What do you feed a 14 yo boy?



  • HealthIsMyHobby
    HealthIsMyHobby Posts: 85 Member
    This might sound totally unrealistic but, here goes any way. A few nights of going hungry ought to improve his day time appetite. Don't be afraid to set reasonable limits and expectations. The struggle will be worth it. After he turns 40 he'll be glad you made him develop good/healthy habits.

    Best of luck.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    'All the food' and then if that isn't enough, cardboard boxes should be safe as long as you don't give him the part that has glue on it. Seriously, when my brother was that age, he would even eat the canned vegetables when he ate everything else. Nothing satisfies it!
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    According to those tv commercial thingys you should feed them pizza rolls and tyson snackermajigs.


    I would suggest high protein foods with lots of healthy fats. Tortilla chips and guacamole maybe? With salsa too. Chicken tacos, chicken salad, etc...
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member

    Find out why he is not eating during the day. What is he doing with his lunch money (if you give him any)?

    Our lunch money here goes into an account that they use the number of when purchasing lunch items. It is also usable for breakfast.

    I have a feeling he just doesn't like the garbage they serve at lunch OR the line is too long to wait.

    I think I might start doing the "as much fruit or veggies as you like" and "pbj sammiches." Great ideas!
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    When I was in that age range, I swam 24hrs in a week. I would consume a loaf of whole wheat bread in about two days and a jar of nutella in about 2 weeks (the big costco size). And then what ever was served for lunch and dinner.
    Good Luck!
    Also for who said don't let him eat or " a few nights starving" would be good....
    I'm not a parent but that is really wrong I understand if you are saying moderation but not letting a growing kid eat
    hope your not teaching your kids starving is okay.