What benefits are you noticing??



  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm also sleeping much better and usually wake up before the alarm goes off. And I never EVER get heartburn anymore.
  • caro1275
    caro1275 Posts: 198 Member
    My job requires me to be on my feet all day and I have the energy to not only do my job but love it!! I feel like a different person and I am not even halfway to my goal. People have commented on it!
  • quietasariot
    quietasariot Posts: 198 Member
    I sleep SO much better now. Even on my non-workout days, I sleep pretty good! I used to have horrible insomnia.

    I don't get sick very often. I think the last time I had a cold was... well! I can't remember! :)

    I had a skin discoloration called "tinea versicolor". Basically yeast/fungal infection of the skin brought on by humidity and can be exacerbated by excessive sugar intake (which makes the yeast multiply). I don't know when it went away, but sometime in the course of me cleaning up my diet AND losing weight, the skin disorder is GONE!

    I like not seeing double chins in the mirror anymore. That usually cheers me right up if I'm having a cruddy day.

    My husband is just ALL OVER me. I mean, he has always been really, really attracted to me but now that I weigh less than when we met, he is just crazy. It can get kind of irritating but most of the time it's GREAT! :)
  • Love it when others mention I've lost weight.
    Love it when I look in the mirror and don't see double chins.
    Love wearing trousers I haven't fitted in for 5 years.
    Started Cycling around the same time I started MFP and I think I'm addicted. Just want to go further and further every ride. It's tough but the buzz on the home straight after 40 miles last week in the wind and rain was something I haven't experienced since my teens. Not loving my sore backside after 40 miles though :)