The one book everyone should read?!?



  • amp187
    amp187 Posts: 374
    The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins

    It will make you happy, you'll have a nice little additional perspective on the world.
  • lamoursuffit
    lamoursuffit Posts: 267 Member
    Every teenager should read Go Ask Alice. Kept me away from drugs, that's for sure.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Plato's Republic and Homer's Iliad.

    OK that's two books!
  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    SKinny *****.

    read it.
  • rockingallovertheworld
    Jane Green..........Everything happens for a reason.
    Everyone I know who has read this can relate to the character.
    Also I can't remember the Author but Ice Bound is a great read and a true story.
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    Wifey by Judy Blume. Read it when I was only 13 (still not sure how I came across it). Changed my life forever. You wonder why I am like I am. Takes you in on page 1.

    For serious sports fan read ESPN the Book. Unreal what has gone on behind the scenes behind this cable giant and the characters who have and still work there.

    Must read book of all time has to be the autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley. Classic and still relevant today no matter your race, color, creed, religion, etc. Read it.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    The Great Gatsby. It's still THE novel about the pursuit of the American dream. Gorgeous, lucid prose distilled into a short book.
  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
    Has anyone read The Jason Bourne books? The movies are great, but just wanted to know if the books were good as well.

    I've read a few of the books and I liked them.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    "Incident At Hawks Hill", "To Kill A Mockingbird", "A Child Called It", "The Scarlet Letter", "A Day No Pigs Would Die", just to name a few.
  • karynspeace
    Lord of the Rings. Definitely. My fiancé hates to read but he loves lord of the rings.

    He's recently really into the series "a song of ice and fire" which is also extremely good. This one has a ton of characters and it a little overwhelming the first couple chapters but it's totally worth it and ends up being easy to follow - I promise! It's also an HBO series that is very well done (and has lots of boobs if youre into that sort of thing haha)

    Edit: "game of thrones" which many people are suggesting is the first book of a song of ice and fire :)

    Terry Brooks also is a good author if you like this line. He has multiple books to the series.
  • HuskyMan3
    HuskyMan3 Posts: 527 Member
    Art of War
  • canoe_dude
    canoe_dude Posts: 29 Member
    A walk in the woods. Bill Bryson
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    I'm with every one who mentioned a song of ice and fire (aka Game of Thrones) by George R.R. Martin. :love: love this series! Also Jim Butcher writes a series called the Dresden Files. Those are good too. Happy Reading!