Crazy Cat People Only!



  • sheripoynter
    I have a 13 year old black and white moggy called Joey and he's beautiful and a bit crazy
    all my friends think he looks like a human and they say they think of him as a person not a cat!

    he cries for his little saucer of milk every morning,
    cries for his lunch at 12pm EVERY DAY,
    and cries for his tea at 5:30 every day! and sometimes pretends he has alzheimers and cries for it again if not everyone has been in the house when he got fed :')
    he cries at my bedroom window to be let in, cries at the bottom of the stairs if he's been left on his own
    he sits at the dining table with us all on events like christmas and has his own little plate to eat off

    pretty sure he can say "tea" "now" and "no" depending on the conversation, he grumbles if you talk to loudly while he is napping and has THE loudest snores in our house, he got ran over about 6 years ago, and his pelvis was shattered, he was missing for 3 days but came back to us :) he only spent about a week in the vet and the vet rang us to say to take him home because he'd never seen a cat look so p-ed off before! he's not as young as he used to be so has been losing a bit of territory to other cats round where i live, but we can always tell when he's won some back because he comes home all full of himself.
    i love him millions!

    his brother chandler ran away nearly 11 years ago when he was just 2, saddest thing ever :( he was a little monster and would attach himself to your feet if you walked to close to him, would trap me and my sister upstairs by being all claws out on the stairs, but he was also super sweet and would sit upstair with my little sister while she played on the playstation and would cuddle her cuddly toys! he had a little chipped fang and was constantly full of scabs and would sit on my mums knee to let her pick them out. he could open the kitchen windows and would be forever bringing home presents, and huffing when my mum told him to take them back outside. :)
  • 1969ned
    1969ned Posts: 219
    I have two. One older grey tabby and a smoked tabby





    Both of mine are rescues from the humane society.

    These are 2 of the most beautiful cats Ive seen:happy: My 2 are sisters, 1 is a black short hair and the other is a long haired tabby and white.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I have two-they are from the same litter. 11 1/2 year old tuxedo cats. Animal is my tiny one-she's about 6 lbs. She is named after the muppet with the drums, and the attitude is fitting. Angel is my heavier baby-she's about 11 lbs, and she's my diva kitty. She walks with this little strut and I swear she thinks she's wearing high heels. These are my first cats, I've never had pets before I met my husband, and I never realized how much you can love an animal until I met these two. They are my babies and I can only imagine what a mess I will be when they move on to the giant litter box in the sky.

    I'll probably have to be commited.
  • logdunne
    logdunne Posts: 132 Member
    You have never been truly loved, until you have been loved by a rescued black cat!!! I love my black beauties...Johnny Cash and Storin! :heart:

    I concour, we have 2 rescue cats, Drew, who is a black moggy and is very quirky, he gives affection like this 'purrpurrpurrdribblelicknibble-hmm, this hand doesnt taste to bad-nibblenibblebite' He is scared of anyone other than me and my husband and likes to sleep between us on the bed, or on my feet.
    and Daisy, who is a tiny tortoiseshell- she is a runt by looks but not by nature, she totally is the boss in the house, has me, my husband and drew under her thumb (metaphorically speaking).
    They sometimes like to snuggle down together to sleep and groom- which is really cute and rare as i understand it, seeing as they are different ages and not related.
  • Scottish_charlene_84
    I have a 7 year old femaleblack and white domestic who is overweight and gorgeous!!! Her name is Snowball. She is a big lazy lump and no amount of encouragement will make her move. She is fat and happy :)

    I also have 2 male tabbys who r Snowballs babies. They r five and r so handsome and lovely.

    Love my 3 babies so much
  • Scottish_charlene_84
    I have two. One older grey tabby and a smoked tabby





    Both of mine are rescues from the humane society.

    These are 2 of the most beautiful cats Ive seen:happy: My 2 are sisters, 1 is a black short hair and the other is a long haired tabby and white.

    They r gorgeous. Lacy looks like she could be a cat model. She is stunning!!!!
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    what?? not CDL?? crazy dog lady :laugh:
  • fierceangel1982
    My best friend growing up was an orange tabby named Tigger, he passed away when I was in high school and it broke my heart. About 9 years ago I decided I was ready to open up my heart to a new kitty and I asked someone who was giving away kittens for a black male kitten; what they gave me instead was a female calico. I actually didn't know that she was a female until after I named her Jasper. She has a lot of personality but can be very warm and affectionate when she chooses.
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    Awww...I love cats. I don't have one at the moment. My beautiful 15yo red point siamese, Simba, passed away almost 2 years ago and it was heartbreaking. My daughter gave me a chocolate point siamese kitten we called Milo only a few months after I lost Simba and Milo also passed away at only 5 months old. This was 1 1/2 years ago now and still brings me to tears just thinking about it.
    I haven't gotten another cat since, I just couldn't deal with any more heartbreak. I love to hear about other people's cats though and give my daughters cat plenty of cuddles when I go to visit her :)
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    Whoooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Only just seen this topic!!!

    My nickname is the crazy cat lady by my colleagues and friends and family!! I have 4 cats all under the age of 4 along with a year old puppy and a hamster!!

    My cats are Zulu, pure black and The Boss (he also sucks a blanket sssshhhhhh, dont let him know I told you), Koda, my only girl who is very shy and quiet, Ghost who is pure white, deaf and has one pale blue eye and one yellow and Oreo who is black and white with a "zorro" stripe down his back leg!

    If my house was bigger i'd have hundreds of the gorgeous little things!! If I won the lottery I would open my own cattery where they could all walk around free!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I currently have three.

    Elizabeth is a Siamese mix. She's 7.

    Harry is black, 23.6 pounds and 6 years old.

