Tell me your pet peeves!



  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    Saggy pants that show their entire underwear: I did see this at a 7-11 and a cop walked up to the guy and said "Pull them up or I will cite you for indecent exposure and since we're close to a school you wil be put on the sex offenders registry!" The pants miraculosuly went up:laugh:

    A false sense of self importance!: Mostly in teens but many adults too. Everybody's the "Best" or "deserves more" just for being alive & breathing but they have yet to accomplish a damn thing!

    People who text/talk on cells and drive

    Celebrities, especially those famous for no reason: Any Kardashian, Paris Hilton, Snooki & the whole Jersey Shore idiot bunch. I have actually heard these idiots called "Role Models" disgusting!

    The celeb peeve is irritating.
    It does seem that some people now days don't work hard for what they want, instead they feel entitled to anything and everything.

    Oh that "celeb for no reason" definitely pisses me off. Those no good talentless hacks...grrr....they just piss me off.
  • Peezy4President
    Peezy4President Posts: 292 Member
    1) "Actually" people... People who know it all.. for example: when you say something, they say "actually" and try to correct you.

    2) "1 Up" people... People who always try to 1 up you... If you say u have a million dollars in the bank, they say they have one million and one dollars.

    3) people who complain about something and never do anything about it.
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    The tough guys at the gym that throw down their weights like they are hard *kitten*.

    And the funny thing is, the "tough guys" are always the one's making the most noise with the lightest weights...if too funny.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Cutting people off when they are speaking. Related to this, turning away from someone who is speaking to text someone, making someone speak to the top of your head because browsing the internet or playing a game on your smartphone is so much more important at that exact moment, and talkers who TALK and TALK and TALK and never allow you to reply and as soon as you DO start talking, they change the subject and talk over you.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    1) "Actually" people... People who know it all.. for example: when you say something, they say "actually" and try to correct you.

    2) "1 Up" people... People who always try to 1 up you... If you say u have a million dollars in the bank, they say they have one million and one dollars.

    3) people who complain about something and never do anything about it.

    Agree with all of these!
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    mine is easy. People telling me how to drive. I am an excellent driver, I know how to speed and not get caught, short cuts people don't know about, never been in an accident ect. People who tell me how to drive irritate me more than anything I can think of. Don't tell me how to drive and I wont be nit picky about how you drive :)

    I hate the back seat driver crap. I have to admit I do it sometimes..I really try to hold my tongue, but sometimes I get nervous.

    My ex complained about my driving and on this particular occasion I stopped the car and said "If you think you can do better then get out and show me."
    He got one foot out then stopped. "You're gonna drive off and leave me if I get out aren't you?" he asked.
    "Damn right I am." Funny how he finally got perceptive. At least he shut up about my driving.
  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member with ya about the "guys with saggy pants" hanging past there butts......little do they know that wearing pants like that actually started in prison to symbolism being someone's *****...I laugh every time I see someone with the saggy pants....and yes, I am full of useless information like that, lol.

    my biggest pet peeve is slow ppl......i cant stand walking behind ppl in a mall or grocery store that walk at the speed of snail and block the entire isle. annoy's the F outta me...get outta my way, dang it!! lol.

    I hate this!!! Or when you are trying to get through they just stand there.. Its like you can't sense someone there????? Really!
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    better yet when I start a thread...get no response or when I answer a response to a ??? on this site and get passed like say something abt the above lol

    Hah, this happens to me a lot too. :flowerforyou:
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    my damn neighbors kid (10yrs old) calls me by my first name and doesnt have the respect to say Mr. Craig

    Not cool at all.
  • PJtwo
    PJtwo Posts: 11
    Nice thread:happy: But I think I have too many to list, and many here have the same peeves as I do.

    Bratty loud children in public.
    People constantly texting, like they think everyone needs to know their every move.
    The baggy pants thing.
    When people use the terms "Baby bump" and "Baby daddy".
    People that want to change everything to suit them.
    Smelly people (can't they smell themselves?)
    The entitlement generation (people that feel they are entitled to everything they don't work for)
    People that are proud they showed up for work (don't expect them to do anything)
    Lack of customer service these days.
    People that feel rules don't apply to them.
    Face Book, Twitter.
    Watching a hostess texting while customers are lined up.
    Drivers that have to pass you just to slow down and turn.

    Oh I could go on and on:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • vanessamcinnis
    vanessamcinnis Posts: 204 Member
    Those fake people that pretend they are your friend and act like they are innocent when they are the complete opposite--You find out they did something awful to you and when you see them they act all innocent............I block and delete them out of my life as much as possible. You will see them out, but you act like the bigger person and keep your cool.

    I can't stand when people treat their significant other like crap and do/say things which are terrible. If your not happy with them break up with them!!! And some people don't have a clue what's going on behind their back.

