What is up with ________ at the gym?



  • rishonb
    rishonb Posts: 232
    freaking music at the gym.. just awful...
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    Also, what is up with these two guys who do martial art like moves and punch air between sets? I'm being serious-does this keep their heart rate up or something?
  • drthipah
    What's up with the people that sit on a machine and have to find the perfect song to work out too, make a playlist, don't sit on a machine for 20 minutes trying to find a song flipping through you ipod and then doing 2 reps and making others wait that whole time..
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    What is up with people who look at me while I'm on the treadmill at the gym? I'm running, it's like walking, but faster and more effective. You may ask yourself: "why is she running? there are weights here!" To them I answer: "you must have missed the hour I did working my triceps, shoulders and core BEFORE my hour run on the treadmill."

    *flips hair, struts out*
  • awebs89
    awebs89 Posts: 53 Member
    This made me laugh so hard
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    Old creepy guys in the pool area that just come to look
    That dude in the foil suit in the sauna
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    What's up with all the haterz at the gym, worried about my make up, because I go straight to the gym after work, you should worry and concentrate on your work out, and instead of complaining about superfolus bs that has absolutely zero effect on you.
    I said it, I went there, and I'm done.:smokin:
  • boomboomvagabond
    Also, what is up with these two guys who do martial art like moves and punch air between sets? I'm being serious-does this keep their heart rate up or something?
    I am picturing this in my head, I hope you laugh because it makes me laugh just thinking about it!
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    What's up with people just sitting on the machines at the gym, having extended conversations with each other while others would surely like to use them.

    ^^^This plus not re-racking the weights and leaving them all over the place.
  • SirKelsalot
    wearing makeup and perfume

    I'm leaving puddles of sweat and breathing heavy and you are gagging me with some obnoxious smell!

    Not to mention the makeup's melting off their face by the end of their workout... *shudder*
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    freaking music at the gym.. just awful...
    haha yea some of the music just totally kills my mood and makes me depressed and sometimes i don't wanna be wearing headphones...
  • SirKelsalot
    A slow swimmer choosing to share a lane with a fast swimmer when the person one lane over is more equivalent to his/her pace and then proceeding to swim breaststroke and take up 3/4 of the lane......urgh!

    Also, strong swimmers hanging around the edge of the pool where the weaker swimmers (le me) are trying to do laps where the side of the pool is in reach should they struggle.

    I'm a crappy swimmer (still go because I love the workout I get) and it happens to me all the time :( I get we all have a right to be there but they can see how awful I am, how I need to be near the side otherwise I freak out and die, and still they look at me when I try to get past them like it's some great injustice. Could they not just lurk a bit further out?
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    Also, what is up with these two guys who do martial art like moves and punch air between sets? I'm being serious-does this keep their heart rate up or something?
    I am picturing this in my head, I hope you laugh because it makes me laugh just thinking about it!
    It does make me laugh! But I still need an answer-whhhyyyyy??? LOL
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    wearing makeup and perfume

    I'm leaving puddles of sweat and breathing heavy and you are gagging me with some obnoxious smell!

    Well... a lot of people go to the gym after work so this doesn't bother me. I wear make up to work, I'm not going to take it off just to work out. I'll go home and do that.

    What's up with people that put the treadmill on the highest incline and then hang on to the bars for dear life? Not accomplishing anything sorry!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    It's pretty difficult to piss me off, unless you do one of the following:

    Douse yourself in perfume/cologne. I'd rather smell your B.O. than be choked by that fake crap you sprayed on.

    Cough and/or be visibly ill while still sharing the gym, mouth-breathing your germs everywhere. Caught a bad cold from a guy next to me on a treadmill almost hacking up a lung, not covering his face.

    Talk loudly on your phone/headset while working out. You are not only disrupting others, you are not putting enough into your workout and you're wasting your time.

    People who get on ultra-squeaky cardio equipment (24 Fitness has plenty of it) which is obviously busted but continue to use it despite the deafening squeal of unoiled components desperately trying to function.
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    Also, what is up with these two guys who do martial art like moves and punch air between sets? I'm being serious-does this keep their heart rate up or something?
    I am picturing this in my head, I hope you laugh because it makes me laugh just thinking about it!
    It does make me laugh! But I still need an answer-whhhyyyyy??? LOL

    yes punching definitely keeps your heart rate up. But they just do it to show off i'm sure. We heavy heavy bags for that.
  • boomboomvagabond
    What's up with all the haterz at the gym, worried about my make up, because I go straight to the gym after work, you should worry and concentrate on your work out, and instead of complaining about superfolus bs that has absolutely zero effect on you.
    I said it, I went there, and I'm done.:smokin:

    I'm cool with girls and make up, unless they are putting it on between sets!
  • KS_4691
    KS_4691 Posts: 228 Member
    What's up with all the haterz at the gym, worried about my make up, because I go straight to the gym after work, you should worry and concentrate on your work out, and instead of complaining about superfolus bs that has absolutely zero effect on you.
    I said it, I went there, and I'm done.:smokin:

    Agreed! I even wear my hair down when I lift, can't imagine what some people have to say about that!
  • SirKelsalot
    What's up with all the haterz at the gym, worried about my make up, because I go straight to the gym after work, you should worry and concentrate on your work out, and instead of complaining about superfolus bs that has absolutely zero effect on you.
    I said it, I went there, and I'm done.:smokin:

    I'm cool with girls and make up, unless they are putting it on between sets!

    This. I get it when you've just come from somewhere, but I don't get people who wear make-up just to go to the gym. I remember my PE classes in high school were full of girls who'd put layers of the stuff on before a class. :P
  • pooleekylie
    This. I get it when you've just come from somewhere, but I don't get people who wear make-up just to go to the gym. I remember my PE classes in high school were full of girls who'd put layers of the stuff on before a class. :P

    Well speaking for myself, I would hate for people to have to look at me without it. Trust me, we're doing you guys a favor. Just appreciate the beauty and quit *****ing about it. :tongue: