Have you ever gained some or all of your weight back?

If there is anyone who has gained a lot of, all of, or even more of the weight they've lost, please share how you got back on track.
I lost 55 pounds and gained back about 20.
I keep slowly gaining and relosing the same couple of pounds but I can't get to the point where it becomes a habit to be eating healthy and to exercise.
Any tips are welcomed.
I just really want to lose the rest already.
Thanks so much!


  • bluefish49
    bluefish49 Posts: 102 Member
    I have done that a lot. Yo-yo over the years. Fortunately, I never gain it all back, then work my way down again past the previous mark. For me - its emotional eating. So when I am finding myself in a stressful situation, the gym is a good escape.
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    Take a good, hard look at your diary, my dear. You go days without logging your intake and when you do log in most days you fail to reach 1,000 calories. Unless and until you get serious about becoming healthy, you and those few pounds you manage to lose in between are going to become very well acquainted.
  • feathertouch
    feathertouch Posts: 156 Member
    I gained 1lb when i weighed myself today but I know it's because I have allowed higher bad carbs into my diet out of being stupid with what I have been eating :( Need to change back again
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    since joining here, a few pounds but then lost it again, nothing crazy. in my life ummm.... yup that's why i'm on here. for my wedding (14 years ago) i dropped 40+ pounds then over the next 5 years gained them all back plus some. been trying to get rid of the extra weight since but was never really motivated or serious enough to truly drop it. not this time though!
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    After being overweight and unhappy with my body, I worked with a personal trainer (so invested some big bucks) and had the body I dreamed off. Then I went through a "messed up" phase of my life (I came out of the closet ending a 4 year hetero relationship, was graduating grad school with no employment on the horizon) and gained a good 40+ pounds in a startlingly short period of time.

    I got back on track by admitting what I couldn't control, and understanding that one of the things I CAN control is how I treat myself/my body. I started a new regime from scratch -- new calorie goals, new gym, new fitness classes, etc. and made the journey one that felt completely different from the "last time". I'd reccomend trying out something totally new and different -- a class you never thought you'd try, for example, to make THIS weight loss journey not just a yo-yo from the past one, but a new and different one that doesn't need to be a repeat:)

    Edited to add: I am now back down 20+ of the gain, and on my way back to the body I had (and want again).
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    sure have. went up almost 40lbs in less than 3 years. that puts me at 120lbs. i gain or lose up to 8lbs in a matter of fays depending on what i eat. i track my weight out of curiosity, but im training for my health and strength. i have no desire to get below 115lbs ever again. at a certain point your measurements have to become more important than the scale.

    and i stay on track by doing what i love. if you hate running, dont get on the treadmill. if you hate pushups, do bench press. you wont do it if its like pulling teeth! try new things (my fiance introduced me to tennis....LOVE). whats the worst that could happen? you dislike it? okay, try something else! if youre excited about your meals and your workputs you arent likely to missone!
  • gwyneth5040
    Absolutely. I lost 20 lbs and reached approximately my goal weight using MFP last year. But then I moved to Africa for six-months, became sedentary and lost motivation to work out. I gained 10 lbs. I am also grappling to stay with the vegan diet I have had for three years. Ultimately, I think I will lose the wait again, but it's going to take a lot of patience and planning on my behalf.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I have lost and gained weight so many times, that if I had kept off all of the weight that I have lost, I'd be in the negative numbers by now. Persistence is a really hard thing for me. I'm an emotional eater, and things just seem to happen that get me off track. I'm on again now, and hope I can get it off for good. At 68, I don't have a lot of time left if I keep fooling around with my health.
  • jalars
    jalars Posts: 3 Member
    Ha! This is exactly what i did. Lost 20 lbs. Moved to Africa - became sedentary & started eating too many carbs. Regained 13 lbs and now I'm back at it. Always time to change and get back on track.
  • _workforit
    Consistency is key. If your workouts & diet are all over the board from week to week, so will your weight. Make it a point to work out 3-4 days a week & stay on track with clean eating. Don't cave, just keep swimming!
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    II gained 14 back from the 27 I lost but I had an injury (broken Knee) so I couldn't excercise - working really hard to get it back off
  • tammymeis
    I think the trick to it is an eating lifestyle. I learned through my FB team that how I was eating was not as healthy as I thought. And taking the processed foods out of my diet, as well as 99.99% of the fast foods, makes it so much easier to keep on track. The longer you go without eating those addictive foods, the less you want them.