    My bf used to shave his beard over my toothbrush and on the hand soap! He has learned not to do that again! haha
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member with ya about the "guys with saggy pants" hanging past there butts......little do they know that wearing pants like that actually started in prison to symbolism being someone's *****...I laugh every time I see someone with the saggy pants....and yes, I am full of useless information like that, lol.

    my biggest pet peeve is slow ppl......i cant stand walking behind ppl in a mall or grocery store that walk at the speed of snail and block the entire isle. annoy's the F outta me...get outta my way, dang it!! lol.

    I hate this!!! Or when you are trying to get through they just stand there.. Its like you can't sense someone there????? Really!

  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    when people talk on the phone when i go to take their order
    people who pre judge others
    selfish people
    spoiled people who complain about not being spoiled enough
    people who are 'flirty' ... for lack of the word i want to use
    people who are close minded!!!!!!

    people who bite their nails. but only because i bite my nails and seeing them do it makes me want to.
    open mouth chewers
    loud spit noises
    when my boyfriend puts something in a place that is parallel to where it should go, but not exactly right. example- putting the spatula in the cabinet to the left not the right side.

    working with children... its sad to say my biggest anoyance is what the parents pack for the kids lunch. seriously someone trying to feed a 2 yearold a whole sandwhich (1/2 a slice of bread is a serving size for a 2y/o) fruit snacks, candy bar, yogurt cup (adult size) apple grapes... every day we have to throw out like half the food she dosnt eat. which is wasteful, another one of my pet peeves.
  • polishmehappy
    polishmehappy Posts: 92 Member
    Number one pet peeve these days:

    FACEBOOK! (I can't wait for this fad to die too)
  • People who have to say a curse word in every sentence.
    When someone says "rum" instead of "room"
    When someone says "crown" instead of "crayon"
    The saggy pants thing.
    Parents who won't control their children in public places.
    People who type things with terrible grammar and don't even try to fix their typos.
    1337 (leet)
    Bumps in my hair when I try to put it in a ponytail.

    And A LOT of more things... :laugh:
  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    Basically what the title said.


    I should probably list mine!

    - Nose pickers
    - Loud mouths
    - Bad manners
    - Messy
    - Bad hygiene
    - People who color their hair rainbow colors. (no offense to those of you who do ;)
    - People who don't take care of themselves when it comes to fitness and a healthy diet.
    - Talking with your mouth full
    - Chewing loudly
    - Arrogant people
    - Girls who show too much cleavage
    - Guys who sag their pants past their ***
    - Foul mouthed people (I hate hearing the F bomb every other second)
    - Poor grammar

    The list goes on!

    wow u have a lot of pet peeves, you probably get pissed off everytime you leave the house lmao

    Haha no I keep my cool.
  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    The tough guys at the gym that throw down their weights like they are hard *kitten*.

    And the funny thing is, the "tough guys" are always the one's making the most noise with the lightest weights...if too funny.

    Haha. Yes I can agree to that.
  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    when people talk on the phone when i go to take their order
    people who pre judge others
    selfish people
    spoiled people who complain about not being spoiled enough
    people who are 'flirty' ... for lack of the word i want to use
    people who are close minded!!!!!!

    people who bite their nails. but only because i bite my nails and seeing them do it makes me want to.
    open mouth chewers
    loud spit noises
    when my boyfriend puts something in a place that is parallel to where it should go, but not exactly right. example- putting the spatula in the cabinet to the left not the right side.

    working with children... its sad to say my biggest anoyance is what the parents pack for the kids lunch. seriously someone trying to feed a 2 yearold a whole sandwhich (1/2 a slice of bread is a serving size for a 2y/o) fruit snacks, candy bar, yogurt cup (adult size) apple grapes... every day we have to throw out like half the food she dosnt eat. which is wasteful, another one of my pet peeves.

    I agree with you on most of these.
  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    Number one pet peeve these days:

    FACEBOOK! (I can't wait for this fad to die too)

    I am rarely on FB. It's just a networking site for people to rant and brag IMO.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    -anyone who says “real women have curves” or “real women are stick thin”. Real women don’t need to say cliché phrases to convince themselves that their weight issues (over or under weight) are not something the needs to be addressed.

    -people who call my ferrets “rats”. Ferrets eat rats, first of all. Second of all, if you are going to call my pets mean names, at least be honest and call them “devious little thieves”. At least that’s factual.

    -Men who wear their pants so low their underwear shows. You do not look like you are living the thug life, guy. You look like you failed pre-school and don’t know how to wear a pair of pants.

    What bugs me?

    a) someone who draws attention to my weight in public. This used to happen to me when it came to school-clothes shopping. I hated it thenn.

    b) the guys who wear their pants that low--I don't want to see your underwear.

    c) people who order pest service for their unit AFTER we've already been to their building this month (I work in a pest control company--we see this often).

    d) people who INSIST on having their building/unit serviced immediately when we've already told them that our schedule for the week is already full (which it has been--the heat brings out the bug life).

    e) people who live with us and don't bother contributing to the food or helping around the house.

    As to ferrets....I never knew that they ate rats. We aren't allowed to own ferrets here in CA; they are illegal.