Crazy Cat People Only!



  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    My kitty's name is Angel. I love her very much, but we have been fighting over the middle of the best the last couple of nights. does anyone else ever have this problem?
    Yes! Just give up. The cat's going to win!
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Puffy was my first kitty. She was persian and siamese... She got in a fight, and was the kitty with one eye.. I would take care of that eye. :smile: She was my first baby. She had kidney problems, and passed away when I was about 15. Then I had Max. He was the Orange Ranch Cat, at my Dads. And I had a pretty long hair black kitty at the ranch too. He caught alot of mice in the ranch office. And then... My child Sophie. I adopted her from the spca. I had my eye on her that day. And she was all white. A domestic short hair. So this little girl started to look at her, and the local news were out there that day too. And in front of them I had to say, "OH Noooo little girl, I've already picked this kitten out. Shes miiiiiiine." Haaaah. And Sophie lived for 17 years, almost 18 years. She was my best friend and companion, my roomate when I got my first apartment. She was the reason I lived a few times, when I was depressed. She passed away Nov 16th 2008. I miss her alot. Shes in a white kitty urn right by my bedside. Sometimes I can dream about her and Puffy, like they are still here. I now have two female Pomeranian children.:happy: Much different than being with cat child.
  • I'm a crazy bunny lady :-( But there aren't many of us out there, it seems. I have a little house rabbit (she'll be three this year).
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    My handsome boy. Can you figure out which one he is?

  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    ^ ^ ^ he looks just like mine!

    My little lover boy is Thomas, an orange and white tabby. He was 7 yrs old when I adopted him from a local shelter 2 yrs ago, and he'd been in the shelter for 3 yrs.

    The markings on his face and the shape of eyes always make him look concerned. When I play my Wii he'll sit on the corner of the carpet and look at me with those eyes and he makes me laugh all the time. The first time it looked like he was saying "...ummm... am I gonna have to look for a new place to live?" Now his look has changed and it's more like "....really? ....again?"

    He was a lot of company when I was laid up with my new knees. The more pain I was in the closer he wanted to be to me, and the better I got the more space he gave me.

    We're so glad we found each other!

  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    My handsome boy. Can you figure out which one he is?

    Ahhh.. What a cutie. :smile:
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    My handsome boy. Can you figure out which one he is?


    Awesome pic :D
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Woof! Lol
  • I have 17 cats... I don't think you can get much crazier than that lol
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I have an awesome orange Norwegion Forest Cat that I adopted from the SPCA 3 years ago. He was 5 years old when I adopted him (I wanted to adopt an older cat because I know they don't get adopted like kittens do) so he's 8 now, but still very playful and a very sweet and snuggly kitty. He's a huge cat and has a really loud, deep purr (and he snores, lol! It's hilarious) and I love him to pieces.

    I hope I get the picture right.

  • Oliver is my 5yr old, 17#, tailless gray Manx. He doesn't have an ounce of fat on him, he's just that big! (Think just a bit smaller than a cocker spaniel). He loves attention only when he wants it, and showing his belly is a dare, not an invitation. Seamus is my recent addition; he's a striped orange tabby with a penchant for purloined chicken (counters, plates, trashcan!). He's also big for a cat, but skinny at 14#s. I got him after my beloved Graciela aka Gracie (longhaired tuxedo) passed away in January. She was 13 and had diabetes which was diagnosed last summer. Two weeks into twice daily shots, she was feeling so much better that she tore her ACL in half jumping off the couch while running. She had successful surgery last August to repair the tear. I found her the morning she passed in her sleep curled in her favorite chair with her paw over her nose like she always slept. She was with me through my first apartment, college graduation, over a dozen jobs, 8 cities, 7 boyfriends, and countless ups and downs. I unknowingly adopted her the same day my grandpa passed. I miss her fiercely.

    All my babies are super social; we throw parties with upwards of 30 people going in and out of the house and my kids are in the middle of the living room trying to score a headscratch. <3 my furbabies!
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member


    Or not. Maybe this time?
  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    3 kitties.... I believe they are all around 4 or 5 months old..... all are male.
    J.J. is the smallest of them. Dorian Gray "Dory" for short is an all gray kitty. Then there's Sprocket, who is JJ's sibling.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I had a cat I named after Captain Ahab's home boy Queequeg. The cat lived with us for 17 years..then one day she disappeared. I suspect she wandered off, and met up with a younger fast dog. I really wish i would have known what happened.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    One of my cats likes to curl up on my neck while I sleep. My other cat bites my feet. I love 'em both anyway. :-)
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    My boy is a 7-year-old mutt cat called Sarek. I'm positive he's part Siberian, but the rest? Who knows?


    My sister's kitty, Holly, I found behind our apartment last year as one of a litter of strays. They all have homes now. :)

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    back to read later
  • emilye72
    emilye72 Posts: 41 Member
    I am just an animal lover all together, but I have 4 cats. My oldest lady is Dixie she is 17 years young, I've had her since I was 13! Dracula is my sweet boy black cat and he is 7. Nile is always getting into trouble, and she is awful, but we still love her, she is 6. Gelfling is my baby siamese flame point whom weighs 22 pounds! He acts like a bully at times, but he is just a big lover, and he is 4 years old. How do you post pics in threads?
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    I have 4 or more cats....3 indoor kitties: Love~Bug, black and white short~hair, Sugar~Plum, grey~striped short~hair, and her sister, Amore'. The mother, Allie~Cat, is a beautiful grey, white and amber feral who lives on our little farmette. The neighbors killed her mother and many other cats, so, we took her in for awhile and she is THE SOFTEST kitty you have ever touched. After her pregnancy and when the kitties weaned{ at 9 MONTHS!!} she started crying and spraying sooo much we left her back out and "kindly" warned the neighbors NOT to touch her! {She is spayed now} We have other kitties that come on our porch where we feed Allie. Yes! I am THE CAT LADY of our lil town!:drinker:
  • I have 3 cats, One black kitten and 2 tabby! I say he's a kitten, he's not really, he's about 2 but he's just the youngest, also he's a small cat!

    Yay cats!