  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I gained it all plus more back, twice. The thing is, is that I didn't even realise both times I had lost the weight and re gained it until it was too late the second time. Now it is mega hard to lose it. It seems like the more energy and effort I put in the harder it is to see the scale go down.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    About 2 years ago I lost around 20 pounds (using a site similar to MFP) and then started falling into old habits and gained back at least 5 or a little more. That is not a lot, but I was not even close to my goal yet in the first place. Last October I was fed up with myself and started again, found MFP (Looking for an iphone app), and lost over 35 pounds, past my initial goal by 15 pounds. The biggest difference this time was starting to exercise consistently. I stated with the 30 day Shred, then Ripped in 30, then started Couch to 5K and got into kettlebells. That is where I settled. Who knew I would love running? I ran my first half marathon a couple weeks ago. I run 3 days a week (occasionally more) and do kettlebells 2-3 days a week.

    With exercise, you can eat more (I always eat back all my calories!), and that made me happy, plus getting strong and fit is its own motivation!!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Yes, was at 230 and went to 190, then was at 245 and went to 199 and this time, I was at 276 and I am down to 205 and never going back!
  • KetchikanLadyDi
    KetchikanLadyDi Posts: 23 Member
    Was 190 pounds, 7 years ago. Got serious, stared working out and eating right and got down to 135. Best shape I had ever been in. Held onto that for about 2 years... and in the blink of an eye, I was 189. Sigh. Stayed that way for a long time. Was to lazy, to involved in kids lives to put myself first. Finally about a year ago, started back on the journey again. Decided that it is ok to put me and my health 1st. In doing so, I am a better parent because I am so much happier. I am now down to 157. Still have a long way to go and would like to see 140 if at all possible!! :wink: It is a lot harder now that I am 45 with hypothyroidism, but I WILL get there.
  • liittlebrunette
    liittlebrunette Posts: 90 Member
    I lost around 80 lbs 3 years ago and managed to keep it off for a while but within the last year I got sick and gained about 30lbs of it back :( so now its back to dieting and exercise!
  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    I have lost over 60 pounds before, but I gained it all back plus more over the last few years. I gained it back because I simply couldn't keep up with a healthy lifestyle anymore. I was crazy busy with school and working multiple jobs, I had a lot of family problems and stress in my life, plus I was flat out broke and had a difficult time affording proper food (or any food sometimes). Obviously I could have done better, but it did make living a healthy lifestyle very difficult and I just kind of gave up and focused on surviving.

    I got back on track this spring and it has been a lot easier because some of the stresses I had previously are gone, plus I'm not as ridiculously broke as before. I'm also a lot more motivated now after having some wake up calls with my health. Plus I saw some pictures on facebook and couldn't believe how gross I looked!
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    Two years ago I lost 25 pounds with weight watchers. I was wearing a size 20 women's jean. I started dieting and exercising and I'm currenlty wearing a 16 women's jean but I've gained 19 pounds back. I've lost 2 inches off my bust, 4 inches off my waist and 2 inches off my hips and 1.5 inches off my neck. I guess I have toned up. I still would like the scale to cooperate but it just will not. I am still exercising and over the summer my friend and I walked 6 miles a day at a brisk pace and I still could not lose weight. I've been seeing my doctor who gave me a prescription for an appetite suppresant to see if it could kick start my weight loss. To say I'm frustrated beyond belief is so true. But I know if I quit I will just keep getting fatter and fatter. I just keep watching my calories, exericising and praying that I will lose the weight. Good luck to you.
  • 87clovers
    87clovers Posts: 22 Member
    I have gained the same 30 lbs several times. I am working on losing the same 30 lbs again. For about the 3rd or 4th time. I think the different this time is I am doing it with moderation so I can eat anything I want and I am exercising around 3 times a week. Last time I lost it I was exercising excessively and had a very strict diet. This time its more manageable so I think it will stick even though I am losing slower.