The NOTORIOUS "cheat"



  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I also agree that a reward shouldn't be food... I think a nicer reward should be doing something fun.
    But also, I think if you're craving something really unhealthy, it's ok to eat something like that every once in a while. I'm sure I will crack and do that at some point, though I feel like I won't even enjoy it because I'd feel guilty...
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I think "cheat" days or meals reinforce the mindset that one is "on a diet" so I try to avoid that thinking. If I want to have something less nutritious, I will have it, and normally well within my calories for the day. If I go over on calories, I will try to work them off before the day is out. On a day-to-day basis, I allow myself chocolate or whatever and I fit it into my normal calories, so I don't generally feel deprived or desperate for a binge on something later.
  • mindphluxxx
    I don't have a set 'cheat' day/meal. But if I'm going to a party or it's my birthday or any of the other odd things that crop up where you know it's going to be hard to stick to your calorie intake, I just enjoy myself and get back on it the next day.

    At the end of the day, we all need to live as well. Life is not about dieting.

    I agree with this ^^

    It was my birthday last weekend, and I was really good for the whole weekend. I've had an awesome week so far, however this weekend I'm going to visit some friends for post-birthday celebrations and I KNOW I'm going to go over my calories.

    A little of something you enjoy does you good after all :) (It's just when it becomes a LOT it becomes an issue :p)
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I'm still one for calories in vs calories out.

    If you're down 6000 calories in the week and make it 5000 rather than 7000; you're still doing better than eating at TDEE all week.

    I used to basically have the weekend as a 'cheat' - generally 'good' food but more of it. This time I haven't and have lost a lot quicker.
    However, I've often found the occasional big meal to actually be beneficial. Maybe the 'reset' does help my body. And it's rare that after one isolated nice meal that I put on weight - quite often the opposite.

    Ideally what I'd like to do is for the 'cheat' to be after I've done a load of exercise.
    Cycle for over an hour and burn 1000 calories - suddenly a big meal is not only not that bad, but can actually be seen as 'healthy'; replenishing energy.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    I don't think about it that way. When I have a craving for something that is less healthy I try to find small substitute otherwise I have a smaller portion and have a large salad on the side. This is for life and everyday gets better and better.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    I can see where you're coming from but I don't agree with it. I read an article explaining the amount of calories required to gain a lb and the number was 5500. 2000 of which your body requires to maintain your current wait (maybe more depending in your muscle mass) sitting still. Another 3500 to equal that lb. 5500 calories is the equivalent of 9 pepperoni pizzas from Pizza Hut. So I don't think that one meal, even pigging out, would reverse all the work from the prior week. If I did it every day, then yes... Eventually those extra calories would add up. I don't know about you though, but I know I can't eat 9 pizzas... Even personal-pans.

    Saying that, I absolutely under no circumstances have any intentions of stuffing myself to the point of explosion. It is simply a meal consisting of not my regular healthy calorie conscious food.

    I used to think that too,
    then i read an article like this:

    thats a pound of fat right there in 1 meal.
    Admittedly Xmas is "special" occasion,
    but we used to have a roast dinner each week.....
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If your weight problem is ultimately linked to a lack of control over food (this would be most of us), then using food is the worst way to reward yourself.

    Also, it's EASY for one meal to undo an entire week's deficit.
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    I would just like to know......... who are we cheating??
    I have things that I want but keep them within my allowance most times. Then if I happen to go over every month on one occasion then I do not feel too bad about it!
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    i agree with the person who mentioned calling it a reward will lead to food becoming associated with feeling good. Eat to be happy.Rewarding being healthy/weighloss with food is definite no go! I studied psychology but everyone has heard of the classic studies of some poor animal in a box pressing the right button to get a treat equals pressing the right button more to get more treats...

    as for cheat meals... i dont really but i am a fussy eater so if im going out i will be extra healthy all day and the day after so i can have what i like off the menu, usually for me there is only one or two things i like on a menu :( so i dont have much choice... But then i cant honestly say i feel im depriving myself the rest of the time.. eating something unhealthy makes me feel crappy now, like my grandad quite often brings me a burger on tuesday when he's been shopping, cant really say no thanks he's a little doddery old man, but i cant eat even half of it before im feeling icky and really really not enjoying it. Eating healthy is making me eat healthier... so i honestly dont feel the need for a cheat day

    (sorry i rambled...)
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    If it fits into your cals for the WEEK and macros, eat it.
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    I eat whatever I want to.... this is a lifestyle change for me not a diet. I aim to eat healthy and exercise regularly but when I feel like some chocolate or a meal out I'll have it and not feel guilty or consider it a cheat.
    I stay within my calories for the vast majority of the time and its working out very well for me!
    I have dieted many times in the past depriving myself and thus craving all the stuff I wasnt allowed have.
    this time I havent slipped off the wagon once and am consistently losing weight and feeling happy :)

    Hope this helps you :)

  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If it fits into your cals for the WEEK and macros, eat it.

    "Cheating" is the idea of eating something without calculating whether it fits into your calorie allocation.
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    i don't have a cheat meal anymore. i had plenty of them for years.

    i stay within my boundaries and still enjoy life.

