Favorite Low Cal Snacks



  • anonymousKel
    anonymousKel Posts: 92 Member
    natural pro biotic yog ...lovely alone or with berries but also with agave nectar YUMMY
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Bump, Some great ideas.

    My 2 year old and I love apples, carrots and string cheese, these are our favorites.
  • ThatDarnZach
    ThatDarnZach Posts: 52 Member
    I'm REALLY loving snacking on a serving of raw almonds. The store by my house has bags of barbecue almonds that are 165 cal/serving of 25 almonds so they're FANTASTIC.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Re: where to find imitation crab meat in a store:

    I have used imitation crab meat in recipes at times, cuz of the lower co$t,
    but i don't usually use the canned imitation crab,
    but the kind in the freezer dept:

    Many brands of imitation crab meat are sold in freezer bags in the freezer dept, or sometimes in the refrigerator dept,
    here's just one brand: (not sure which brand i've used)

    In recipes, you can not tell the difference, really.


    I'll look in the freezers here, but I suspect it's another of the things you get in America that we don't have.
    *Plays tiny violin*

    We do have something called crab-sticks (very popular buffet food in the seventies!) but they're not the same thing - kind of preformed sticks rather than meat you could use in cooking:

    Maybe it's because I grew up in Alaska where crab was not all that expensive and incredibly delicious, but I find imitation crab meat to be really disgusting. It doesn't have the same taste or texture as real crab. I can't even eat sushi that has imitation crab in it because I can still taste it. :sick:

    Anywho, my snacks usually consist of
    Raw almonds
    Apples (I've fallen in love with organic and/or local apples because they don't have the wax on them and eat at least 1/day!)
    String cheese
    Laughing cow cheese with reduced fat wheat thins
    Pop Chips
  • swkittrell
    Everything sounds yummy!!! Keep the suggestions coming:happy:
  • thelassiemickyjames
    milton's multi-grain baked snack crackers (18 crackers for 130 calories) and babaganoush (40 calories per 2 tbsp)
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    chicken of the Sea makes imitation crab meat.. I might be in a packet and not a can.
  • NinjaBeth90
    For UK users - Special K chewie delight bars 95 cal...............Special K red berry cereal bar 90 cal........... :happy: The chewie delight bar is my ultimate chocolate fix, they're amazing. Oooh I also love the Muller light Greek style yogurts, Cherry , peach and lemon flavours... YUM!!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Right now my favorite snack is imitation crab meat. You get 1/2 a cup for 90 calories. I also love string cheese!

    What low calorie snacks are you eating? I need ideas.

    Celery sticks with just a smidge of peanut butter.
    Carrot sticks
    Wheat thin crackers
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Re: where to find imitation crab meat in a store:

    I have used imitation crab meat in recipes at times, cuz of the lower co$t,
    but i don't usually use the canned imitation crab,
    but the kind in the freezer dept:

    Many brands of imitation crab meat are sold in freezer bags in the freezer dept, or sometimes in the refrigerator dept,
    here's just one brand: (not sure which brand i've used)

    In recipes, you can not tell the difference, really.


    I'll look in the freezers here, but I suspect it's another of the things you get in America that we don't have.
    *Plays tiny violin*

    We do have something called crab-sticks (very popular buffet food in the seventies!) but they're not the same thing - kind of preformed sticks rather than meat you could use in cooking:

    Maybe it's because I grew up in Alaska where crab was not all that expensive and incredibly delicious, but I find imitation crab meat to be really disgusting. It doesn't have the same taste or texture as real crab. I can't even eat sushi that has imitation crab in it because I can still taste it. :sick:

    Anywho, my snacks usually consist of
    Raw almonds
    Apples (I've fallen in love with organic and/or local apples because they don't have the wax on them and eat at least 1/day!)
    String cheese
    Laughing cow cheese with reduced fat wheat thins
    Pop Chips

    Yes, it's definitely because you get to eat real crab all the time! :laugh:

    For those of us stuck in Cowtown USA, real crab is a rare treat. I only get to eat it once or twice a year. By comparison, we eat imitation crab probably once or twice per month.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    What on earth is imitation crab meat, and what is it made of, and why wouldn't you eat a real crab instead?


    Yeah, this may have been answered, but imitation crab is about $3 for 14oz, whereas real crab (depending on the widely variable market) can run from $20 to $30 per pound.

    It is most commonly made from Alaskan Pollack. It is basically fish puree with a little bit of eggs, flour, and food color to make it look like it just came out of a crab shell.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Re: where to find imitation crab meat in a store:

    I have used imitation crab meat in recipes at times, cuz of the lower co$t,
    but i don't usually use the canned imitation crab,
    but the kind in the freezer dept:

    Many brands of imitation crab meat are sold in freezer bags in the freezer dept, or sometimes in the refrigerator dept,
    here's just one brand: (not sure which brand i've used)

    In recipes, you can not tell the difference, really.


    I'll look in the freezers here, but I suspect it's another of the things you get in America that we don't have.
    *Plays tiny violin*

    We do have something called crab-sticks (very popular buffet food in the seventies!) but they're not the same thing - kind of preformed sticks rather than meat you could use in cooking:

    I was just thinking that too, that they probably don't even sell it in the UK. That's probably because much of the US is land-locked, while the UK is pretty close to the ocean.