Breakfast ??Yes or No??

I was wondering what people thing about the whole breakfast issue?,I tend to find a;am just not hungry in the morning.b;if I do make myself eat it tends to have an effect of making me MORE hungry,1-2 hours later .I also find I will go overboard with food during that day.I mean well over my estimated RDA.
Is it the most important meal?.Or are there some people who shouldn't eat it?.I think it makes me have a massive surge in insulin.Resulting in a massive drop shortly after.
Yet it I put it off for three hours this doesn't seem to happen and I feel more satisfied.
Opinions please!


  • missjessalyn
    The reason you are more hungry is because eating breakfast jump starts your metabolism. So you burned that food you ate. You are hungry for a reason. Not eating is not good for you. It just slows your metabolism down and makes it harder to burn off what you eat the rest of the day.
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    I find its not hunger really craving. I read something interesting about certain people not needing breakfast.These people seem to have a massive surge of insulin not long after getting up making even the perfect breakfast add to this ,creating the drop.
    Has anyone else read this???
  • sarahsummers12
    sarahsummers12 Posts: 128 Member
    What missjessalyn said is right - it jump starts your metabolism for the day - it is really important to eating something at least... do you eat much sugar?? When I used to eat sugar, I used to have hungry hippo days where I just wanted to eat constantly... since giving up sugar 5mths ago I don't have that anymore... I still eat breakfast but now I'm not hungry again until lunch and very rarely snack... it takes a few weeks for the sugar to get out of your system completely, but is well worth it I think. :-)
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    What missjessalyn said is right - it jump starts your metabolism for the day - it is really important to eating something at least... do you eat much sugar?? When I used to eat sugar, I used to have hungry hippo days where I just wanted to eat constantly... since giving up sugar 5mths ago I don't have that anymore... I still eat breakfast but now I'm not hungry again until lunch and very rarely snack... it takes a few weeks for the sugar to get out of your system completely, but is well worth it I think. :-)

    How did you guess ??.I do eat sweet things only in the evening.I cant seem to give it up completely am down to half a spoon of fruit sugar in my tea! just dont taste right without it. I will try harder
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Breakfast does not jumpstart your metabolism.

    Diet induced thermogenesis is based on total calorie intake (and macronutrient composition). It is not frequency or timing based.

    If you enjoy breakfast, eat it. If you don't, skip it. It's entirely a matter of personal preference.

    See here for a detailed explanation:
  • Ms_Steel
    I was wondering what people thing about the whole breakfast issue?,I tend to find a;am just not hungry in the morning.b;if I do make myself eat it tends to have an effect of making me MORE hungry,1-2 hours later .I also find I will go overboard with food during that day.I mean well over my estimated RDA.
    Is it the most important meal?.Or are there some people who shouldn't eat it?.I think it makes me have a massive surge in insulin.Resulting in a massive drop shortly after.
    Yet it I put it off for three hours this doesn't seem to happen and I feel more satisfied.
    Opinions please!

    I myself like to eat more later in the doesnt matter really as long as it fits in your calories, and for me my protein goal. I try to get 100 to 125g... i feel MFP sets the protein too low.
  • CentralCaliCycling
    Same breakfast every day pretty much during the week with a change up for the weekend. I enjoy it myself and if I miss it my hypoglycemia would kick in by late morning.
  • jazzi98
    I always have breakfast because it helps your metabolism. I find I can't stomach solid food in the mornings so I have soup :)
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    I NEVER use to eat breakfast. I do now, purely because I work out before lunch and if I don't eat breakfast I just feel tired and have zip energy.
  • blackcoffeeandcherrypie
    You would only have a big insulin surge if you were eating sugar or high GI carbs. I eat an oat based breakfast of museli, and I feel full and energetic till lunchtime. If I don't eat it, I feel hollow and like my body is running on fumes.
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    You would only have a big insulin surge if you were eating sugar or high GI carbs. I eat an oat based breakfast of museli, and I feel full and energetic till lunchtime. If I don't eat it, I feel hollow and like my body is running on fumes.

    I dont agree really. as when I have eaten its unsweetened porridge or strawberries and unsweetened natural yoghurt.Has noone read the info on this??? or was imagining it. I am going to find it
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    this is not the original article but its something to consider. Gonna find it :)
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
  • katieyarwood
    I eat breakfast everyday, im running around after two under two and walking my 13000 steps a day so i need it to keep me going.

    I have some weetabix, 1% milk, banana and raisins :) i find its nice and keeps me going till lunch.

    Since i started my journey ive eaten breakfast, lunch and dinner plus a snack more than i ate when i wasnt dieting but healthier :)

    good luck x
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    I never used to eat breakfast now I couldnt imagine being awake more than an hour without something even if its just a protein bar on the way to work. Its made a huge difference for me and my eating habbits :)
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member

    ^ was gonna post this same link

    I don't eat breakfast. It doesn't 'jump start your metabolism'. If you aren't hungry in the morning then don't feel that you HAVE to eat breakfast. Nothing bad will happen if you don't.
  • eatrainsmile
    eatrainsmile Posts: 220 Member
    Breakfast doesnt mean that you have to eat as soon as you open your eyes from a dead sleep. You can wait till you are hungry but if you postpone your first meal of the day till you are starving, you'll tend to overeat. Breakfast is important to regulate blood sugar levels so dont skip it but wait till you're slightly hungry. Oh at least it's what I do and working fine.

    If you think you have a crash after eating breakfast (insulin rise and fall), look at what you have for breakfast. The body doesnt get food in sleep so insulin falls down to a limit, when you have breakfast with fast digesting carbs (like fruit or processed wheat etc.) it causes a spike then it falls down rapidly and you feel hungry again in a short time. Eat slow digesting carbs (whole wheat), healthy fats along with protein for breakfast and you'll be fine.
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    Breakfast does not jumpstart your metabolism.

    Diet induced thermogenesis is based on total calorie intake (and macronutrient composition). It is not frequency or timing based.

    If you enjoy breakfast, eat it. If you don't, skip it. It's entirely a matter of personal preference.

    See here for a detailed explanation:

    I agree with this guy.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I never used to but started to "train myself" to eat breakfast a few years ago because I found that I just have more energy in the morning and at lunch I'm hungry, but not starving so I don't overdo lunch. I keep my breakfast small and light and it works for me.

    You need to do what works for you because everyone is different. I have a friend who doesn't eat breakfast and prefers a large lunch and smaller dinner. Whatever floats your boat and supports your journey in a positive way is all good.
  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 278 Member
    I'm not always hungry in the morning but I try to eat atleast something small... an apple, an egg... something. though I do get hungry earlier when I eat breakfast I see it a good chance to get some protein in early on. I just avoid all carbs in the morning (cereal, toast, crumpets, ect) as those kinds of foods makes me put on weight without fail!