    Pretty much this ^^^

    Why does it have to be a 'cheat'?
    Eveything in moderation, but only if you have the macro's to spare :-)
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I know MANY people that do just fine on a cheat meal, but I can't. Once I start, if the past is any indication, I'm afraid I'll not stop. Not to say I won't cheat again ever, it's just I'm rebooting my eating habits, so until then, I figure I'll help my body out as well as I can right now.

    I can't cheat on a low carb diet because it'll kick me out of ketosis. Took me two weeks of hell for my body to stop craving refined carbs, and I am NOT going through that again. There have been one or two days that I have gone over on my carbs and miraculously stayed in ketosis, but the intestinal pain and discomfort of my body freaking out over all of those corn chips made it not worth it.

    I know that doesn't work well with everyone ("why low carb? why deprive yourself of the stuff if you're just going to binge") but once I paid attention to what I stuffed in my face and how it affects how healthy I feel, I realized that the bloated feelings of a sudden higher carb intake weren't worth it, and I don't crave that stuff anymore. I feel SO much better when my carbs come from veggies than if I were to eat the same amount from any other source, I'd feel a little oogy.

    Actually anxious about maintenance when I gradually up my carb allowance. I'll be excited to eat more variety, but if I increase slowly, I should be okay.

    In the end, it's all about developing your own healthy relationship with food. Food is fuel, and it does make a difference where you get your fuel from.
  • NyimaR
    NyimaR Posts: 108 Member
    For me Saturday night is (home made) pizza night. It's not a cheat. It's not a reward. It is something I can look forward to. It is also completely within my calories for the day because I do an hour in the gym in the morning. If I stopped doing it I would probably start to feel deprived, and end up off the wagon again. Not happening!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My definition of a cheat or freebie meal/day/weekend might be different than most.

    For me, it's not about a calorie indulgence or a splurge of junk food (although that certainly happens from time to time... I am not turning down cake at my twin nieces' 12th birthday party tomorrow), it's eating without planning out calories, carbs, fat, protein, fiber, sodium, etc. It's not rewarding my mouth or stomach... it's giving my BRAIN a break.

    It's going out to eat, and getting what I want instead of googling their menu and picking out the best choice. No way in hell am I going to Olive Garden, for example, to get grilled chicken and broccoli. I can make my own grilled chicken and broccoli. And I'm eating a couple breadsticks, too. I'm not passing on the rolls at Logan's Roadhouse, either, nor the chips and salsa at my favorite Mexican restaurant.

    It's having a couple of chips or pretzels if I want some. Just grabbing a handful out of the bag and eating them, rather than counting or measuring an exact portion. I probably eat less that way, anyway. And a glass or two of wine. A donut after a race. Not every weekend. But if the opportunity arises, I'll take it.

    I've been eating that way - taking all weekends and holidays off from logging - since I hit my goal weight a year and three months ago. It's been working for me. My weight is about the same, but I'm continuing to improve.
  • healthyCAL
    healthyCAL Posts: 41 Member
    I call it a "recovery " meal. I pick one meal about once every two weeks. Sometimes I'll even have dessert. It helps me recover physically and emotionally from restricting calories
  • SyStEmPhReAk
    SyStEmPhReAk Posts: 330 Member
    in the truest sense of the word, a "cheat" meal is one in which you (a) don't count calories (b) go over your macros and (c) just don't care what you eat :smile: if you are fitting a cheat meal within your macros or your calorie count, then it is not a true "cheat" meal in my opinion. there are days when i purposefully go over my macros and load up on carbs because i've noticed that doing so has actually aided in fat loss and weight loss. HOWEVER, that is how my body works and isn't necessarily true for everyone.

    i have a cheat meal/day every saturday after eating clean ALL WEEK (even during social events), but it was only AFTER i hit my goal that i started doing that. i can also tell you that when i have a cheat meal/day i go ALL OUT and i DON"T care what i eat!! when i weigh myself the next day i've gained a few pounds (mostly water weight). so what you've got to understand is that a cheat meal - where you go over your calories and macros - can set you back a few days as you work towards your goal. to see your weight increase after it has been declining every week may be disconcerning for some. i know of some people like me who don't cheat unless they've reached their goal or are close to reaching their goal. that way when they step on the scale and see their weight go up, they aren't too bothered by it.

    in my opinion (again), if you are a ways away from hitting your goal, you may want to wait until you've reached it or are close to reaching it before you have a cheat meal. if not, you'll see your weight increase and you've got to eat clean for a few days before you see a decline. and if you continue to do that every week as you are striving for your goals, it will only take you longer to get there.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Saw a quote somewhere on this forum...

    "You are not a dog. Don't reward yourself with food"
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,702 Member
    I stay within weekly calories, but try to practice intermittent fasting two days a week. I usually don't manage the 500-600 calorie limit on fast days, but do build up enough of a buffer to enjoy restaurant meals or social dinners on the weekend. I do cheat on my fasting days by eating back 500-600 exercise calories provided by a whopping cardio session. I guess this means I don't get the other health benefits associated with intermittent fasting, like lower triglycerides and improved insulin sensitivity. I also do the whopping cardio sessions on weekends so I can afford to be merry in the evenings.