    Both of them were born in a feral colony that lived behind where I used to work and they got in some trouble as kittens and ended up in my house. Harry was 2 weeks old, no teeth, eyes barely open and needed to be bottle fed! When I took him to the vet the day I found him on the loading dock floor, the scale didn't even move when they put him on it. He still likes to cuddle up on my lap, but I think he still thinks he's a tiny kitten. He's bigger than the dog.

    And finally, I have Hadley. She's a tortoiseshell born under my friend's house in June. She's 3-4 months old and a little pisser. Literally. She's litter trained, but thinks my bed is a good place to pee in the middle of the night when I'm sleeping. So now she spends her nights in the downstairs bathroom.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    This is my only kitty. I have two dogs and two kids also, but she is the favorite.

    Actually, she was supposed to be my daughter's cat, but has claimed me as her official human, much to my daughter's chagrin.

  • jdressel
    jdressel Posts: 70 Member
    I have a 9 year old Tabby, Simba. He's very cute and smart, quite cuddly.
  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
    We also currently have 3

    Nikki is an 8 year old maine coon - she is the most gently and clutzy cat ever :heart:

    Baby and Butters are sisters and they are 5 year old calicos.

    We had to have our 24 year old calico (Missi) put down last spring as old age was finally getting the worst of her - I cried for days!!

    I love our cats, people say I am crazy since I am allergic to them, but I can't imagine not having them. My dr. told me I should get rid of them if I want to clear up the allergies, but I don't think that will be happening anytime soon.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I have a three year old black medium hair (although his hair seems to get longer and longer every year) named Link. We got him from a catch, neuter, release rescue - he was born to a mother who they caught while she was pregnant. Black cats have the hardest time getting adopted but I think they are the best!
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    I'm not really a crazy cat lady but I was at one stage, although it wasn't my fault! Lol

    When we bought our house, there was a skinny cat sleeping on our doorstep every night. Our neighbour said, His name is Frank, and the people who lived here before you owned him and moved back to Poland and left him behind. This cat Frank, would leave dead birds on our doorstep as a gift to us, so my fiance and I decided we would feed him. He preferred to stay outside, he'd become adjusted to being an outdoor cat and he was quite nervous so we were happy to just put food out for him everyday.

    Anyway after a few months, Frank went missing. We hadn't seen him in a few days but we were afraid to stop putting out his food in case he came back and thought we'd left him. So when a little tabby cat turned up and started eating Franks food, we didn't mind :)

    After a month or so I opened the front door to feed Tabby (now known as Mama-cat) and there was a little scraggly skinny sick looking kitten beside her (now known as BamBam, Bandit or BooBoo lol). We contacted the shelter, got a trap-cage, and one by one we trapped 5 cat-flu riddled kittens, about 11 weeks old. Because they had cat-flu, the shelter couldn't take them, due to how contagious they were. So, we fostered them for 6 months and we tamed them as best as we could, they were feral and terrified and very sick. We had weekly vet appointments and I injected each of them twice a day with antibiotics, cleaned their eyes and gave drops 3 times a day, syringed them with more antibiotics and shoved tablets down their throats. This was our routine for 6 months, 5 litter trays, 5 food bowls etc. They lived in a spare room in our house.

    At Christmas we knew it was time to let them go, so the shelter took 3 of them (Stella, JWoww and Blackie Chan) to live there permanently (we weren;t able to tame them enough for them to be adoptable)

    Bowie went to live in his forever home with a lovely lady, sadly he was run over by a train a few months later :(

    And BamBam stayed with us. We had become very attached to him as he was the 'runt' and the sickest, even though he's one of the biggest cats now that I've ever seen lol. He grew up with my 2 dogs, and so he's much like a dog himself, he plays fetch :) His respitory system was badly affected by cat flu and he almost lost an eye, he also can't/doesn't meow, he just walks around going 'maa-MAA? ma-MAA?' lol

    A while after that, we fostered Milo, again a very sick little cat. He had a lot of problems and we did everything we could to bring him back to health after ringworm turned him into a skeletal bag of bones. We syringed him with milk until he developed a small appetite, he put on some weight, but then went backwards and had to be put to sleep. The vet said he had a virus that she only comes across once or twice a year, something really rare,

    After Milo, we fostered Daisy, a young white deaf cat. She walked around the house all day making noises like Chewbacca lol. We had her until my fiance died in April and I had to give her back. She's still in the care of the shelter, hopefully someone will take pity on her one day and give her a forever home.

    I'm considering fostering again soon, as my fiance and I got a lot of good feeling from it. Cats are mostly easily to take care of, and I'm now experienced in injecting antibiotics and that can be helpful to the shelter when they have a sick kitty needing one-on-one care

    I'd recommend fostering to anyone who has a little love to give :)

    That's my crazy cat lady story lol



    BAMBAM AFTER (1 year later)
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I have two cats, a six year old striped shorthaired cat with a white underbelly named Tigger and a seven year old grey, british shorthair named Phoebe. They are polar opposites, but I love them both.
  • innocenceportrayed
    We live on 10 acres so we have with 2 we have barn cats. I personally have 3 inside/outside cats but the rest are barn cats....(13 cats).
    They ALL have names.
    Our oldest cat, the first one, I got when I was 8, she's 14 now, Tigger.
    The youngest is my profile picture, he's about 6 months, his name is Monster.

    <3 I love them all.
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    My cat's Zain and he's three. He is more like a dog than a cat - super needy and follows me from room to room like I'm the mother hen. I love him a ridiculous amount - to the point where I wonder if I will ever have children as all my mothering instincts seem to be taken up with my cat...
  • LeslieC1970
    I have a 18 yr old persian named Tie and a 9 yr old grey tabby named Damian. Both are my babies and I enjoy them every day even when I have to clean up the hairballs.