Have you ever gained some or all of your weight back?



  • andreamkelly
    lost 100 pounds in 1999 and gained about 80 pounds back, lost 50 pounds in 2008 and gained it all back and then some, Started a new lifestyle instead of a diet in May and have lost 60 pounds so far, another 50 or so to go. I've never tracked calories before or my sodium. Now that I can track both without it being a major pain in the tush, I know I'll make it there and keep it off this time.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Ha! This is exactly what i did. Lost 20 lbs. Moved to Africa - became sedentary & started eating too many carbs. Regained 13 lbs and now I'm back at it. Always time to change and get back on track.

    Same for me except to a different country, my downfall is sweets (especially chocolate), got a much more active social life and I gained 22lbs. I didn't care the first year. It stayed stable and wasn't going up anymore so I was enjoying myself. Now I have decided that vacation mode is over and I can enjoy this place even more if I'm active.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    I just started losing weight last year. My goal was 50, I lost 28 and then started to fall off the wagon. I gained 14 pounds back. What helped me was a sense of renewed purpose. I decided to set up a new workout schedule, got some new healthy recipes to try, and said to myself "I'm going to do this!" Also my boyfriend decided to start working out again too so we both started on the same day. That helps a lot. I've been back for a week and so far have lost 1 pound. Good luck to you!
  • lollie1285
    lollie1285 Posts: 239 Member
    I lost about 10 lbs last year and gained it all back in a matter of a few months. I started a new job, was depressed about it, stopped exercising and binged. I realized it was making me even more miserable than I already was, so I stopped right then and there. Now I'm back on the wagon. It's twice as hard to lose the weight now. It just won't come off. But my body still looks about the same, so I may be losing inches instead of seeing the scale move, which is okay with me.
  • gorgeouskat
    Just keep smiling!!!!! you can do it, My weight came back when I had my hip replaced. Now I can't do any running or jumping. But I keep on trucking!!!!!
  • c_sheri_run
    I've lost up to 45# at different times in my life. I've always gained it back. I am now working on losing that extra weight for myself...my well-being and self-esteem. Too many people try to lose weight for someone else. My boyfriend is very thin and I was eating like he was. Now with Myfitnesspal.com I am alot more conscious of not only what I eat but how much. I've only lost 5# so far but I will definitely keep going. Logging my intake helps keep me on track. There have been a few days where I over indulged...special ocassions like birthdays or baby showers. Self control has always been hard for me as I eat from stress and boredom. Stress also makes it hard for me to take the weight off. But I am doing this because I want to feel good about how I look. Even after I get to my goal weight I will continue to log my food here. I am determined not to gain it back again.
  • louiesa55
    louiesa55 Posts: 35 Member
    about 3 years ago lost 100 pounds kept it off for 2 years last year let my gaurd down in gain 40 of it back. started on this lift change and so far i've lost 20 of the 40 back. still have 20 that i gain plus 5 moremthat i still need to loose. the only thing that i do is exercise mostly walking and watch what i eat and the amount that i eat sometimes . i allow for special days but not very often.:smile:
  • serenitynowww
    I've been bigger my entire life and a few years ago managed to lose about 80 pounds. I was really happy about it as it was the first time in my life I had been considered 'normal'. Cue life changing moments; Grandmother passing away, graduating University, starting full time work and the safety net of a beautiful relationship... I gained back about 40+ pounds in a year and a half. Something snapped in my head and I joined MFP and went back to the gym that day. Hoping to lose the weight that I gained back and them some and keep it off for life.
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    I went from 245 to 170 in 18 months - lost 75 amazing pounds.
    Then I went from 170 to 210 in 3 years.
    Then...I tried to put on my favorite suit for a special occasion....#%@#!!!
    Then I did something crazy called DIET & EXERCISE and I am back at 175 and in maintenance since February.

    P.S. - Maintenance is awesome - work your tail off to get there!
  • amenok
    amenok Posts: 116 Member
    I kid you not, i gained 100 lbs that i had worked losing from 2 years ago. I gained it back in the a course of a year. I took an accelerated nursing program and was never so stressed/attached to a chair in my life from school/drama LOL. In the process of losing it though, these pounds will def regret showing up :)
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    I lost weight last year - got to SUCH a good weight - was so skinnny/hot etc
    Then, slooowly and slooowly it has all come back over the course of this year, making me extremely miserable
    Can't believe I actually let that happen to mysled... I let myself lose all what I had worked for..

    THIS is why I joined mfp, to keep track of my calorie intake, and LOSE what have once lost before!!!!!