time so I haven't worked out in a month and I've continued to lose weight. (Over 10 pounds in less than a month) I would continue to use My Fitness Pal and let it configure how many calories you should eat for your goals. If you can't work out, just don't go over those numbers! You'll be fine!
  • campbum
    i KNOW how hard it is to have to sit there unable to workout ..... i was there a year ago! .... i just stuck myself to maintaining and focused on that until i was cleared to work out again. id had abdominal surgery so working out was NOT an option. i would walk ALOT though. you can also weight lift in a chair will extending your good leg. do a boxing video only using your arms .... MANY options if you look. i couldnt do them because it uses stomach muscles i had to let heal and rest BUT i walked!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    No! With your lack of exercise it is even more important to have eating discipline. Otherwise sedentary plus bad eating and you are doomed.
    Oh, reallllllly?
    I've had 2 back surgeries and can't pick up anything (doctor's orders) over 40 lbs.
    I have a dead right leg below the knee due to a neurological problem, so on good days I can walk from the front door to the driveway without a cane; on bad days, I have to use a walker.
    I cannot exercise.
    At all.
    Sorry to hear that I'm doomed, even tho' I've lost almost 35 lbs.
    Take a chill pill. They said sedentary PLUS bad eating. Because OP was thinking about giving up all together until they were also cleared for exercise. You've obviously kept your diet in check sufficiently.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member

    Good motivation to exercise, even if you have to do it sitting down. Check out the workouts for those with mobility issues. the Para-Olympics have demonstrated that disability is no excuse for not becoming athletic.